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How Bangladesh is outperforming India, writes Karan Thapar


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How Bangladesh is outperforming India, writes Karan Thapar

Be it growth, enhanced investment, life expectancy, literacy, and health, Bangladesh is doing well

Updated: Feb 15, 2020 18:48 IST
By Karan Thapar,


Bangladesh is growing at a rate that we in India can only envy and hope to achieve two or three years down the road. Whilst we slip below 5%, Bangladesh is racing ahead at 8%. (ANI Photo)
Frankly, I blame Henry Kissinger. Way back in the 1970s, he called Bangladesh “an international basket case”. At the time, no doubt, it was. Television images of the frequent devastating floods it suffered confirmed this characterisation. So the description stuck.

Today, Bangladesh is a different country. The world may be slow in changing its opinion — although I am not so sure of that — but we in India have no right to be trapped in the 1970s. Yet, that’s precisely what the junior home minister revealed last weekend.

“Half of Bangladesh will be empty (vacant) if India offers citizenship to them,” said minister of state for home, G Kishan Reddy. “Half of Bangladeshis will come over to India if citizenship is promised.” Apart from the fact that he was undiplomatic and offensive, Reddy also revealed that he’s ignorant of the true state of Bangladesh. Worse, he doesn’t know that, in comparison to India, Bangladesh is performing far better on many, if not most, of the indices that determine quality of life.

First, Bangladesh is growing at a rate that we in India can only envy and hope to achieve two or three years down the road. Whilst we slip below 5%, Bangladesh is racing ahead at 8%.

Second, while Nirmala Sitharaman desperately strives to attract investment leaving China by offering 15% rates of corporate tax, Bangladesh is one of the two countries where it’s actually going. Consequently, high streets in London and New York are brimming with clothes made in Bangladesh, but very few produced in Ludhiana and Tirupur. No wonder Bangladesh’s merchandise exports grew in double digits in fiscal 2019; India’s sharply fell.

However, economic performance is only one part of the growing difference that separates India from Bangladesh. The other is more telling. To put it bluntly, life in Bangladesh appears a lot more attractive than in India.

Just look at the facts. Life expectancy for males and females in Bangladesh is 71 and 74 respectively. In India, the corresponding figure is 67 and 70. When you break down this big picture, the difference becomes even more striking.

First, take children. Neonatal mortality in India is 22.73 per 1,000 live births; it is 17.12 in Bangladesh. Infant mortality is 29.94 in India versus 25.14 in Bangladesh. Our under-five mortality is 38.69; theirs is 30.16.

Now, come to women. In Bangladesh, 71% of women above the age of 15 are literate, while 66% are so in India. In Bangladesh, female labour participation is 30% and rising; ours is 23% and has fallen by 8% in the last decade.

Finally, the ratio of high school enrolment for boys and girls — a measure that indicates how the future is developing — is 0.94 in India but 1.14 in Bangladesh. Not only are things better on the other side of the border; they’re going to get better still. We’re falling behind.

So when AK Abdul Momen, Bangladesh’s foreign minister, says, “Some Indian nationals are entering Bangladesh illegally for economic reasons”, he may well be right. People migrate to improve their lives, and life in Bangladesh seems decidedly better. If you’re an Indian Muslim in danger of lynching because you trade in meat, accused of love-jihad because you’ve fallen in love with a Hindu, or in fear of losing your citizenship, you could easily be tempted to cross over to the other side.

At the moment, there can’t be too many inclined to journey in the opposite direction. The statistics I have quoted suggest that it’s more attractive to be a termite in Bangladesh than a legal citizen in India.

One last point: Someone should tell Reddy that if the United States of America promises citizenship, half of India will cross over. Actually, it will be far more. And, by the way, the fact America’s doors are presently shut isn’t stopping us.

