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How do Pakistanis and Indians Perceive Each Other?


Pakistani are not indoctrinated to hate Hindu in schools, colleges and universities. Islam does not teach Muslims to hate Hindu either but to NOT marry and intermingle with them.

How about you focus on how Hindutva treat Muslims in India?

This is your former Chief Justice of Pakistan, not any politician, not any other common man; a man of oath and someone who is supposed to be impartial to every single citizen as enshrined in the constitution.

Hear @0:20 onwards.

If a well read, highly educated, experienced sexagenarian, who has seen the world and who is considered to be the wisest of all in Pakistan by virtue of being CJP, possesses such disgust for his own countrymen that he can't even name them, what to even think of the plebeians!
“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.

~Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison for opposing South Africa's apartheid system. He faced harsh conditions meant to break his resolve, but Mandela refused to give up his efforts to achieve equality for all people, and harbored no hate.
Thread has turned cold.

Yes, hate is not something of an emotional, sentimental quality to be proud of.

It devors, yes thought of revenge can give one high energy levels, like to prove a point to some adversary, to be successful when other wanted one to be a failure, such thoughts.
Maybe you need to look up the next time there is a Pakistani airliner crash or natural disaster, they celebrate in droves.
And all of those are scum bags. If they are on the forum they should be banned. But about the forum, Did Pakistanis on this forum celebrate 26/11? Were those individuals elevated to professional ranks here? @SQ8

In the west, we have a common enemy, the racists and the bigots.
They don't care if we are Pak/Indian/Bengali, they just hate brown people.

The Hindus who have lived in the west for generations, are better than those who came over recently from India.
The Indian Hindus who have been here for generation are influenced by Hinduvita,
But with the new recent Hindu arrivals, they have been fully brainwashed.
This is also noted by westerners of all backgrounds.

There is always an under current of unease, that makes it way to the surface.
See the events below, this is very recent and a good example of the ground realities in the west,
When it comes to Indian / Pakistani co-existence. We never have issues with Indian Muslims .


Also in the west, we are not massively outnumbered by Hindus.
They are cowards, can't and wont fight.

We Pakistanis would tear them apart in the UK and they know it.
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And all of those are scum bags. If they are on the forum they should be banned. But about the forum, Did Pakistanis on this forum celebrate 26/11? Were those individuals elevated to professional ranks here? @SQ8
View attachment 894384

Not aware of this professional but the key issue is that hatred from both sides is always justified in the light of another injustice.

26/11 was glorified on the pretext that Indian security forces murder Kashmiris on a regular basis and therefore it somehow makes Indian civilians fair game - so then if that was fair game then the death of Pakistanis is fair game to be celebrated.

This Chicken and egg game can be taken as far back into partition to justify or more vociferously taken to Mohammad Bin Qasim landing in Sindh depending on whatever floats that individuals boat.

However, I will maintain that compared to ANY.. (and am prepared to run a test if needed) Indian run forum - PDF with it’s different individuals making independent decisions at times have been fairer to visiting Indians than any Indian has been to a Pakistani on an Indian forum.
Islam does not teach Muslims to hate Hindu either but to NOT marry and intermingle with them.
A person could conceivably be from a Hindu family and believe in Allah. Islam does not prohibit intermingling with any community [Quran 25-63], and also Islam prohibits cutting off family ties.

Makkah Muslims had been forced to leave Makkah for Medinah. Islam is not a cover for nationalism and racism, and must not be used as such. Example, two-nation theory, which is an ideology contradictory to Islam.
I don't even care about the background but tf is wrong with his sasta kanjar like moves, he should kill himself just for that

This is the traditional style for men especially for northerners- 2:20

his on the other hand was very faggot -y

Didn't wanna post on this dumb thread which from my experience is not true and is just OP running streak of retarted behavior showing up, couldn't care less

but couldn't hold myself from critiquing his Gay moves
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" Adnan, a ten-year-old student of seventh standard, was sitting amongst these children,

Reading all the statements and accounts (by whosoever wrote this book) gave me the feeling of made up stories at its best. Then I came across this one statement above and it gave me the comfort that this educationist whosoever he / she is, is just trying to sell horseshit about how Pakistani children are brainwashed to hate Hindus (this what it basically is about, mentioning Hindu diety, tilak, Garland, as if there are no Muslims in india and it is all Hindu).

Possible that Adnan a ten year old is in 7th but very very rare in Pakistani education system, Pakistani children are normally 16 years when they complete their SSC / Metric or 10th grade, which means that 7th grade students are 13 years old (min.).

And I have yet to meet a 10 year old among my family kids who has time to spare for anything about india (Hindus basically).

Trying to spread propaganda about Pakistani children can only be done by a degenerate, mentally sick person.

From personal experience, indians in this region where I am, acknowledge Pakistanis and behave well and in return receive same respect.
Maybe you need to look up the next time there is a Pakistani airliner crash or natural disaster, they celebrate in droves.

My words exactly. Some of the Bhakts are so deliberately hateful about Pakistan (and in general Muslims) - you wonder what mental psychopathy they suffer under. I have my own ideas (such as protein deficiency) but that is another discussion thread.

Yet this Muslim-hater idiots have no problem going to Dubai and getting paid in Muslim dollars which they bring back to India, spending on RSS campaigns that employ minaret-climber bhakt monkeys who terrorize their own Indian Muslims.
I wasn't trying to claim that the hatred is one sided, if that's what you get. I am pretty critical of both sides

Tabiyaat aur dimag accha hai ya nahi?

What "both sides" do you speak of?

What Pakistani or Bangladeshi do you see ask for killing of all Hindus in their own country?

And what Bangladeshi or Pakistani do you ever see taking pride in the killing of Hindus?

These are some f*cked up people anyway you look at it. Just "sick in the head"...
You have no idea how much Indians are brainwashed against Pakistan in their schools.
No Indian school has any text book which says muslims are your enemies, they are kafirs who need to eliminated. Your schools do. The only time pakistan is ever mentioned is in history books and the Indian freedom struggle with chapter ending with two nation theory of Jinnah.

Rather our NCERT books are filled with secularised aman ki asha pro max content that a Pakistani can't imagine.

Pakistani are not indoctrinated to hate Hindu in schools, colleges and universities. Islam does not teach Muslims to hate Hindu either but to NOT marry and intermingle with them.

How about you focus on how Hindutva treat Muslims in India?
Previously my perception was
Just remove politics and the citizens if both countries have no beef with each other.
My perception after modi and his hate ideology all over India
It's a fight between an average indian Vs average Pakistani.
Previously my perception was
Just remove politics and the citizens if both countries have no beef with each other.
My perception after modi and his hate ideology all over India
It's a fight between an average indian Vs average Pakistani.

But the hindutva doctrine has been so embedded in them that it will not be able to come out for many generations.

In short, many generations of people will be troubled by them, as they try to reach their mythical loony dream of the Akhand Bharat
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