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How did Covid REALLY spread around the world?


Aug 29, 2013
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As damning test results show antibodies were in US in December - WEEKS before China raised the alarm - growing global evidence points to a cover-up

new study that found traces of coronavirus in US blood samples from December last year is adding to the growing evidence that the virus was circulating for months before China announced its existence, casting more shadows over the truth about the pandemic and fuelling suspicions of a cover-up by Beijing.

Claims the global outbreak began in a livestock market in Wuhan last winter have crumbled in the face of scientific evidence proving the virus was all over the Western world weeks and even months before China declared the first cases to the World Health Organization on December 31.

Research published on Monday revealed that 39 blood samples taken between December 13 and 16 last year in California, Oregon and Washington state had tested positive for Covid antibodies, meaning the people who gave them had been infected weeks earlier.

Indians, your turn to spin it again :azn:
The article is claiming that there was a cover up by China long earlier than expected. Complete projection. This is how the MSM is changing the narrative now that evidence is growing that the origin of Covid-19 was actually in the West as the trail of antibodies demonstrate it was circulating widely in the West before it was even discovered in China.

The reason why the quarantine in Wuhan worked effectively in China is because Covid was relatively new to China and largely localized in Wuhan. This article is pure propaganda. The reality is that either Covid-19 was covered up by authorities in the West or local health agencies just lacked the tools to diagnose it as something different than the flu. China was able to diagnose it earlier because it had health infrastructure that dealt with the SARS epidemic so it was on the alert for that.

Either way, the fact that Western governments have all coordinated a massive political hysteria campaign and economic reset related to Covid is evidence that conspiracy theories that this was a Neoliberal agenda to retake political control, ensure the defeat of Trump and reshape the global economy makes far more sense to any critically thinking person. The measures that neoliberal Western governments have taken to amp up hysteria, fear and destroy their own citizens' livelihoods are extremely suspicious and irrational.
The article is claiming that there was a cover up by China long earlier than expected. Complete projection. This is how the MSM is changing the narrative now that evidence is growing that the origin of Covid-19 was actually in the West as the trail of antibodies demonstrate it was circulating widely in the West before it was even discovered in China.

The reason why the quarantine in Wuhan worked effectively in China is because Covid was relatively new to China and largely localized in Wuhan. This article is pure propaganda. The reality is that either Covid-19 was covered up by authorities in the West or local health agencies just lacked the tools to diagnose it as something different than the flu. China was able to diagnose it earlier because it had health infrastructure that dealt with the SARS epidemic so it was on the alert for that.

Either way, the fact that Western governments have all coordinated a massive political hysteria campaign and economic reset related to Covid is evidence that conspiracy theories that this was a Neoliberal agenda to retake political control, ensure the defeat of Trump and reshape the global economy makes far more sense to any critically thinking person. The measures that neoliberal Western governments have taken to amp up hysteria, fear and destroy their own citizens' livelihoods are extremely suspicious and irrational.

Media in the West controlled by zionists, especially jews.

Not only was trumps favourite tv station telling facts that the US invented the virUS:

US admits to specifically taking a horseshoe bat virus from China and turning them into biological weapons - deadlier and more contagious. The coronavirUS spreading around the world is a horseshoe bat virUS.

The Western nazis who developed this virUS in US labs, had jewish and other contacts start the Wuhan Lab to frame China for the release of the US bioweapon.

It is the entire narrative pre-planned by these terrorists to blame China.

It is the jews mission to blame China.

The entire nazi world is on the side of jews. trump is fuhrer to both jews and nazis. They can't get enough of trump. The rest of the world rejects this nazi-zionist racist alliance of trump.

The Rothschild project is to make money off China. This coronavirUS project is the closure of the world making money off China. To use the blame China to stop the rise of China from replacing the US.

It is the main objective of the existence of the USA to keep anybody from rivaling the US.

America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era is to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union..The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy. US Department of Defense, The New York Times, March, 1992.

The zionist jews are trying to close China for business. First is to blame China for this US bioweapon.

These same nazis and zionists planned the destruction of Germany in WWI. They are planning to do the same to China.

China has to keep this zionist attack on China a threat. China can repay them by setting up countries each to rival the US in military might. That is the revenge.
Media in the West controlled by zionists, especially jews.

