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How China Banned Ramadan

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Is it Ramzan or Ramadan?

I have always said (and heard) Ramzan. Is Ramadan what Pakistanis say?
I think arabs and al bakistanis say ramadan, otherwise its traditionally been ramzan around these parts.
I find those muslims are very ri

Islam have exited in China for 1000 years, but till today, it has only 20 million believers( especially these 20 years muslim high birth rate make most contribution.), you must know the reasons.lol Honestly speaking, Islamism lack attraction among Confucians. Buddhism spread and develop much more smoothly well.

@Luffy 500 get it? Your things was boring in China and is boring still.

Doesn't matter what CCP indoctrinated robots think. This is not abt what attracts CCP indoctrinated robots (docile robots only know how to follow orders and act as slaves of the ruling elite - pretty boring) . This is abt CCP bigots preventing muslims from practicing their faith. Islam existed in china for 1000 years and muslims were not barred from practicing their faith. SO why now? CCP loons struggling to keep hold on power and wanting a bogeymen to rally support from docile robots?

And why do u prevent muslims from leaving your garbage dump of a corrupt country?

Btw Muslims held on to their faith and Islam spread in china even under CCP purge and oppression while all the other communities bend over backwards and became CCP indoctrinated docile robots. CCP seem to be paranoid abt muslims. It would be better for china if CCP realize and accept the fact that muslims can't be turned into robots.
Doesn't matter what CCP indoctrinated robots think. This is not abt what attracts CCP indoctrinated robots (docile robots only know how to follow orders and act as slaves of the ruling elite - pretty boring) . This is abt CCP bigots preventing muslims from practicing their faith. Islam existed in china for 1000 years and muslims were not barred from practicing their faith. SO why now? CCP loons struggling to keep hold on power and wanting a bogeymen to rally support from docile robots?

And why do u prevent muslims from leaving your garbage dump of a corrupt country?

Btw Muslims held on to their faith and Islam spread in china even under CCP purge and oppression while all the other communities bend over backwards and became CCP indoctrinated docile robots. CCP seem to be paranoid abt muslims. It would be better for china if CCP realizes that muslims won't be robots.

I just tell you how the Islam spread in China for the 1000 years.
If they use propaganda to spread Islam, the spirit have no attraction, if they want to use sword, gun to spread Islam, they would be funked back.
Check in 1860's how many muslims during Qing dyasty were fnucked when they used sword to spread islam.
Check in 1370's how many muslims during Ming dynasty were fnucked when they used violent to spread it.

I remind the muslims again. Live in China peacefully, nobody will hurt you and expel you. Don't try to spread it via violent, giving up the stupid ideas.
Chinese land, Chinese rules, Chinese call, simple as that!

we'd like to sent millions of them to BD if you like it!

They can go to anywhere as they wish in legally!

we don't give a flying fcuk about that!

It's so strange that you think muslims are treasures in China and we just can't let them go freely.


All of them can leave China ASAP, Yes, All of them! I pray for this!
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I just tell you how the Islam spread in China for the 1000 years.
If they use propaganda to spread Islam, the spirit have no attraction, if they want to use sword, gun to spread Islam, they would be funked back.
Check in 1860's how many muslims during Qing dyasty were fnucked when they used sword to spread islam.
Check in 1370's how many muslims during Ming dynasty were fnucked when they used violent to spread it.

I remind the muslims again. Live in China peacefully, nobody will hurt you and expel you. Don't try to spread it via violent, giving up the stupid ideas.

U seem to be conflating things. Expected from robots when pushed into a corner. WHo is talking abt hisotry or spreading? The issue is CCP loons preventing muslims from practicing their faith. How is fasting violent? Do u even realize what u r talking abt or can only ramble CCP authorized script?
If Muslims have anything to damn China, just damn the Islam came to China too late.

1500 years later than Confucianism established in China, 1000 years later than Buddhism came to China.
Our brain have not enough room for Islam, pardon.
U seem to be conflating things. Expected from robots when pushed into a corner. WHo is talking abt hisotry or spreading? The issue is CCP loons preventing muslims from practicing their faith. How is fasting violent? Do u even realize what u r talking abt or can only ramble CCP authorized script?
You desperately want to believe fake news from CIA funded separatist group. Don't you? Are you a terrorist?
Oh just spare the nonsense. Either come to China see for yourself or GTFO.

It's morons like you who are making this beautiful religion of islam looks like a cult.

