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How did Musharraf become a billionaire?

Being a military man I highly doubt he will leave his security unchecked. The only person to have a real bone to pick with him is Nawaz Sharif.
Bughtee's Grandson has 1 cror on his head,,, also relatives of Lal-Masjid victims & of those disappeared-ppl would be anxiously waiting for Mushy-The-Traitor... & remember there were failed attempts on him from within military men... few of them were tried & hanged by him as well , silently. So hopefully there would be more PATRIOTS like them looking forward to his last-journey ... :)
Sorry but you're an idiot. I hope Musharraf fanboys have some basic knowledge in math. Are you telling me that Musharraf made $24 million (USD) from giving lectures? At $200,000 each, that would be 120 lectures in just a few years! I don't think so... I hope not, otherwise Musharraf seems to be a powerful force even today at corruption - except he's corrupting minds now, lol. :D


Actually he has given more lectures than that---the 200000 + fees is as of now---in the initial days---it was closer to 350000---400000----that was the one promise that the u s kept with Musharraf---kept him on the lecture circuit----.
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