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How do Chinese feel about India--Latest survey in 2012

China is a real threat for India after 1962 Indian defense sectors received crucial attention. India developed china specific nuclear weapon hence first test code name as SMILING BUDDHA not smiling Allah.
To whom does your government has to justify the increase of defence expenditure.

The govt justifies to others in the parliament. For them to do that, the armed forces have to give their requirements. If the IAF wants new planes are they gonna say, "Just buy some" or are they gonna say "China has J20, so lets build FGFA and we need so many dollars"?

And what do you mean by having a force projection capability

Meaning deterrent. And projecting a image of strong power.
The only problem at this moment to the stability of Sino-Indo relation is the Indian media(mainly) and the Chinese government , otherwise people of both the countries are peace loving and want to study about each others culture !!
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