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how about ending interfaith wars?


Jun 2, 2012
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Hi Folks.

The more I learn about social customs farther away from my home country, I realise that too many humans think their religion is the best religion, to the point of thinking that customs and rituals from outside their own religion are somehow worth less to God or Allah or Jah or one of the many other names our God uses.

I would like to motivate you all to consider the following;

God has refined the lessons He teaches the generations of living humans that pass by on Earth, and continues to do so also according to my own experience.

God is in my view capable of having personal relationships with many humans who respect Him, at the same time. God can focus His Divine attention on many corners of Earth at the same time, too. And I theorize that God and Allah are 2 of more parts of the same vast being that has worked to protect and guide humans throughout the ages. When I speak about God, in this article, I mean the *entire* being of God.

So what about the older Gods of polytheism? What about demi-gods, higher-ranked Angels and Demons, Elementals, and other mythical invisible beings?

Without diving deep into quantum mechanics, I'll bring you one quote that hasn't been disproven in 50 years of scientific work with computers; quantum mechanics, the most commonly accepted theory we have of the subatomic world at time of writing this, where our microscopes of this era can't show us anything anymore, predicts 11 phsyical dimensions.

We currently don't have technology yet to peek into this world to see if there are perhaps beings on Earth we can't see with our own eyes, because our eyes catch photons which interact with only some of these 11 dimensions.

But, believers, those who have personal relationships with invisible beings well beyond their childhood years, they know invisible beings that consider Earth their rightful home, some highly intelligent, seek telepathic contact with select humans, who are often called psychics these days. Such relationships usually start in a human's childhood (as it was with me).

To believers whom God has plausibly deniably proven His existance, with small miracles (often weather related in my own experience) or via any other way, God exists and is Good indeed.

Of all the invisible beings possibly inhabiting Earth, God (aka Allah) must be fastest, the strongest, the wisest, the most compassionate. I've personally fought many a telepathic battle about the fate of Humanity and other phsyical lifeforms on Earth, and God has always had the best solution on this battlefield. He has taught me a lot indeed.

And while God may well be considered infallible by many believers, the best solution for one moment in time or one group or one individual often must be adapted for future moments or other groups or individuals.
This is because of the level of freedom of choice God grants each and every living human, which is apparent in His interactions with me, and the state of the world at the time of writing this.

It is my honest experience that God allows even the faithful to disobey him, even let humans pretend to worship and understand God while all they really seek is worldly power over other humans. What God does to these people after they die I don't know and have received a "sorry I can't tell you that" answer to when I asked My Lord, but I personally hope their chances for a wealthy re-incarnation are drastically reduced.

See, I have also wondered about the afterlife and life in Heaven, and the most pleasant belief about an afterlife that I can think of is; Respect life around you all your life, and you're highly likely to end up in Heaven, an excellent place to re-incarnate from back into a human baby body at some time, after taking the time to re-explore Heaven of course.

Another thing that's clear to me by now (I'm 35 now), is that God customizes His lessons per culture.

It is also my belief that sometimes God chooses to continue forward under a new and different name, for an era and an area, with a new person who is worthy to represent his own species or religious group or cultural group that worships God, in discussions about choices between Heaven, Hell and Humans, and even between Humans, as perhaps a lot Israelis can agree with me. Such people may (after their death usually) be called saints or prophets by others, but that is besides the point I'm trying to make here.

If God, as most more moderate believers agree, truely operates in the way described above, then why the inter-faith aggression? Be it verbal, or (MUCH worse) killing in the name of "Our God".
Aren't we in fact just killing eachother over nationalism that has creeped into religion?
And isn't getting your followers to kill or drive away with violence followers of another form of religion, via extreme-nationalism-in-disguise that the leaders of such a culture claim has the One True God's approval, one of the worst ways to dishonor God and yourself? I humbly think so.

Please consider these arguments carefully.
I'm open to hear counter-arguments.

The Bible (I'm Christian, with some Budhist customs like meditation added) never could retain my attention for long, I'm sorry. I also, perhaps very arrogantly (please excuse me), don't consider a 2000 year old set of writings the best way to approach this digital, airplane-filled Earth of ours.

Might I humbly suggest the leaderships of all faiths, especially all forms of Christianity, and all forms of the Muslim faith, consider this text carefully, and perhaps one day adjust what you teach your followers, to get rid of inter-faith wars within one generation of Man.

Good Pakistani Muslims and Muslims around the world,

I'd like to inform you, that I've been convinced by both my own God and your Allah, that Allah (quote: ) "has become a seperate being from God, since many centuries ago, to support specifically the Muslim people".

The strife between Christians and Muslims is undesired by both God and Allah, however the protection of the right to freedom of choice, for all sentient life forms on Earth, is of the utmost importance to both God and Allah.
This much, I'm fairly sure but can't be 100% sure, is the opinion I received from both Kind Deities.

I PeaceFan was wrong. I am fallible, and may have made or will make mistakes like this in the future. But i'm not afraid to admit i'm wrong either.

My messages in this thread have also been crossposted to christianforums.com (nick: peristalsiso) and forums.marokko.nl (nick: vredefan)
Which "interfaith war" are you talking about?
As far as i recall its been centuries since there has been a war driven by faith.
All the recent wars iraq,libya,vietnam,WW1,WW2,korea ect ect where fought for reason do with "democracy" "nationalism""freedom" and other concepts.
Rather then fall hook and line for the secular line that religion is the cauce of waars if you look at the facts ,far more people have been killed for secular ideology.
Let me give you a better idea.

How about ending wars as a whole? Any kind of war Why just end interfaith war? Okay, we shall end those, but let's find a new excuse to go nuke each other.^^
Thank you Mr Christian , next time you start a crusade war make sure you know it creates `BEST FRIENDS ` forever and I mean STALKER like forever

and that also applies to our lunatics
Unfortunatly as long as people believe in an afterlife some will continue to behave against their instincts of self preservation and harm themselves and others.
religion is fine....spreading lies and mis-information and purposefully hurting the sentiments of other groups is not
how about ending nationalist, ethnic, economic, racist ...etc. wars
Thank you for all your replies, I've read all of them.

I was really not trying to be a troll, I had made a mistake with my first post in this thread, and corrected it later.

Nor was I trying to make a crusade of any sort, honestly. I don't read the old Scriptures much, because I simply don't understand that language very well. I try to have a direct relationship with God in my life, and sometimes I post online what the voices in my head tell me.
I'll admit I've got a schizophrenia diagnosis, but I'm truely a kind-hearted man who seeks the Truth both in the real world and the spiritual world.

As for "ending all wars, regardless of cause", that is indeed one of my goals.

When I point out what I think out are faults of other peoples, know that I point out mistakes of my own Dutch people to for instance Dutch political parties as well. I have criticized not just Muslims, but Americans, Russians, Chinese, and Europeans as well.

For now, please accept my apologies for posting my theory about the nature of God and Allah. It was probably premature and not confirmed-by-voices-in-my-head for enough years yet.
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