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How Does this Happen?

that's racist on so many levels .. and across the spectrum !!!

well. Bollywood has punjabi actors mostly. A lot of technicians from the South.

You have your Asin or Sri Devi once in a while and that is it.
well. Bollywood has punjabi actors mostly. A lot of technicians from the South.

You have your Asin or Sri Devi once in a while and that is it.

I think u have been isolated far too long on a tiny island:lol:
partition was based on this belief that hindus and muslims can't live together in peace . Time will teach people that this belief was a big mistake and it has already begun .

Clearly it was not a mistake. A fanatical hindu extremist of RSS credentials/backing won an election in that country. That's all we need to know about this country to our east, and its voters.

Many indians still dwell over 1947, but Pakistanis and the rest of the sub-continent have moved on. Maybe some emotional/hurt indians should learn to move on as well. The Muslim League worked hard for the independence of Pakistan from Great Britain and its satellite state which became known as "india" on 1947
get lost u southie:mad:
None can withstand the superior aryans here,,,especially after they become more superior with help of fair and lovely:p:

Okies :-) see you around unless you get banned again.

Miss your scooter wallah sardar already :D
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