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How America is hastily exiting Afghanistan, leaving it to the the Taliban, China and Pakistan

Anything that happens the way Pakistani leadership want it to happen, becomes a matter of survival/life and death for India. I think their insecurity is justified though, because Pakistanis are inherently brave making them aggressive, one foreign policy win for Pakistan means an emboldened enemy for India no doubt theyre pissing their pants right now, especially since this coup was unforeseeable in such a short amount of time
Becharay bhartiyo ki ph@t1 pari hai. They lost one supa pawa i.e. Afghanistan, still they have 2 more supa pawas bangadesh and bhutan.
why not india sends its troops to protect the women's rights and its investments like libraries?
this is one of best idea and pakistan will love it..trust me.. if they send 10000 no one will go back alive if they send 100 thousand they will not go back alive like zombies ‍♀️hahah
Pain is getting at unbearable level within Indian establishment. Why don't these cheerleaders of America man up for once and get involved in Afghanistan on their own?
US soldiers will be replaced by private contractors like Blackwater, just like what happened in Iraq.

They are a poor substitute, who take greater losses and can't rely on the support of the main force. They are also seen as a expendable.
This is the start of a withdrawal, although US troops will stay on as a much smaller force.
Western Super Power will never exit Afghanistan till they fulfill their illegitimate interest best known to them. one or the other day they will hire others to fight their war for them by any possible means; let be private militia/private contractors or even can be a country exempted from trading and operating port with a sanctioned entity.

The other only possibility of hasty exit might be the future perceived entry of China or Russia in the scene as both can suffer heavily, as this place can be a ground for conspiracy against them.

Lets see how the events unfolds knowing the west proven historical track record on agreements and treachery!.
The other only possibility of hasty exit might be the future perceived entry of China or Russia in the scene as both can suffer heavily, as this place can be a ground for conspiracy against them.

Highly unlikely that China or Russia will get involved militarily. Russians will not forget the humiliating defeat although in the guise of USSR in A-Stan. Chinese are too smart to do this. Iranians can try but their influence has been limited to Western A-stan in Herat, and they are already stretched with their involvement in Syria.

Russia and China can only get involved economically if the conditions are suitable.

There has been only one power in A-stan that has been patiently controlling the war for approximately 40-years since 1979 and that is Pakistan. Now self-declared geniuses and other foreigners will tell you something else, but this is the reality of the situation in A-stan.
Since deal is done between US and Talibs there is never ending cry from both BD and India.
According to Trump US is spending 50 Billions in Afghanistan both India AND BD can share theior pockets to help theior brother afghans from Kabul with both men and materials

US soldiers will be replaced by private contractors like Blackwater, just like what happened in Iraq.
No chance why India and BD don't contribute soldiers?? Help ur Afghan brothers.

India can’t even protect their own women, they are getting rapped every hour. You think they will send troops to Afghanistan.
I guess Americans finely realized that Indians r just cheerleaders wearing mini skirts not players so Trump start mocking Small man Modi wait let them out they will twist Modis economic Arm too.
They are a poor substitute, who take greater losses and can't rely on the support of the main force. They are also seen as a expendable.
This is the start of a withdrawal, although US troops will stay on as a much smaller force.
Has the taliban agreed to a much smaller force and would they agree to contractors being in their country. For as long as foreigners are tgere the Taliban will fight.
They laughed at Gen Hamid Gull (may Allah have mercy upon him) when he warned the west that yiu havent won.
India should look at post USA Afghanistan and how it can create fissures between the taliban and its Pakistani sponsors.
I forsee the afghan taliban turning their attention to the unresolved issues with Pakistan, growth of pasthun nationalism and the opening of a pasthun led new anti pak front. The hints are already their with the growth of PTM.
India should look at post USA Afghanistan and how it can create fissures between the taliban and its Pakistani sponsors.
I forsee the afghan taliban turning their attention to the unresolved issues with Pakistan, growth of pasthun nationalism and the opening of a pasthun led new anti pak front. The hints are already their with the growth of PTM.

You couldn't do jack-shi.t in 20-years and here you trying to pass smart arse comments. Why can't you not contribute something positive to this thread that makes sense rather than arse-talking garbage like every dic.k and harry indian on this forum?
Here is a free tip - India start negotiation with the real puppet master Pakistan, and come up with something mutually beneficial to both countries that improves the lives of ordinary indian and Pakistan people greatly? Can you and others like suggest this? Probably not cause you jack-arses are so confused by your Brahamin Ruling junta that you don't even know where your arses are located.
US keen to wash its hands of Afghanistan, says scholar

Peerzada SalmanUpdated February 02, 2019
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VALI Nasr speaks on the opening day of the Adab Festival at Sindh Governor House.—Fahim Siddiqi / White Star

KARACHI: There was a nip in the air. The weather wasn’t particularly cold, but cold enough for book lovers to wear woollies.

But the real warmth that they were expecting was to come from erudite keynote speeches on the first day of the inaugural Adab Festival Pakistan at Sindh Governor House. And they got that on Friday.

Explore: Will Karachi's brand-new Adab Festival change lit fest culture or serve more of the same?

It all began with introductory speeches. The co-founder and co-director of the event Ameena Saiyid said the intention of holding the event was to involve every part of the nation, celebrate literary achievements of writers and encourage creativity in all its luminous forms.

Governor House hosts Adab Festival, latest addition to Karachi’s literary scene

Co-director Asif Farrukhi said he and Ms Saiyid had been involved in organising similar programmes and in that regard Adab Festival Pakistan was a milestone because it marks a decade of literature festivals in the country.

Talking about the difficulties that he and his co-director had to go through for putting up the festival, he remarked that they “persisted” and “survived”.

To elucidate his point, he recalled the late Fahimda Riaz and recited a poem by her.