BTW what exactly did you do when your neighbor was busy slaughterting your Rohingya “brothers”? Other than talking,I mean.
U seem to be conflating things. Expected from robots when pushed into a corner. WHo is talking abt hisotry or spreading? The issue is CCP loons preventing muslims from practicing their faith. How is fasting violent? Do u even realize what u r talking abt or can only ramble CCP authorized script?

From histroy to present, as long as the muslim make violence, we would fnuck them. Never changed since Islam reach China.
How is fasting and going to mosque against peace? And what should uyghur muslims do when CCP bigots after preventing them from practicing their faith also bars them from leaving the pathetic country i.e china?
they also banned beards, only old people are allowed.. rest are clean shaven

they also banned the burka

they also forced them to eat during ramzan

China leads the way in dealing with Islamists and potential future terrorists.
And India is not the same, China respects the law, if China banned religious beliefs. And then, he will be written to the law. But the reality is that China's constitution and religious freedom, which is written in the constitution of china... Now I want to know that you are in India, hundreds of farmers in India, because of despair and committed suicide after the India government is to raise the standard of land compensation??

You want to ban 150 millions muslims from fasting and going to the mosque?
Don't divert from the topic. How is few chinese going to syria minutely relevant let alone justify , preventing millions of people from practicing their faith?
If you want to practice the freedom of faith, we will go to the United States or Iran. Chinese more love to successful countries, regardless of what they want to do, the developed countries are the first choice... Few Chinese went to India. There are ten thousand students in India in 2015 China, 850 thousand foreigners living in China. According to HSBC ranked "2014 best places to foreigners list", Chinese ranked third. The Swiss won first, Singapore second, please Google... India?? Oh, whatever.
And India is not the same, China respects the law, if China banned religious beliefs. And then, he will be written to the law. But the reality is that China's constitution and religious freedom, which is written in the constitution of china... Now I want to know that you are in India, hundreds of farmers in India, because of despair and committed suicide after the India government is to raise the standard of land compensation??
what do problems of poverty and other economic issues in India have to do with China banning ramzan ?
You can to Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and practice of the freedom of religious belief, can also go to USA, Turkey and Israel to practice their faith freedom. China has not closed the door on you left. If you think China and some advice and suggestions, hinders your practice of the freedom of religious belief, please leave. Just go to any country. Thank you. Please leave. You make China's western poor and backward. We don't want to keep any of the Muslims.

U seem to be conflating things. Expected from robots when pushed into a corner. WHo is talking abt hisotry or spreading? The issue is CCP loons preventing muslims from practicing their faith. How is fasting violent? Do u even realize what u r talking abt or can only ramble CCP authorized script?
You can to Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and practice of the freedom of religious belief, can also go to USA, Turkey and Israel to practice their faith freedom. China has not closed the door on you left. If you think China and some advice and suggestions, hinders your practice of the freedom of religious belief, please leave. Just go to any country. Thank you. Please leave. You make China's western poor and backward. We don't want to keep any of the Muslims.

Doesn't matter what CCP indoctrinated robots think. This is not abt what attracts CCP indoctrinated robots (docile robots only know how to follow orders and act as slaves of the ruling elite - pretty boring) . This is abt CCP bigots preventing muslims from practicing their faith. Islam existed in china for 1000 years and muslims were not barred from practicing their faith. SO why now? CCP loons struggling to keep hold on power and wanting a bogeymen to rally support from docile robots?

And why do u prevent muslims from leaving your garbage dump of a corrupt country?

Btw Muslims held on to their faith and Islam spread in china even under CCP purge and oppression while all the other communities bend over backwards and became CCP indoctrinated docile robots. CCP seem to be paranoid abt muslims. It would be better for china if CCP realize and accept the fact that muslims can't be turned into robots.
We really did not stop Muslims from leaving China. We welcome all Muslims to leave China. Please leave China all. If they want to Syria to participate in is, as you said, China to stop them to Syria to practice their faith, then as international obligations, China should shoot them, do not need to waste in the United States and Russia of the bomb. You are just going to Syria to practice the freedom of faith, why the United States bombing? Do you believe in freedom of practice, including the killing of innocent hostages and civilians? You don't understand, what caused the American planes to bomb you. Roll bar!! You are not fit to exist in human society.
By the way, President Obama's brother has been living in China for 12 years.
I am very curious, you are the biggest open air toilet, failed the country, unexpectedly still exist in this world.
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