Not only was trumps favourite tv station telling facts that the US invented the virUS:

US admits to specifically taking a horseshoe bat virus from China and turning them into biological weapons - deadlier and more contagious. The coronavirUS spreading around the world is a horseshoe bat virUS.

The Western nazis who developed this virUS in US labs, had jewish and other contacts start the Wuhan Lab to frame China for the release of the US bioweapon.

It is the entire narrative pre-planned by these terrorists to blame China.

It is the jews mission to blame China.

The entire nazi world is on the side of jews. trump is fuhrer to both jews and nazis. They can't get enough of trump. The rest of the world rejects this nazi-zionist racist alliance of trump.

The Rothschild project is to make money off China. This coronavirUS project is the closure of the world making money off China. To use the blame China to stop the rise of China from replacing the US.

It is the main objective of the existence of the USA to keep anybody from rivaling the US.

America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era is to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union..The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy. US Department of Defense, The New York Times, March, 1992.

The zionist jews are trying to close China for business. First is to blame China for this US bioweapon.

These same nazis and zionists planned the destruction of Germany in WWI. They are planning to do the same to China.

China has to keep this zionist attack on China a threat. China can repay them by setting up countries each to rival the US in military might. That is the revenge.

China is the rising Kaiser's Germany to America's Britannica. Just like then, Germany was the more disciplined and efficient latecomer, while Britain had a worldwide empire, control of the global media and a large alliance network surrounding Germany. Same age old Anglo playbook, using allies to surround an enemy, using your global media to smear and demonize that enemy, is being used against China.

Anyone with a thinking brain has to be suspicious about all of the circumstances associated with this pandemic. Covid-19 was deliberate and planned, absolutely NO DOUBT about it.
China is the rising Kaiser's Germany to America's Britannica. Just like then, Germany was the more disciplined and efficient latecomer, while Britain had a worldwide empire, control of the global media and a large alliance network surrounding Germany. Same age old Anglo playbook, using allies to surround an enemy, using your global media to smear and demonize that enemy, is being used against China.

Anyone with a thinking brain has to be suspicious about all of the circumstances associated with this pandemic. Covid-19 was deliberate and planned, absolutely NO DOUBT about it.

Very true.

And the US did this before in the lying blame game with Iraq, 9/11 and WMDs.

And the media was complicit in the attack on Iraq. Phil Donahue said that in the lead up to the war on Iraq, the producers of MSNBC made it a policy that no anti-war guest could be presented without a pro-war on Iraq guest. You could interview an pro-war guest on TV alone to be a mouthpeice of Bush without any debate, however every anti-war guest needed to be rebuffed and his argument defeated by a pro-war pro-Bush speaker on TV. The same with blame China here. There is a media effort to blame China. This is the liberal media that was pro-war and did not question much the claims of WMDs.

When you comprehend that the US did 9/11, everything makes sense.

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China is the rising Kaiser's Germany to America's Britannica. Just like then, Germany was the more disciplined and efficient latecomer, while Britain had a worldwide empire, control of the global media and a large alliance network surrounding Germany. Same age old Anglo playbook, using allies to surround an enemy, using your global media to smear and demonize that enemy, is being used against China.

Anyone with a thinking brain has to be suspicious about all of the circumstances associated with this pandemic. Covid-19 was deliberate and planned, absolutely NO DOUBT about it.
I have to agree that Covid existed in the West before it was in Wuhan.

Your points about the Wuhan lockdown working better than any other lockdown in Europe or America is good circumstantial evidence that the virus was already circulating in the West and out of control before China alerted us of their infections.
Very true.

And the US did this before in the lying blame game with Iraq, 9/11 and WMDs.

And the media was complicit in the attack on Iraq. Phil Donahue said that in the lead up to the war on Iraq, the producers of MSNBC made it a policy that no anti-war guest could be presented without a pro-war on Iraq guest. You could interview an anti-war guest on TV alone to be a mouthpeice of Bush without any debate, however every anti-war guest needed to be rebuffed and his argument defeated by a pro-war pro-Bush speaker on TV. The same with blame China here. There is a media effort to blame China. This is the liberal media that was pro-war and did not question much the claims of WMDs.

When you comprehend that the US did 9/11, everything makes sense.

