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How can we get the Iranian Air Force to buy new fighter jets?

The thing you guys are forgetting is islamic regime don't believe conventional army's power to stop an invasion in their eyes most effective way is religious para-military organizations :Islamic Regime Guards , Basij , Hezballoh etc. First for protecting regime itself from fellow citizens and second using insurgent tactics afterwards of invasion thats why they don't give a damn about convetional army in their eyes its useless.
No, its the other way around. They choose this tactic because they don't have the conventional power.

not gonna happen as Iran parliament After Iraq-Iran War passed a law that if Air Force want new air planes they must build them themselves
There is no such law. remember when Iran bought(received) some Mig-29.

We first need to build our economy and then think about buying super expensive planes .
IRIAF is a flying museum. Iran has almost no capable airforce, and faces many dangers. So, why not spending in Air force? BTW, no one has asked them to buy F-35 :lol: instead of their plunder, and corruption of Iranian economy, they can try to build a useful airforce.
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No, its the other way around. They choose this tactic because they don't have the conventional power.

There is no such law. remember when Iran bought(received) some Mig-29.

IRIAF is a flying museum. Iran has almost no capable airforce, and faces many dangers. So, why not spending in Air force? BTW, no one has asked them to buy F-35 :lol: instead of their plunder, and corruption of Iranian economy, they can try to build a useful airforce.
more like confiscate them and bought some spare for them
IRIAF is a flying museum. Iran has almost no capable airforce, and faces many dangers. So, why not spending in Air force? BTW, no one has asked them to buy F-35 :lol: instead of their plunder, and corruption of Iranian economy, they can try to build a useful airforce.

Iran's only chance is to work on it's own plus using foreigner scientists to build fighter jets .

This worked in Missile field and will probably work here .

It might not give us an excellent result but at least can let Iran to have upper hand in Persian Gulf against US navy ( if we have the quantity in the sky ) .

BTW , No one will dare to sell us fighter jets , If I'm not mistaken Iran tried to buy some planes from an ex soviet state but the US stopped the deal and bought them sooner .

Flying Museum is insulting man , They have done a great job up to now and they're certainly the best one in region after Israel .
Iran's only chance is to work on it's own plus using foreigner scientists to build fighter jets .

This worked in Missile field and will probably work here .

It might not give us an excellent result but at least can let Iran to have upper hand in Persian Gulf against US navy ( if we have the quantity in the sky ) .

BTW , No one will dare to sell us fighter jets , If I'm not mistaken Iran tried to buy some planes from an ex soviet state but the US stopped the deal and bought them sooner .
Iran tried to buy from Russia, US opposed it, then Russians suggested S-300 instead of fighter deal, and again US opposed it. Building aircraft is much much different from building missiles. building missiles is only about technology, while aircrafts need technology, huge money, experience, heavy industry, ...
Iran can never have the upper hand in quantity, since US+Arabs have always the upper hand in quantity because of their huge investments, ...
The only reasonable solution is mullahs became civilized, and buy aircrafts in huge numbers with ToT. Then start to make indigenous aircrafts. Otherwise, IRIAF would not have any chance against F-35, F-22, F-18(of USA), F-15, F-16(of Israel), and Eurofighters and F-15(of KSA)
I get sad every time I open Wikipedia and see what IRIAF has for aircraft.
Iran has money, why not buy it because of poor purchasing strategy.

Therefore, I would start a campaign to get IRIAF to check on the matter anyway.
Do not think that I'm kidding, but the 1000 message to the armed forces should make a difference.

Even if it does not meet our requirements so it should think about it.
Now I'm not kidding, take me seriously.
F-22 for Iran or nothing else.
Please think about the UN sanctions, Iran is not allowed to buy offensive weapons, even S-300 a defensive weapon became an offensive one all of a sudden!!!
F-22 for Iran or nothing else.
Please think about the UN sanctions, Iran is not allowed to buy offensive weapons, even S-300 a defensive weapon became an offensive one all of a sudden!!!

The failure to deliver the S-300 to Iran as contracted was a quid-pro-quo agreement between Russia and the United States. In return for the cancelled Russian contract, the US delayed delivery to Israel of range-extending F/A external fuel tanks and refueling planes, and new bunker busters, as well as publically and privately pressuring Tel Aviv to back away from a planned and at one time imminent assault on Iran.

