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How Delhi lost in Afghanistan:

yes yes ye yeah .. we lose .. finally we lose ..thnx god :cheesy:
In modern world loyalty is used for dogs, not human... its all bout reciprocity... You will reap what you have sow..

This sentence alone shows that you know nothing about Pushtuns or their history. They are a bit like Arabs when it comes to friendship - it can get you killed or save your life.
The 150 kilometer Zaranj-Dilaram road is one of the most advertised pieces of disused carriageway in the world. Bharat has not lost an opportunity to tout it. Facts intrude to inform the engineers, that the road was unusable the week it was opened. Littered with potholes, all bridges have been blown up, there has been no maintenance of it since it was built, and the irony of the situation is that the Talibs control it. It was supposedly built to offer an alternate route to Kabul–bypassing Pakistan. Today the parking lot is owned by the Anti-Indian Pakhtuns.

It is very easy to build a road or an hospital for than matter but very hard to protect it. I read it somewhere from an Indian journalist posted in Kabul that Taliban are in control of this highway. It seems Nato forces uses this highway ususally in large convoys supported by air power. Regarding the rest of the article some parts are true but rest of it is hogwash.

India should evaluate how it is going to help Afghanistan without it becoming a victim to Taliban militia. I say-- let us educate them and train them in india and empower them to take care of their own country and let us get out of this developmental projects business. The reason I am saying this is that Afghanistan is Pakistans backyard and we will never be able to protect our investments there. We could not protect our own consulate building from these terrorists, how are we going to protect our investemnts when Nato leaves this country.
The Hindu kush mountain was a part of Great Kushan Empire.The meaning of the name "Hindu Kush" Mountain "a hindu killer" is actually a corrupt meaning which came frm historical event where Hindus chose death (kudh kush) between Islam and Death ,and so invaders murderred millions of Hindus who refused islam and had no fear of death on the same mountain, hence after tht event the Mountain region was Known as cursed Mountain of Hindus or simply dead hindus .

But the word Kushan is a sanskrit word and named after its founder Prince Kusha (son of Lord Raam)


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