Karan Thapar is the author of Devil’s Advocate: The Untold Story
The views expressed are personal


Be it growth, enhanced investment, life expectancy, literacy, and health, Bangladesh is doing well
columns Updated: Feb 15, 2020 18:48 IST

Karan Thapar

Bangladesh is growing at a rate that we in India can only envy and hope to achieve two or three years down the road. Whilst we slip below 5%, Bangladesh is racing ahead at 8%. (ANI Photo)
Frankly, I blame Henry Kissinger. Way back in the 1970s, he called Bangladesh “an international basket case”. At the time, no doubt, it was. Television images of the frequent devastating floods it suffered confirmed this characterisation. So the description stuck.

Today, Bangladesh is a different country. The world may be slow in changing its opinion — although I am not so sure of that — but we in India have no right to be trapped in the 1970s. Yet, that’s precisely what the junior home minister revealed last weekend.

“Half of Bangladesh will be empty (vacant) if India offers citizenship to them,” said minister of state for home, G Kishan Reddy. “Half of Bangladeshis will come over to India if citizenship is promised.” Apart from the fact that he was undiplomatic and offensive, Reddy also revealed that he’s ignorant of the true state of Bangladesh. Worse, he doesn’t know that, in comparison to India, Bangladesh is performing far better on many, if not most, of the indices that determine quality of life.

First, Bangladesh is growing at a rate that we in India can only envy and hope to achieve two or three years down the road. Whilst we slip below 5%, Bangladesh is racing ahead at 8%.

Second, while Nirmala Sitharaman desperately strives to attract investment leaving China by offering 15% rates of corporate tax, Bangladesh is one of the two countries where it’s actually going. Consequently, high streets in London and New York are brimming with clothes made in Bangladesh, but very few produced in Ludhiana and Tirupur. No wonder Bangladesh’s merchandise exports grew in double digits in fiscal 2019; India’s sharply fell.

However, economic performance is only one part of the growing difference that separates India from Bangladesh. The other is more telling. To put it bluntly, life in Bangladesh appears a lot more attractive than in India.

Just look at the facts. Life expectancy for males and females in Bangladesh is 71 and 74 respectively. In India, the corresponding figure is 67 and 70. When you break down this big picture, the difference becomes even more striking.

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First, take children. Neonatal mortality in India is 22.73 per 1,000 live births; it is 17.12 in Bangladesh. Infant mortality is 29.94 in India versus 25.14 in Bangladesh. Our under-five mortality is 38.69; theirs is 30.16.

Now, come to women. In Bangladesh, 71% of women above the age of 15 are literate, while 66% are so in India. In Bangladesh, female labour participation is 30% and rising; ours is 23% and has fallen by 8% in the last decade.

Finally, the ratio of high school enrolment for boys and girls — a measure that indicates how the future is developing — is 0.94 in India but 1.14 in Bangladesh. Not only are things better on the other side of the border; they’re going to get better still. We’re falling behind.

So when AK Abdul Momen, Bangladesh’s foreign minister, says, “Some Indian nationals are entering Bangladesh illegally for economic reasons”, he may well be right. People migrate to improve their lives, and life in Bangladesh seems decidedly better. If you’re an Indian Muslim in danger of lynching because you trade in meat, accused of love-jihad because you’ve fallen in love with a Hindu, or in fear of losing your citizenship, you could easily be tempted to cross over to the other side.

At the moment, there can’t be too many inclined to journey in the opposite direction. The statistics I have quoted suggest that it’s more attractive to be a termite in Bangladesh than a legal citizen in India.

One last point: Someone should tell Reddy that if the United States of America promises citizenship, half of India will cross over. Actually, it will be far more. And, by the way, the fact America’s doors are presently shut isn’t stopping us.
Where are those low-life Indians now?

Even Indians are writing lots of articles praising the BD economy saying that it is ahead of India and leaving it behind rapidly.

BD used to be one of the richest and most technologically advanced region of the plant just 2 centuries ago and it is just getting back to that position slowly.
Where are those low-life Indians now?

