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How Can One Who Truly Cares for the Hukm of Allah (swt)

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#Pakistan #PakArmy: How Can One Who Truly Cares for the Hukm of Allah (swt) and Seerah of RasulAllah (saaw) Fight the Call for the #Khilafah?

In his Defence Day address, General Raheel Sharif on 6 September said,

ہمارے ہر قدم اللہ کے حکم اور نبی اکرم صلى الله عليه و سلم كے سیرت کے مطابق اٹے

In the battle for our survival, we will take every step according to the Hukm of Allah and the Seerah of the Noble Prophet (saaw)."

He also stated "There are elements which are trying to create misunderstandings" and "It is also necessary for the elimination of terror to strengthen our laws" (http://www.dawn.com/…/defence-of-pakistan-is-invincible-***…). General Raheel Sharif's address is his attempt to defend the regime's National Action Plan (NAP) which has been seen as a US plan to suppress Islam. This is why he was careful to assure the people that his every step is according to Islam. At the same time he condemned those who account him as creating misunderstandings, even though the truly strong ruler is never threatened by advice, but benefits it. He then called for further strengthening of draconian laws under cover of the NAP, such as the now expired but up for renewal Protection of Pakistan Act (PoPA) through which he has overseen the arrest of thousands of Islam loving ulema, callers to Islam and politicians, including the advocates of the Khilafah.

The Raheel-Nawaz regime implements the National Action Plan, even though it is built on lies. Certainly, our Islam is not behind the killing of civilians, for Islam staunchly protects the civilian non-combatants from the scourge of war. Even during wars when meeting the enemy, the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to advise the Islamic Army,

«وَلا تَقْتُلُوا امْرَأَةً، وَلا وَلِيدًا، وَلا شَيْخًا كَبِيرًا»

“Do not kill a woman, or an infant, or an old man.” As for the Khulafa'a Rashidoon, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, advised his army commander,

وَإِنَّكُمْ سَتَجِدُونَ أَقْوَامًا قَدْ حَبَسُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ فِي هَذِهِ الصَّوَامِعِ فَاتْرُكُوهُمْ وَمَا حَبَسُوا لَهُ أَنْفُسَهُمْ... وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا كَبِيرًا هَرِمًا، وَلَا امْرَأَةً، وَلَا وَلِيدًا، وَلَا تُخْرِبُوا عُمْرَانًا

“You will find people who locked themselves up in temples, spare them and leave them for what they locked themselves up for… and do not kill the old, nor a woman, nor an infant, and do not destroy buildings.”

And Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, advised his army commander,

لَا تَغُلُّوا، وَلَا تَغْدِرُوا، وَلَا تُمَثِّلُوا، وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا امْرَأَةً، وَلَا صَبِيًّا، وَلَا شَيْخًا

“Do not transgress, do not betray, do not mutilate, and do not kill a woman, or a child, or an elderly.” Moreover, such mercy on the battlefield is not found in the United States, the master of the Raheel-Nawaz regime, which accuses us in our Deen, for the US has always committed crimes against humanity, from which even the wild animals in the jungle would shy from.

Yet, using the National Action Plan, the regime';s thugs have been unleashed upon the sincere and aware Muslims, defaming, harassing and arresting Ulema, Islamic activists and other callers to Islam. The regime has threatened journalists to curb Islamic expression in the media and even intimidated the judiciary to stop it providing relief for Islamic politicians. And the regime has reserved some of its harshest brutality for the shebaab of Hizb ut Tahrir, advocates for the Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of the Prophethood. The thugs of the regime violate the homes of the shebaab, not caring for the sanctity of their womenfolk, and waving weapons before the terrified children. They seize the shebaab and even their relatives, including the wife with the physically handicapped child. They severely torture the shebaab depriving them of sleep, beating them with bars and even subjecting them to electrical shocks. They throw the shebaab into dungeons, without trial or relief, including the doctor, the engineer, the teacher, the heart patient and the one with diseased, bleeding bowels. The crimes against the Hizb have become so numerous that they have become public knowledge and have now even spilled into the media.

So CIA created and Mossad run AL CIAda or ISIS will be the ones to create Khilaffah when cutting the heads of innocents and violating Islam in every action?

You seriously need to wake up mate
Agree with you ... Just the Name HT is hitting every one ........if we keep the method going and just change the Name or caption ...I mean what ever you will tell your country men they will shake their heads in yes ........for others keep it PM so what ..................:mad:
So CIA created and Mossad run AL CIAda or ISIS will be the ones to create Khilaffah when cutting the heads of innocents and violating Islam in every action?