This is how the media in the West is tightly controlled and censored while giving the appearance of having a "free media". Voices that dispute the mainstream narrative are simply marginalized and can barely be found. This is a far savvier way of controlling the narrative than the caveman and brutish ways that China employs which is just heavy censorship.
I have to agree that Covid existed in the West before it was in Wuhan.

Your points about the Wuhan lockdown working better than any other lockdown in Europe or America is good circumstantial evidence that the virus was already circulating in the West and out of control before China alerted us of their infections.

On top of that, look at the politically motivated agenda that simply kicked into high gear all throughout the West. The irrational economic lockdowns that have destroyed livelihoods and the economies. The questionable circumstances surrounding the defeat of Donald Trump in the voting booth.

To think there was no coordinated plan is to simply not be thinking.
Post reported ... PLA trolls at it again.
Lol.. must be difficult for you to accept it's not Chinese virus. When are u going to attack US or Italy for failing to report virus and let it spread freely around the world?

You just earn your paid check from CIA. :enjoy:
This is how the media in the West is tightly controlled and censored while giving the appearance of having a "free media". Voices that dispute the mainstream narrative are simply marginalized and can barely be found. This is a far savvier way of controlling the narrative than the caveman and brutish ways that China employs which is just heavy censorship.

On top of that, look at the politically motivated agenda that simply kicked into high gear all throughout the West. The irrational economic lockdowns that have destroyed livelihoods and the economies. The questionable circumstances surrounding the defeat of Donald Trump in the voting booth.

To think there was no coordinated plan is to simply not be thinking.
Plausible. Trump was ultimately - despite his many faults - an isolationist who opposed constant war. This policy, more in line with American founding values than anybody since WW2, was a threat to the neocon agenda. This isn't really some tinfoil conspiracy. It's bleeding obvious.

Biden will place the whole world at risk of drone attack, policing and "intervention".
On who was behind WWI:

The Kaisar agrees that Entente had pre-knowledge of a war in 1914, while Germany was blindsided:

In going to war with Russia, Germany was in the trap, laid out by London, in their Franco-Russian alliance to encircle Germany. Germany was so strong, that it took a series of blunders to ensure defeat. China is not there yet, and needs a couple decades of build up to get to the strength of Germany.

The zionists made a deal with the UK, that they would stop their support of Germany in the media and get the US into the war, if the UK promised Palestine to jews, this was the agreement of the Balfour Declaration.
Plausible. Trump was ultimately - despite his many faults - an isolationist who opposed constant war. This policy, more in line with American founding values than anybody since WW2, was a threat to the neocon agenda. This isn't really some tinfoil conspiracy. It's bleeding obvious.

Biden will place the whole world at risk of drone attack, policing and "intervention".

Don't get me wrong. I hate Trump. He's a blustering, arrogant, deeply ignorant fool. But he has been the first president ever to go up against the globalist agenda and harm the interests of the corporate globalists who run the Western neoliberal agenda. His undisciplined manner and him using his position to discredit the mirage of Western liberalism made him a huge liability and that is why he had to be removed.
Don't get me wrong. I hate Trump. He's a blustering, arrogant, deeply ignorant fool. But he has been the first president ever to go up against the globalist agenda and harm the interests of the corporate globalists who run the Western neoliberal agenda. His undisciplined manner and him using his position to discredit the mirage of Western liberalism made him a huge liability and that is why he had to be removed.

trump and clinton were on the same side of criminals. Watch the video:

trump and clinton were on the same side of criminals. Watch the video:

They are from the same group of elites but Clinton furthered the globalist agenda while Trump became an obstacle. A whining, annoying, idiotic and crude obstacle but an obstacle nonetheless. He was a liability because he constantly instilled doubt among his followers about the facade of legitimacy the mainstream media and political establishment clung on to.
They are from the same group of elites but Clinton furthered the globalist agenda while Trump became an obstacle. A whining, annoying, idiotic and crude obstacle but an obstacle nonetheless. He was a liability because he constantly instilled doubt among his followers about the facade of legitimacy the mainstream media and political establishment clung on to.

Not an obsticle, that is the true face of Washington and the CiA. trump = deepstate. They are livid the Democrats and RINOs had absentee voting for everybody in many states. trump was not planned to lose. trump is probably gonna keep appealing to the 'SC'. biden is part of the deepstate, the alternative side, so even though all is lost, they believe they have some control over biden.
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