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How Communist China freed the Tibetan People and gave them Human Rights

I am very much aware that Tibet was medieval in the 40's but no one can say that they couldn't reform (as many others did) without their entire culture being uprooted.

This is 16th century conquistador mindset :"They're savagers,we're civilising them"
nope, their whole religion is based on slavery, Tibetan Buddhism is more like Scientology just older. Also even india to this day has a cast system so its not guaranteed Tibet would have reformed.
lol, the Tibetan culture has been destroyed, right?

The 14th Daliar Lama is just an undercovered CIA agent, the genuine Tibetans now are praying to their Buddha that this old SOB finally got kicked out from Tibet for eternity.

nope, their whole religion is based on slavery, Tibetan Buddhism is more like Scientology just older. Also even india to this day has a cast system so its not guaranteed Tibet would have reformed.

As i've said,native americans scalped people ,most likely they couldn't reform."Thank God" for small pox blankets.We can only take confort that the europeans did this 120-500 years ago while the chinese were at it 60 years ago,right up to today.
I am very much aware that Tibet was medieval in the 40's but no one can say that they couldn't reform (as many others did) without their entire culture being uprooted.

This is 16th century conquistador mindset :"They're savagers,we're civilising them"

The Spanish discovered the natives, they had no claims on the Americas.

Tibet was part of Qing dynasty. The less talked about FACT was that Qing emperor abducted in favor of the republic. So republic of China was the direct successor to the Dynasty approved by the emperor.

While the people's republic of China is the successor to the republic of China. So We had claim on Tibet.

As to reform, Nepal didn't reform, Bhutan didn't reform, Northern India is what it is, Central Asia is what it is, what makes you think a place such as Tibet would?

Lastly, most Tibetans in Tibet supports China, many are in the field of entertainment, politics, business and other, Tibet is more developed than all their neighbors, is that not our achievement? Just cause a lama sits in India says otherwise, you don't think Tibetans supports China?

If Tibetans in China were to vote, they would support staying in China, not all of them, but most would. There's been a lot of studies by international organizations, but I guess it's Commi propaganda.
I am very much aware that Tibet was medieval in the 40's but no one can say that they couldn't reform (as many others did) without their entire culture being uprooted.

This is 16th century conquistador mindset :"They're savagers,we're civilising them"

Their society was based on this rigid caste based structure, the Dalai Lama fought the communists to protect this tradition of slavery and oppression. Do you really think they are capable of reforming themselves? Tibet needed a revolution to empower the lowest common denominators.

Not sure about you, but worshiping a 6 year old monk and working as serfs sure doesn't encompass the definition of "culture" to me.
nope, their whole religion is based on slavery, Tibetan Buddhism is more like Scientology just older. Also even india to this day has a cast system so its not guaranteed Tibet would have reformed.

Indeed, India is Dalai Lama idol country, cast system is just an insperation for him to enslave his own people. Indians are just proud of him...or should I said his holyness, didn't him call himself a son of India...LMAO .

and this is 2014, in recent visit to U.S

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To help people understand who and what the Dalai Lama is, he used to be the religious leader of the majority sect in Tibet, not all of Tibet. And of course, he is much more of a political "leader" than a religious one. He is like the pope in Vatican City, who only cares about power rather than religion. The Dalai Lama himself doesn't believe in Buddhism, and I really doubt if he reads any Buddhist texts at all during his "spare time" when he is not talking about overthrowing China's government with Western leaders.
However, China indeed takes a much human approach.

Those European colonizers basically not only uproot the local cultures, but also almost eradicate the whole population in quite a few places... for example, those north american indians, south american indians, ... converted those locals into the european's religion forcefully...

China , on the contrary, has protected the culture of tibet and its people way much better.

However, I feel those westerners still have such thick face to even accuse China when they themselves have done such terrible massacres and burn down of other cultures...

I am very much aware that Tibet was medieval in the 40's but no one can say that they couldn't reform (as many others did) without their entire culture being uprooted.

This is 16th century conquistador mindset :"They're savagers,we're civilising them"
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