You seriously need to wake up mate

ISIS khilafah isn't a khilafah . Khilafah means global concern. what ISIS is doing that is wrong and not permitted in Islam. Actual khilafahg is khilafah- e- rasidah.
In my opinion establashing of Khilafat today is a gross misconception. The whole argument is based upon the assumption that khilafat is the will of Allah. But what is a Kahlifah?

Khalifah is an Arabic word which literally means someone who succeeds or takes the position of another person. Proper title of the Rashidun was ‘Khalifat ul Rasool’ meaning they were regents of the holy Prophet (PBUH).

How is the successor to be chosen? Despite my best efforts and research I did not come across any clear guidelines either in the holy Quran or in reliable tradition or Hadith.

Only traditions I could find mentioned that when the holy Prophet (PBUH) was too ill to lead, he asked Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) to lead the prayers. Also when the Prophet (PBUH) left for Tabuk expedition, Hazrat Ali (RA) was left in charge at Medina. Holy Prophet also prayed to Allah to make either Abu Jahl or Hazrat Omar accept Islam during his Meccan days. Additionally there is a tradition that during a stopover on the way back from the farewell Hajj at Ghadir Khum, he hinted that Hazrat Ali (RA) should be the leader.

One would therefore presume that Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), Hazrat Omar (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA) were among best of the Muslims and therefore possible candidates of Khalifat ul Rasool. However Hazrat Usman (RA) was chosen as the third Khalifa over Hazrat Ali (RA).

No one can deny that having experienced companionship of the Prophet (PBUH), Sehaaba (RA) had better knowledge of Islam and Sunnah than those who followed. These noble Muslims elected the Rashidun; my conclusion therefore is that leadership of the Muslims depends upon will of the people and certainly not hereditary. Therefore all of the Banu Umayya and Bamu Abbas who became Khalifah by military force and turned it into a hereditary kingship were not ‘Khalifat-ul Rasool’.

The term ‘Khalifah’ being just an Arabic title; one can easily call the Chief Executive of a Muslim country as President or Prime Minister if he is performing the same function as Khalifah. The great Khalifah Hazrat Omar (RA) had formed a consultative committee called Majlis Shura; what is parliament but ‘Majlis Shura’ by another name?

After the fall of Baghdad a surviving Abbasside prince moved to Cairo and assumed the title of Khailfah as Al Mustansar. Ottoman Sultan Selim 1 took the last Cairo Khalifah al Mutawkkaul III as prisoner and transported him to Constantinople in 1517. Later Ottomans adopted the title of the Khailfah themselves. Are warlords who imprison a Khalifah entitled to usurp the mantle of the Khilafat?

In my humble opinion it is a heresy to say that Allah & the holy Prophet (PBUH) desired a Khalifat as the way of the gov’t. You cannot have a ‘Khilafat Rashidah’ unless people of the calibre of Rashidun are reborn. It is safe to conclude that the Shari'ah (Holy Law) left this matter to the discretion of the Umma itself so that it may select its leaders according to its own needs, and according to the conditions prevailing at the time.

However the above are my views only and in a free society, people are free to choose whatever system of gov't they want as long as they do not do by force but through consensus. Problems is that in my experience, most Khilafat lovers like to impose their version of Islam & Sharia through brute force.
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In my opinion establashing of Khilafat today is a gross misconception. The whole argument is based upon the assumption that khilafat is the will of Allah. But what is a Kahlifah?

Khalifah is an Arabic word which literally means someone who succeeds or takes the position of another person. Proper title of the Rashidun was ‘Khalifat ul Rasool’ meaning they regents of the holy Prophet (PBUH).

How is the successor to be chosen? Despite my best efforts and research I did not come across any clear guidelines either in the holy Quran or in reliable tradition or Hadith.

Only traditions I could find mentioned that when the holy Prophet (PBUH) was too ill to lead, he asked Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) to lead the prayers. Also when the Prophet (PBUH) left for Tabuk expedition, Hazrat Ali (RA) was left in charge at Medina. Holy Prophet also prayed to Allah to make either Abu Jahl or Hazrat Omar accept Islam during his Meccan days. Additionally there is a tradition that during a stopover on the way back from the farewell Hajj at Ghadir Khum, he hinted that Hazrat Ali (RA) should be the leader.

