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How Culture Gives the US an Innovation Edge Over China

The fact that Americans are still bragging about their individualistic culture nowadays shows how clueless they are. They have been on a long and steady slip towards collectivism for more than 100 years. It is only a matter of time before US becomes just like China with probably less order. Any moment they spend on thinking they are better than Chinese is the moment they lose in rescuing themselves from impending doom.
Why Karachi is not in this list??
This is global conspiracy against Karachi and its oppressed people.
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@PaklovesTurkiye @fitpOsitive @Goritoes @newb3e @liaqatabad*pays*more*tax*than*entire*planet.
How many military tech did the US take from Nazi Germany to speak of innovation? Not only is the statement a fallacy to begin with but the fact that we are living in the globalized world where a Chinese company can open a research facility in Germany hiring Russians makes the whole argument completely moot.

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China is the only country in the world which has 5,000 years of written history. I myself started learning Chinese mandarin in the early1990's. When Roman alphabet based PinYin writing system becomes widespread, Chinese language will become a popular one. Notebly, Chinese grammar is very simple to comprehend.
US and the world recently became woke (around the time of the US sub prime collapse). Greece, most advanced land of it's time....greek God? Hypnos was in Delphi. Rome, most advanced land of it's time...Roman's had the God, Somnus. Washington DC, USA has the SAME white buildings we see in Greece then Rome. Somebody killed the God of Dreams. Dream is dead.
NO MORE ADVANTAGE for the West. Everyone is woke.
Oh yeah, America has an edge over it's rivals due it's culture .... there is the

1. Culture of Opioids
2. Gun Culture of Mass Shootings
3. Gig Economy Culture due to 40m unemployed
4. Wall Street Parasite "Bail Out" Culture
5. Lobbyist Culture of buying Politicians
6. Two Party, One Zionist System Culture
7. Fudging the Unemployment Numbers Culture
8. Wall Street Rallies equals america being an Economic Superpower Culture
9. 1000 Military Bases around the World to be a Global Hegemon Culture.

Need I say more!?
The difference between USA and China in terms of future tech...

USA sees a much bigger picture, and prefer to create the whole ecosystem.

While China is a more individual effort.

Suprise everyone!

It doesn't match with what the article said.

You see Microsoft Windows, Google Android, the next is Boston Robotics.

It's a collaboration from many companies and industries, to create an ecosystem with Microsoft Windows and Google Android at the center.

USA has many industrial consortiums.

While for China, everything is independent.

There's no a such kind of collaboration between the whole industry.

That is why China is not as strong as USA.
The " Chinese" in the article is just a stand-in for any non-Western civilization,and the West is in denial anyone can beat them in their own game.
But the constant gaggle of voices stridently denouncing ( Chinese or Persian or Asian) culture, system, innovative capability etc only gives the game away..that they feel the heat in their pants.
Mature and ancient civilization states like China, India or Persia would ( generally) welcome other societies improving their condition, being confident on their own.
But Western society that are based on conquest, predation and genocide of others are now projecting their own fears on to rising nations, and trying their best to subjugate them under new mantras of colonialism like democracy, human rights, free speech etc. But you cannot fool all the people all the time.
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