Stefan Winkler, director of Goethe Institut, said the institute has been part of such functions in Pakistan. He recalled Allama Iqbal’s admiration for German thinkers and writers such as Nietzsche and Goethe, ending his address by quoting Hermann Hesse: “Of all the worlds invented by humankind, the world of books is the greatest.”

Sindh Governor Imran Ismail and Khalid Mahmood also spoke.

Renowned scholar Vali Nasr delivered one of the three keynote addresses of the evening. He said though the topic he had was ‘US foreign policy for South Asia’, new developments have taken place. This led him to give a background of the three US administrations [Bush, Obama and Trump] since 9/11 and the way they looked at the Middle East and South Asia.

Trump and statecraft
Mr Nasr said President Trump had brought about an enormous change in conducting statecraft. The key question is: how much that change, which he is trying to bring about, will last?

After 9/11 one rubric has covered the relationship between the US and Middle East/South Asia: ‘concern with Islamic radicalism’. The wars in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq have had this concern.

Know more: 'Trump has no understanding of the South Asian region,' Imran says

Now there’s a very different president in the US. Aside from the manner in which he conducts statecraft, he has a singular view of things. For instance, he thinks economic relations between countries are a zero-sum game — one wins and the other loses. He doesn’t believe in globalisation. He believes in ‘America first’. He doesn’t believe in permanent alliances. He has a transactional view of foreign policy.

Mr Nasr said there was a world of difference between the Bush and Obama administrations on one hand, and the current one on the other. But when it comes to the Middle East and South Asia, there are certain continuities which reflect the general mood of the American public.

The degree of Washington’s engagement in South Asia and the Middle East has been excessive and has not paid dividends.

At present the US needs oil, but over the next 20 years it would turn into the single largest exporter of oil. It will out-produce Saudi Arabia and Opec.

Mr Nasr said President Obama was the first to challenge this view; he thought the US was overspending in the Middle East, and it hadn’t got it anywhere. He was not convinced that the Middle East was ready for democracy even after the Arab Spring.

Obama had concluded the best thing to do was to start withdrawing from the region.

On Afghanistan, Barack Obama was never convinced that the war there was winnable.

President Trump, during his presidential campaign, wasn’t far off. He was, in fact, most blunt and unequivocal on the issue. He believed that the US should not get involved in wars in Middle East and South Asia.

He was not willing to commit to Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. As soon as he came to office, he started talking about reducing troops.

Mr Nasr said Trump sought to contain Iran and be friendly with Saudi Arabia, but that hasn’t worked so far. Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries have completely washed their hands of Syria.

The fate of Syria is being determined by every country other than Arab countries themselves. The Khashoggi affair has severely damaged Saudi Arabia’s international standing.

Things are now beginning to crystallise for Trump. So he now thinks if Turkey is taking care of the militant Islamic State group, it suits the US well. He is now going to talk about containing Iran, but won’t do anything about it.

Take a look: Anger, dismay, support — how the world sees US withdrawal from Iran deal

Mr Nasr said since 9/11 Washington’s view of Afghanistan and Pakistan had increasingly narrowed down to the issue of Afghanistan. The Bush administration’s view of the Musharraf government as an ally was a high point for Pakistan. It changed during the Obama administration. He thought that Islamabad’s agenda in Afghanistan was not aligned with Washington’s.

Also read: Trump’s latest salvo

Focus on Afghanistan
Mr Nasr said Trump had been focused on the Afghanistan issue. As soon as he took over, he began pushing the Pentagon with a question: why isn’t the war in Afghanistan ending?

His response to the [current] escalation in Afghanistan is not a surge in troops. He is of the view that this war is not winnable. Therefore, US soldiers have to leave the country.

But for that to happen, Washington must have some sort of agreement with the Taliban. Trump doesn’t care that his dealing with the Taliban will impact his base as the average American is not going to obsess about the Taliban.

“If there is any existentialist threat to America, it’s Trump himself.”

Mr Nasr said these are interesting times for Pakistan. If an agreement is reached in Afghanistan, there are different conditionalities: will the Taliban play ball, will Trump be re-elected, how good the deal is?

But if we were to assume that it [deal] moves forward, then it would be a period that Pakistan and the US follow the same script in a genuine way. Another question is: what if the US leaves Afghanistan and the conflict doesn’t remain an issue for it.

But it’s also an opportunity for Pakistan to make a fresh start by thinking beyond security concerns.

Last but not the least, there are other big players in the region: Russia and China. China and the US are going through a change of relationship, presenting challenges as well as opportunities for Pakistan. “It’s no longer going to be just between Pakistan and the US.”

Arfa Syeda Zahra, the other keynote speaker, addressed the audience in Urdu, as she always does and claims she loves to speak in Urdu, although she doesn’t hate English.

She argued literature and language went hand in hand with culture (tehzeeb), which is the idea of the Adab Festival.

Dr Ishrat Husain, in his keynote speech, argued that the discourse in Pakistan was inward-looking, whereas there are certain dilemmas or issues on a global scale that can affect us. The first one was that the ideological schism between left and right has become irrelevant. Second, global governance has become complex; third, technological disruption; fourth, the shift of economic balance of power between the US and China; fifth, exponential growth in information; sixth, climate change.

After the opening session, Getz Pharma prize for fiction in English was given to Kamila Shamsie for her novel Home Fire.

Published in Dawn, February 2nd, 2019
Four months ago, Trump abandoned the bluster, and conceded to the Taliban's demand for direct negotiations. Reports indicate that the US has agreed to key Taliban demands for withdrawal of foreign forces and withdrawal of any support to TTP and Baloch rebels.SEEMA GUPTA

This is the biggest problem for India. What America did for us, we return accordingly. As of India still many things due and we are waiting for right time.
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