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How Do You View America?

How do Iranians view America?

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I assume you are a Iranian living in USA?

Indians are not trustworthy < how does that sound to you?

No one is trustworthy!!! There is a saying, "There are no permanent friends nor enemy, only permanent profit!" Can you find any closer relationship than U.S. and Israel? Jonathan Pollard, Rosen, . . . ring a bell and vice versa? Again, no one is trustworthy!! :hitwall:
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Americas government, just like china's and russias shouldnt be trusted as theyre an imperialist nation with an agenda, at best they should be used to do business with, but politically we should distance ourselves from them and stay neutral is what I would advise.

Also culturally they pose a threat aswell id say.

It seems that we have done something to Iran..Why you have such a feeling?
I suddenly release when your country is contained by the west,Chinese and Russian government actually give the veto for the sanction to your country.That is the return?
I assume you are a Iranian living in USA?
It seems that we have done something to Iran..Why you have such a feeling?
I suddenly release when your country is contained by the west,Chinese and Russian government actually give the veto for the sanction to your country.That is the return?

In my opinion, no one does anything for anyone for nothing!!! Rest assured that Iran has paid a large price for this veto and both China and Russia didn't veto because of the goodness of their heart! The main companies that are drilling oil in Iran are Chinese, granted the rest can't because of the embargo! Due to the USD sanctions, China is blocking Iran's funds in exchange for imports from China only. They will not wire transfer the funds to another country for Iran purchases. The goods brought in from China is of low quality now whether it is the Iranian merchants fault or not, is another story. Military wise, they only sell the outdated equipment to Iran like the J-7 fighter.
Russians, well historically Iran has never seen an honest side to them! They don't offer support to their sold weaponry especially aircrafts and when comes to a good defense contract like the S-300, they back out of it. Altogether, the Russians have never been "trustworthy" when has come to Iran!!
In short, both China and Russia are playing the "Iran Card" to their advantage to negotiate with the U.S. From my point of view in terms of politics, they are doing their best in milking Iran to their benefit which is fine and how it should be. As said, everyone is looking for their own interests. U.S. idiotic policies towards Iran has driven them into the arms of China and Russia

In my opinion, no one does anything for anyone for nothing!!! Rest assured that Iran has paid a large price for this veto and both China and Russia didn't veto because of the goodness of their heart! The main companies that are drilling oil in Iran are Chinese, granted the rest can't because of the embargo! Due to the USD sanctions, China is blocking Iran's funds in exchange for imports from China only. They will not wire transfer the funds to another country for Iran purchases. The goods brought in from China is of low quality now whether it is the Iranian merchants fault or not, is another story. Military wise, they only sell the outdated equipment to Iran like the J-7 fighter.
Russians, well historically Iran has never seen an honest side to them! They don't offer support to their sold weaponry especially aircrafts and when comes to a good defense contract like the S-300, they back out of it. Altogether, the Russians have never been "trustworthy" when has come to Iran!!
In short, both China and Russia are playing the "Iran Card" to their advantage to negotiate with the U.S. From my point of view in terms of politics, they are doing their best in milking Iran to their benefit which is fine and how it should be. As said, everyone is looking for their own interests. U.S. idiotic policies towards Iran has driven them into the arms of China and Russia

I agree with your point partially.
But firstly,Chinese goods are not only for lower quality.The quality depends on your price.I think the large amount of trade volume between China and USA could prove this thing.If as you said,Chinese goods quality is lower,why those people are still purchasing?Why our exportation volume is still bigger and bigger?
Secondly,about the blocking the funds,I still have no idea.If possible,give me a link and I would get more.
Iran has its own Choice to sell how much amount of their oil even Chinese is controlling some as well as has own choice to buy what kind of product from China.There are a lot of foreign brand goods are produced and traded in China as well.I don't think it is a big problem.In my opinion,even China is blocking the fund ,it must be because political reason.Because China government is not that short-sighted,lose a friend just because of that trade volume.Iranian needs to survive.
Anyway China is helping Iran to get through the trouble somewhat even as you said there must be own interest among.
I did emphasize:
The goods brought in from China is of low quality now whether it is the Iranian merchants fault or not, is another story.
Anyway, Chinese never say to you "No" when you want to order a product. You will ask for price and they will say for instance USD10.00 and you will bargain with USD9.00 and they say yes. You asked for USD7.00 and they still say yes but the difference is in quality! The USD7.00 item has no longer the USD10.00 quality!
Anyway, about the blocked funds the story is China is buying the qty is requires and Iran is selling without a problem. The issue is the transfer of funds which China does not do because of the embargo excuse set by U.S. As a result, China keeps the funds and in exchange sends goods to Iran (Barter System); hence, enforcing a presale of goods. In short, Iran can't spent its money as it sees fit and limited to purchases from China. In politics you keep up a friendly face and screw the guy in another way!! The same barter system follows with India as well or other counties that purchase Iran's oil in large volume.
As for links, just google it: Iran + oil revenue + barter system
Altogether and in general, in the Middle East, the Arabian people are not fond of the Americans unlike their respective government; however, with Iran it is the opposite. The government is not fond of U.S. while the people have a different view. As for the governments, I believe they are not much different than one another; except that U.S. has finesse (most of the times) in their behavior compare to the Iranian regime!!

This sums it all.. No other explanation needed.. :tup:

On the other hand Saudi's and Americans would be the most alien to each other, But their rulers are bum buddies for obvious reasons.. This world is full of ironies (No pun intended)
Indians are not trustworthy < how does that sound to you?

Ain't that the truth ! :whistle:

Wait we're not trustworthy either ! :(

How could Van Persie join Manchester United after being an Arsenal man through and through....the Dutch are not trustworthy either ! :mad:

So Brother hows life treating you ? :)
The Dutch are notoriously unrealiable . How else could it be that your Dutch uncle talked double Dutch the Dutch bargain he made on some Dutch gold. Its a Dutch comfort that after having gotten up some Dutch courage - naturally a Dutch treat - he put up a Dutch defence. ;-)
The Dutch are notoriously unrealiable . How else could it be that your Dutch uncle talked double Dutch the Dutch bargain he made on some Dutch gold. Its a Dutch comfort that after having gotten up some Dutch courage - naturally a Dutch treat - he put up a Dutch defence. ;-)

He also set up a "Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwich" tax structure for his company, and only paid an effective tax rate of 3% last yaer.
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