One would therefore presume that Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), Hazrat Omar (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA) were among best of the Muslims and therefore possible candidates of Khalifat ul Rasool. However Hazrat Usman (RA) was chosen as the third Khalifa over Hazrat Ali (RA).

No one can deny that having experienced companionship of the Prophet (PBUH), Sehaaba (RA) had better knowledge of Islam and Sunnah than those who followed. These noble Muslims elected the Rashidun; my conclusion therefore is that leadership of the Muslims depends upon will of the people and certainly not hereditary. Therefore all of the Banu Umayya and Bamu Abbas who became Khalifah by military force and turned it into a hereditary kingship were not ‘Khalifat-ul Rasool’.

The term ‘Khalifah’ being just an Arabic title; one can easily call the Chief Executive of a Muslim country as President or Prime Minister if he is performing the same function as Khalifah. The great Khalifah Hazrat Omar (RA) had formed a consultative committee called Majlis Shura; what is parliament but ‘Majlis Shura’ by another name?

After the fall of Baghdad a surviving Abbasside prince moved to Cairo and assumed the title of Khailfah as Al Mustansar. Ottoman Sultan Selim 1 took the last Cairo Khalifah al Mutawkkaul III as prisoner and transported him to Constantinople in 1517. Later Ottomans adopted the title of the Khailfah themselves. Are warlords who imprison a Khalifah entitled to usurp the mantle of the Khilafat?

In my humble opinion it is a heresy to say that Allah & the holy Prophet (PBUH) desired a Khalifat as the way of the gov’t. You cannot have a ‘Khilafat Rashidah’ unless people of the calibre of Rashidun are reborn. It is safe to conclude that the Shari'ah (Holy Law) left this matter to the discretion of the Umma itself so that it may select its leaders according to its own needs, and according to the conditions prevailing at the time.

However the above are my views only and in a free society, people are free to choose whatever system of gov't they want as long as they do not do by force but through consensus. Problems is that in my experience, most Khilafat lovers like to impose their version of Islam & Sharia through brute force.

Bringing Back khilafah isn't a misconception. It is an obligation for all muslims. Once khilafah is destroyed in 1924. Allah (SWT) and Prophet (Pbuh) Said again khilafah will come. Read Sura Al- Nur- ayat no-55.
In my opinion establashing of Khilafat today is a gross misconception. The whole argument is based upon the assumption that khilafat is the will of Allah. But what is a Kahlifah?

Khalifah is an Arabic word which literally means someone who succeeds or takes the position of another person. Proper title of the Rashidun was ‘Khalifat ul Rasool’ meaning they regents of the holy Prophet (PBUH).

How is the successor to be chosen? Despite my best efforts and research I did not come across any clear guidelines either in the holy Quran or in reliable tradition or Hadith.

Only traditions I could find mentioned that when the holy Prophet (PBUH) was too ill to lead, he asked Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) to lead the prayers. Also when the Prophet (PBUH) left for Tabuk expedition, Hazrat Ali (RA) was left in charge at Medina. Holy Prophet also prayed to Allah to make either Abu Jahl or Hazrat Omar accept Islam during his Meccan days. Additionally there is a tradition that during a stopover on the way back from the farewell Hajj at Ghadir Khum, he hinted that Hazrat Ali (RA) should be the leader.

One would therefore presume that Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), Hazrat Omar (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA) were among best of the Muslims and therefore possible candidates of Khalifat ul Rasool. However Hazrat Usman (RA) was chosen as the third Khalifa over Hazrat Ali (RA).

No one can deny that having experienced companionship of the Prophet (PBUH), Sehaaba (RA) had better knowledge of Islam and Sunnah than those who followed. These noble Muslims elected the Rashidun; my conclusion therefore is that leadership of the Muslims depends upon will of the people and certainly not hereditary. Therefore all of the Banu Umayya and Bamu Abbas who became Khalifah by military force and turned it into a hereditary kingship were not ‘Khalifat-ul Rasool’.

The term ‘Khalifah’ being just an Arabic title; one can easily call the Chief Executive of a Muslim country as President or Prime Minister if he is performing the same function as Khalifah. The great Khalifah Hazrat Omar (RA) had formed a consultative committee called Majlis Shura; what is parliament but ‘Majlis Shura’ by another name?

