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How a teenage girl from Lahore ended up in Syria

First of all if she left pak via airport i have big question mark on FIA who fucking always irretate people on the name of security at the end u irritate people and for what people like these go under ur nose
No i was hinting toward their relief work during these calamities if it wasnt for them the death toll wouldve been much much higher

Good as that work is, it is a useful facade for much more nefarious activities that harm Pakistan deeply.
Those who dont harm us wont be harmed by us

Indeed the enemy of my enemy is my friend and after all, such personnel aren't found to be guilty in act against Pakistan though are giving hard time and sleepless nights to our enemies. If someone has plausible explanation to apprehend them or any evidence, the justice would have been served long ago or still could be. Their relief efforts during floods and EQ are far better and effective than so called candle mafia fascist lover NGO's which are spying for anti-Pakistan elements. People wanted them to be punished without any evidence and findings are indeed watching so much anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam movies. If someone has the guts, they can come and get them but as you say THOSE WHO DON'T HARM US WOULDN'T BE HARMED BY US.

Pakistan Zindabad
It does not matter to me. Pakistan is paying a heavy price for its policies.

No, actually Pakistan is paying the price of its Jhail uncivilized civilian leaders

That may be, but Pakistan does pay a heavy price for what these non-state actors do elsewhere.

That dont mean that Pakistan State is responsible for what they do there. We are not a communist state
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