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How Delhi lost in Afghanistan:

ha ha ha he he he ................rupee news gives me chill down da spine.........ooooooooo india is failed lol!!!!!
ares you will the most retarded guy in the whole world, if you still believe india had any success in afghan, 'to build afghanistan and india relations', and a dumb retarded might think that instead of winning afghani heart, spreading terrorism into the neighbourhood through afghanistan is a sucessful thing

india wanted to make balochistan separate state, they armed balochis, but the ommon patriotic baloch fought back, your mission is a dimb failure, we atleast provoked khalistan much better, but you did nothing

instead of indian consulate along pak afghan border, you had made those 15 in afghanistan heart and addressed promisingly to afghans, you would have brought afghans closer, but you used afghanistan for your purpose

adios !

If you are going to measure successes and failures in terms of balochistan and Khalistan, then come back and talk about it when you have a Bangladesh or Siachen to your credit.
well all lies !!!!!
U pakistanis cant spare even a dollar for poor brave afghans !!!
So u dont dare talk bout it !!!
If u dont wannna appreciate the help done by india , dont comment cheaply bout it !!!!
there is little to show for it in real terms in the Hindu Kush mountains (Hindu Killer).
First and foremost, please get you facts straight! ''Hindu Kush' does not mean 'Hindu Killer'!! The word "Koh" or "Kuh" means mountain in many of the local languages.

However, there is also another theory. The name Hindu Kush is a corruption of Hindi-Kash or Hindi-Kesh, the boundary of Hind (i.e. Indian subcontinent).

Good God! Some of you guys invent and cook up things to make everything sound and look anti Hindu!! The Kafirs who should all fry in Hell! Why are you guys like this? Hate is writ large! So much for humanism! Islam teaches love and respect towards other religions, but you my dear friend seem to have been brainwashed by your self styled Mullahs. Grow up man.

And needless to say, this is one of the stupidest articles I've read in a long time! So far from reality, it's not even funny! This masterpiece must have been written by that gok called Zaid Hamid or something - Pakistan's master strategist! :rofl: And there are plenty of such clowns who are self styled 'strategist's that the Pakistani media laps up! :P These guys can't see beyond their stuffed noses! But the tragedy is, lots in Pakistan follow him like sheep!
1. In Uzbek language the words "Hindu Kush" mean "Kill Hindus".

2. In good old days the Central Asian tribes used to foray across the Hindu Kush seasonally, and descend upon the Indus valley to loot. That is how this name has evolved. Remember, to them a Hindu at that time meant a person belonging to Hindustan or Hind.
1. In Uzbek language the words "Hindu Kush" mean "Kill Hindus".

2. In good old days the Central Asian tribes used to foray across the Hindu Kush seasonally, and descend upon the Indus valley to loot. That is how this name has evolved. Remember, to them a Hindu at that time meant a person belonging to Hindustan or Hind.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
really help full sharing, its related to my subject and i hope that it will give me help in my study
ares you will the most retarded guy in the whole world, if you still believe india had any success in afghan, 'to build afghanistan and india relations', and a dumb retarded might think that instead of winning afghani heart, spreading terrorism into the neighbourhood through afghanistan is a sucessful thing

india wanted to make balochistan separate state, they armed balochis, but the ommon patriotic baloch fought back, your mission is a dimb failure, we atleast provoked khalistan much better, but you did nothing

instead of indian consulate along pak afghan border, you had made those 15 in afghanistan heart and addressed promisingly to afghans, you would have brought afghans closer, but you used afghanistan for your purpose

adios !

Thanks for the admission. Khalistan supporters, look who has a selfless agenda.

Thanks for the admission. Khalistan supporters, look who has a selfless agenda.


there is a very basic problem with the mindset,you know.Effect of years and years of dedicated propaganda.This keeps surfacing from time to time.It will take many more years to undo it,before we can have confidence over each other.then only we can have real peace.
How dare the Indian members question the reliability of rupee news & Delli news(rupee news cousin) who originally posted this crap.
My understanding is that IF Americans leave Afghanistan today--or even by 2014--Pakistan is likely to get the upper hand. Geography, ethnic, religious, economic ties are much stronger for Pakistan, even though a lot of Afghans blame Pakistan for their problems.
But even if Pakistan is able to achieve the status of pre 9/11 it would still be a problem. The proxy wars will continue between various regional powers and so Afghans will suffer.
I'd say leave the Afghans alone! And that applies to all regional powers. Let the Afghans be back to pre 1974 era and let them evolve on their own pace. I say pre 1974 because, in my opinion, the political left/right of Afghanistan started on a collision course sometime in mid 70s, backed by Americans and Soviets even that early. The results have been disastrous.
But to gain upperhand in Afghanistan Pakistan needs to gain upper hand in Waziristan(it's own territory).
Delhi lost Afghanistan? One loses something only when it is in one's possession. So, was Afghanistan ever in India's possession that it has now lost ? That's news to me!! Jeeez! :what:
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