Even Indians are writing lots of articles praising the BD economy saying that it is ahead of India and leaving it behind rapidly.

BD used to be one of the richest and most technologically advanced region of the plant just 2 centuries ago and it is just getting back to that position slowly.

India aways appriciate the growth and prosperity of BD ..I hope you guys do well in future..
But does economic prosperity and illegal immigration are related with each other???

Illegal immigration exists from BD to India and may be India to BD too...Rather than denying its existence...there should be an established mechanism to address it.
India aways appriciate the growth and prosperity of BD ..I hope you guys do well in future..
But does economic prosperity and illegal immigration are related with each other???

Illegal immigration exists from BD to India and may be India to BD too...Rather than denying its existence...there should be an established mechanism to address it.

Yes there are some illegal BD'shis in India like there are some illegal Indians in BD.

Even Indian friendly AL estimated that there were some 500,000 illegal Indians(no idea how they worked this out) in BD in 2009 and the number must surely have risen as BD economy has been stronger than India since then.

Why make a big deal out of this minor problem? Even if there were 1 million illegal Indians in compact BD you think any BD'shi gives a two hoots?

There are more important things to worry about like your poor economy and fantasising about half of BD moving to India if they were offered Indian citizenship is not productive.
Where are those low-life Indians now?

Even Indians are writing lots of articles praising the BD economy saying that it is ahead of India and leaving it behind rapidly.

BD used to be one of the richest and most technologically advanced region of the plant just 2 centuries ago and it is just getting back to that position slowly.
Proto Industrial Age it was the leader in technological innovations, and GDP equal to or greater than that of Great Britain (I don’t remember the numbers) only after the colonization and following industrialization in Britain did Britain manage to overtake and surpass bengal while bengal went through a decline
Photo Industrial Age it was the leader in technological innovations, only after the colonization and following industrialization in Britain did Britain manage to overtake and surpass bengal

Yep the most advanced ships that the British used during Trafalgar were constructed in Bengal region.
The British, the French, Germans all had their warships made from bengal... mind you were talking about frigates and battleships of the pre ironclad era so timber/ oak ships

BD is going back into the warship building business with a vengeance.

Soon the partner for the next-gen frigate programme(initial order of 6) will be announced and large warships will again be constructed in BD.
Atleast West Bengal should learn from Bangladesh ....Communists and TMC has turned it jnto a shit hole on the other hand Sheikh Hasina is taking her country forward .... the deal of Teesta river was stalled by Mamata Banerjee as it was pro Bangladesh
Yes there are some illegal BD'shis in India like there are some illegal Indians in BD.

Even Indian friendly AL estimated that there were some 500,000 illegal Indians(no idea how they worked this out) in BD in 2009 and the number must surely have risen as BD economy has been stronger than India since then.

Why make a big deal out of this minor problem? Even if there were 1 million illegal Indians in compact BD you think any BD'shi gives a two hoots?

There are more important things to worry about like your poor economy and fantasising about half of BD moving to India if they were offered Indian citizenship is not productive.

It may not be a big deal for us if they do not aspire to take up citizenship...Trust be no Indian people have any issue if any number of BD people come on some kind of visa or anything you name it and stay for ever without taking citizenship here...It is not about fellow Indian and BD people going for job rather trying to infuence the politics that is the problem...Again, it is your country and your rule...We do not make any fuss if you punish Indian illegals

Atleast West Bengal should learn from Bangladesh ....Communists and TMC has turned it jnto a shit hole on the other hand Sheikh Hasina is taking her country forward .... the deal of Teesta river was stalled by Mamata Banerjee as it was pro Bangladesh

That is true...At least Hasina developing her country...Our TMC and Commies are making West Bengal as a beggar state day by day...
Yep the most advanced ships that the British used during Trafalgar were constructed in Bengal region.

What? Which advanced ships were those?

I've literally been to the museum, most of the ships including HMS Victory came from Portsmouth, Chatham, and Plymouth dockyards.

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