After the fall of Baghdad a surviving Abbasside prince moved to Cairo and assumed the title of Khailfah as Al Mustansar. Ottoman Sultan Selim 1 took the last Cairo Khalifah al Mutawkkaul III as prisoner and transported him to Constantinople in 1517. Later Ottomans adopted the title of the Khailfah themselves. Are warlords who imprison a Khalifah entitled to usurp the mantle of the Khilafat?

In my humble opinion it is a heresy to say that Allah & the holy Prophet (PBUH) desired a Khalifat as the way of the gov’t. You cannot have a ‘Khilafat Rashidah’ unless people of the calibre of Rashidun are reborn. It is safe to conclude that the Shari'ah (Holy Law) left this matter to the discretion of the Umma itself so that it may select its leaders according to its own needs, and according to the conditions prevailing at the time.

However the above are my views only and in a free society, people are free to choose whatever system of gov't they want as long as they do not do by force but through consensus. Problems is that in my experience, most Khilafat lovers like to impose their version of Islam & Sharia through brute force.
Someone please give the honorable Niaz sahab a positive rating. My thanks to you for this post, Sir. @Oscar Please deal with the OP, won't you? He has been given a freehand long enough

Bringing Back khilafah isn't a misconception. It is an obligation for all muslims. Once khilafah is destroyed in 1924. Allah (SWT) and Prophet (Pbuh) Said again khilafah will come. Read Sura Al- Nur- ayat no-55.
How daft are you? Did God bless the semen which conceived Caliph Abdulhameed II with some extraordinarily divine dictatorial abilities, the way he did with the Umayyads and Abbasids (May Allah's fierce wrath be upon them for their transgressions against Sahaba R.A., Awliaa R.A., and their other innocent subjects)?
Bringing Back khilafah isn't a misconception. It is an obligation for all muslims....
Then Muslims have to support Israel, yes? For the last will of the Caliphate towards the world was expressed in the aborted 1920 Treaty of Sevres whose tenets Israel follows to this day, whereas the Arabs of the Middle East have violated them.
Then Muslims have to support Israel, yes? For the last will of the Caliphate towards the world was expressed in the aborted 1920 Treaty of Sevres whose tenets Israel follows to this day, whereas the Arabs of the Middle East have violated them.
What matters is the fact does Judaism recognizes Israel and not what Zionists think. If jews believe it shuld and torah says it should, then there is no reason why it should be opposed
@waz @mike2000 is back @Blue Marlin @Jungibaaz

I know HuT isn't banned in UK but isn't there a way to report the OP to the authorities for posting terrorist literature? At least they'll keep and eye on him if nothing else. I greatly admire your country and would hate to see these Godawful creatures cause any harm to it or bring a bad name to all of us who call ourselves Muslims.

Edit: To my British friends of South Asian origin, Please convey your reservations to the authorities because you should have a better understanding of his kind. The authorities will be able to determine the course of action for this case.

@Kaptaan @niaz
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@waz @mike2000 is back @Blue Marlin @Jungibaaz

I know HuT isn't banned in UK but isn't there a way to report the OP to the authorities for posting terrorist literature? At least they'll keep and eye on him if nothing else. I greatly admire your country and would hate to see these Godawful creatures cause any harm to it or bring a bad name to all of us who call ourselves Muslims.

Edit: To my British friends of South Asian origin, Please convey your reservations to the authorities because you should have a better understanding of his kind. The authorities will be able to determine the course of action for this case.

@Kaptaan @niaz
whats hut?
While qualifying for a technical course in Signals College, there was a captain in the course who used to talk all the time about Khilafat, Ummah etc. He had a small beard and had very strict views about Islam which he didnt mind sharing. Sometimes he would tell me to keep my pants above ankles, tell me to keep a beard as its prohibited to shave on face etc. He would quote every sentence of his followed by an ayat and hadith.
After a few weeks, he went missing. No one knew where.
He came back a week later but he got very quiet and wouldnt speak much. It was later revealed that he was under watch for his views and words by an intelligence unit and was taken away by them when he got too vocal about his views of a khilafat movement. He joined the course for a few days and was then sent back to his unit.
  • Here is a suggestion how about you form this Khilafa in Afghanistan or India 8-)
  • Why does it have to be Pakistan , you know with all that you stated about our General and PM ?
  • India is ready for your new Caliph :whistle:
  • We already got a lovely system , PM / General Raheel sharif
Ticket katao and Indian Pohonch jao

Take some tea and good tea cups and go drink tea wit Modi

Send us a post card from India when you formed that new Khailafa
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