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How can Pakistan Navy defend itself from Brahmos cruse missile ?



Like a CIWS can stop a supersonic missile.

And you think PN has not updated its defenses against air threats? PAF have ZDKs deployed over coastal areas to track ships and air activity during hostile time so CMs like nirbhay will find it very hard to by pass radar and other sensor.

You can even detect a ballistic missile, WHAT are you going to shoot it down with?
The AIP Agosta 90Bs are the only serious threat from PN. But you can't have all three on station at all times. There will usually be only 1 on station at any one time and in a conflict 2. We can handle 2 measly subs.
And the IN aircraft carrier is for show? LOL!! IN will take the fight to Pakistan. PN will always be fighting a defensive war.

Brahmos is anti-ship not land-attack. Nirbhay with a range of 1500 km is for that role. By the time you induct C-602 IN will induct Brahmos-2. PN cannot match IN in at least another 20 years. PN frigates weigh 2,200 tonnes. IN Shivalik class is 6,000 tonne.

Don't tell me about PN ships I have visited F-22P and discussed that topic which the thread is about and they say that Indian Brahmos is 500km missile and we have done our home work against it. PN and PAF will fight a NCW war so it will be not as easy as many Indian think.
And you think PN has not updated its defenses against air threats? PAF have ZDKs deployed over coastal areas to track ships and air activity during hostile time so CMs like nirbhay will find it very hard to by pass radar and other sensor.
Yeah, PN developed every kind of defense and offense.

But poor Indian Navy, they are new to the world.
The AIP Agosta 90Bs are the only serious threat from PN. But you can't have all three on station at all times. There will usually be only 1 on station at any one time and in a conflict 2. We can handle 2 measly subs.

70Bs are extensively upgraded and they can fire Harpoons so PN can deploy them with P-3s with PAF support.

Yeah, PN developed every kind of defense and offense.

But poor Indian Navy, they are new to the world.

very childish mind you have hope IN & IAF have many people like you.
70Bs are extensively upgraded and they can fire Harpoons so PN can deploy them with P-3s with PAF support.

very childish mind you have hope IN & IAF have many people like you.
Lol, nope. But definitely they dont have like you too.
Accidents happens like Gayari Avalanche where 100 of your soldiers died.
Your pea sized brain cannot differentiate between a flood,avalanche,earthquake.....and fire on a sub because of bad workmanship,poor quality control and lack of professionalism.
Indian IQ is definitely low.
Don't tell me about PN ships I have visited F-22P and discussed that topic which the thread is about and they say that Indian Brahmos is 500km missile and we have done our home work against it. PN and PAF will fight a NCW war so it will be not as easy as many Indian think.

2,200 tonnes is corvette class not frigate. And what air-defense systems are installed in the F-22P?
Like a CIWS can stop a supersonic missile.

You can even detect a ballistic missile, WHAT are you going to shoot it down with?

LY-80E medium range SAMS system will also be deployed in Karachi with other point defense systems and all will work in NCW environment.
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Pakistan Navy deploys Chinese C-602 cruise missile

Frontline units of Pakistan Navy have been equipped with the C-602 anti-ship cruise missiles purchased from China, according to Kanwa Defense Review published by Andrei Chang, also known as Pinkov, a Canadian military analyst.

Pakistan ordered about 120 C-602 anti-ship cruise missiles from China back in 2009. The first batch of the missiles, enough to equip a company, were delivered in 2011. After personnel completed training on using the missiles, the Pakistani government said that the C-602s had already been deployed by frontline naval units. The missiles were purchased to provide a countermeasure to India’s BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, which has a range of 290 kilometres.
The anti-ship cruise missiles have an estimated range of 280 km with a speed of 0.8 mach. The Kanwa Review said that the accuracy of the C-602 can be increased gradually if a deal is made between the two countries. Pakistan is currently the only foreign operator of the C-602.

Pakistan Navy deploys Chinese C-602 cruise missile - thenews.com.pk
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