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How Bangladesh can reverse brain drain

I completely agree with what you proposed for BD to start with. However, when our people are unable to produce a simple engine or electric motor, our govt is talking about aeronautieucal engg, and some of our brats here are proposing to produce high end Electrical Vehicles (EV) as BD has a magic lamp and we have just to wish anything.

EV might be better for Bangladesh than traditional cars. Start off with simple components that foreign companies can invest in while universities research import replacement for advanced components like batteries or motors. Traditional cars are too saturated.

Aerospace doesn't actually make money except from governments. Even South Korea and Japan struggle with aerospace. The only countries with independent aircraft manufacturing capabilities are US, Russia, China and EU. Maybe Bangladesh can lease land for an international spaceport, and provide services to satellite launchers as long as they bring their own rocket.
EV might be better for Bangladesh than traditional cars. Start off with simple components that foreign companies can invest in while universities research import replacement for advanced components like batteries or motors. Traditional cars are too saturated.

Aerospace doesn't actually make money except from governments. Even South Korea and Japan struggle with aerospace. The only countries with independent aircraft manufacturing capabilities are US, Russia, China and EU. Maybe Bangladesh can lease land for an international spaceport, and provide services to satellite launchers as long as they bring their own rocket.

Or you know ? We can build our own rocket , now it may not be easy but we can just get engines from Ukraine and reverse engineer them and eventually build our own rocket engine.

Bangladesh will be forced to make BEV cars in the future anyways so yeah
I got information from Nilgiri that in average around half of Indian citizen who are studying in Western country universities will not go back to India and later will change their citizenship.

The reason they don't go back is not even infra or jobs.

It is the back-dated and extremely mean narrow-minded mentality of Indian people in general. Not everyone is like this, but enough people are. They never want anything good for a fellow Indian.

Indians with some talent will never prosper in their own country, most people know this, are desperate to leave and do not ever plan to come back.
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