The interesting part of your post is that if the Iranian government wanted to, they could shift the entire relationship rather quickly, as seen with their new President.
Poor idiot troll. I won't answer it, since it would be off-topic, and @Serpentine would delete it as soon as he sees the post.
Wo is the idiot here, talking nonsens and speculations, knowing very well that Iran is anctionned for offensive weapons.
When Iran will get the choice it can go for the Eurofighter, The F-15 SE and F-16 block 60, but I guess, since their policy is towards independance from others, they will build their own in no time, just some parts, engines and avionics while they are working on theirs.
So now you can stop your troll mind projections.
Wo is the idiot here, talking nonsens and speculations, knowing very well that Iran is anctionned for offensive weapons.
When Iran will get the choice it can go for the Eurofighter, The F-15 SE and F-16 block 60, but I guess, since their policy is towards independance from others, they will build their own in no time, just some parts, engines and avionics while they are working on theirs.
So now you can stop your troll mind projections.


I get sad every time I open Wikipedia and see what IRIAF has for aircraft.
Iran has money, why not buy it because of poor purchasing strategy.

Therefore, I would start a campaign to get IRIAF to check on the matter anyway.
Do not think that I'm kidding, but the 1000 message to the armed forces should make a difference.

Even if it does not meet our requirements so it should think about it.
Now I'm not kidding, take me seriously.

Because they are under sanctions?

If you pay, you get everything you want.

Russia? China? EU?
I think, Jf-17 Thunder and Sukhoi Su-30 are the best Aircrafts for IRIAF right now.

Russia? Maybe, China ? Maybe... the EU, no fu**ing way
Iran tried to buy from Russia, US opposed it, then Russians suggested S-300 instead of fighter deal, and again US opposed it. Building aircraft is much much different from building missiles. building missiles is only about technology, while aircrafts need technology, huge money, experience, heavy industry, ...
Iran can never have the upper hand in quantity, since US+Arabs have always the upper hand in quantity because of their huge investments, ...
The only reasonable solution is mullahs became civilized, and buy aircrafts in huge numbers with ToT. Then start to make indigenous aircrafts. Otherwise, IRIAF would not have any chance against F-35, F-22, F-18(of USA), F-15, F-16(of Israel), and Eurofighters and F-15(of KSA)

I'm sure the country Iran wanted to buy from wasn't Russia but an ex soviet state that I don't remember ( in 90's ) , The US opposed it and bought the planes .
By having sanctions lifted, or convince the Russians or Chinese that it would be in their best interest. One or the other, because no one else is going to sell to Iran.
The failure to deliver the S-300 to Iran as contracted was a quid-pro-quo agreement between Russia and the United States. In return for the cancelled Russian contract, the US delayed delivery to Israel of range-extending F/A external fuel tanks and refueling planes, and new bunker busters, as well as publically and privately pressuring Tel Aviv to back away from a planned and at one time imminent assault on Iran.

The interesting part of your post is that if the Iranian government wanted to, they could shift the entire relationship rather quickly, as seen with their new President.
The Russians have recognized to have been fooled by the US, I do not buy the USrael Scheme of delaying the delivery of some impotent armements against Iranian underground installations (it would have taken other US bombs that can only be delivered with B-52s). You know very well that USrael could not attack Iran, not even the US could or can, without accepting an unacceptable price to pay.
It was A Russian decision for whatever reason (Maybe the S-300 is compromized). Can you explain why they are offering the Antey 2000 now, and not the original S-300 PMU2?
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I'm sure the country Iran wanted to buy from wasn't Russia but an ex soviet state that I don't remember ( in 90's ) , The US opposed it and bought the planes .
Iran wanted to buy from Russia, Period ;) They later start to bitching, so, belarus gave technical assistance to Iran. But, they did not sell any fighters ;) It was some talks about buying more fighters from belarus as well, but, it was just talks, and was not serious ;)

can you translate what you just said
Do not feed the troll, brother ;) Let him bark, but don't answer him ;)
He is an absolute moron. As an example, he believes that Iran will build 5th generation Qaher-313 with 2 million dollars each, and it can beat US F-22!!!

JF-17 is for sale :rolleyes1:
You are a businessman!!!:lol::lol::lol:
JF-17 has Russian engines. So, it won't be possible for Iran to buy them ;)
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