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How Asians view each other

You're right @Edison Chen There is nothing more that I dislike than people who try to talk big about themselves, and putting others down. Its a pet peeve of mine.

I admire Chinese people , the ones that i've met, for being very humble. They are humble when they are poor, and even the ones that have 'mad it big' still retain humility.

When i first came to America for graduate school, I had rented a room from a Chinese family who rented out their basement. The owners, both elderly Chinese couple, screened me from head to toe (LOL) and made sure I was able to make my month's payment. I guess they had a history of renters not paying. They live quite close to the university that I attend.

Anyways, i lived with them for the first 2 years i was here in the United States. The lady renter was like a 2nd mom to me, I always called her 'Zhongguo Mama' hahaha. She would laugh so hard everytime i called her that, too. She and her husband would invite me to dinner , and would offer to do my laundry. Basically she was like my 2nd mom. When i moved out of their place and moved into my new place, i made sure to invite them to my house blessing. I still visit them from time to time. One thing i loved about my "Zhongguo Mama" is because she is humble, motherly, and genuinely cared for me. It made my first year living in the 'states bearable. Because i was quite homesick in the first year. :(

Thanks for sharing your experience, usually elderly couples are more easy going, they feel lonely, they want talk. Many old American people are the same, they try to make conversation with you. But it's true, Chinese people are more humble and tolerant, it's due to our broad land, huge population and multi ethnicity. If you come to China as a guest, I believe most people will still help you when you need even if they know you are Japanese and the polls.
I also think that these pew polls don't represent the people. I wonder where the samples were collected from; if they were in large cities, in the rural areas, were they collected from all over Japan or only in one part. The polls also can be influenced by media , especially given our two countries' disputes. So , i do wonder if the ones who collected the samples did a proper randomized trial. If it was not randomized , then the results will reflect bias.

Thanks man, I know exactly how friendly and kind Chinese people are. I've never once experienced discrimination when I was in Guangzho, Hong Kong, Shanghai. Same also in Japan, if you come to visit, you will see that Japanese people are very polite and are interested in China. We also love Chinese food.
Thanks for sharing your experience, usually elderly couples are more easy going, they feel lonely, they want talk. Many old American people are the same, they try to make conversation with you. But it's true, Chinese people are more humble and tolerant, it's due to our broad land, huge population and multi ethnicity. If you come to China as a guest, I believe most people will still help you when you need even if they know you are Japanese and the polls.

So true hehehehehe
I also think that these pew polls don't represent the people. I wonder where the samples were collected from; if they were in large cities, in the rural areas, were they collected from all over Japan or only in one part. The polls also can be influenced by media , especially given our two countries' disputes. So , i do wonder if the ones who collected the samples did a proper randomized trial. If it was not randomized , then the results will reflect bias.

Thanks man, I know exactly how friendly and kind Chinese people are. I've never once experienced discrimination when I was in Guangzho, Hong Kong, Shanghai. Same also in Japan, if you come to visit, you will see that Japanese people are very polite and are interested in China. We also love Chinese food.

Could it be cuz y'all look the same.....or close enough! i.e. 'from the same gene pool, in a broader sense.....
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