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How a Sukhoi-BrahMos strike will make Pakistani airspace look like Swiss cheese

True but a sad state of affairs. Beware though of a man who has nothing to lose :).
Hmm that sounds scary, but our borders are sealed and we will shot anyone trying to enter India, sorry we wont take either of your refugees or your nukes...:angel:

It is a shame that pakistani posters are taking this threat lightly---. It is real---and it is extremely serious---.

Why do you guys think that I have been talking about a heavy strike aircraft for so many years---like the Jh7A---.

Just because you pakistani posters don't understand---and the Paf who has already wrapped itself in a defensive blanket---does not mean that the adversary also has---.

The standoff weapons war is going to be fought from standoff distances---.

Paf made a bad bad mistake by not engaging the enemy on the very first night---ie the 26th---.

The 27th has given the enemy new ideas---the enemy is not stupid---in their loss---they have learnt something new---.

In the last 5 years--pak military has badly fckd up pakistan thrice---. First not building a military for the gulf states on the start of the Yemen crisis---not being prepared to tackle the enemy on the 26th---and the strike on the 27th---.

With 150 K Battle group in the gulf states---pak military would have easily controlled the aggression of the enemy across the border---on three side---.

That battle group would have had all the elements of containing the primary enemy---.

The Sukhoi / Brahmos strike is just the opposite of what I had been talking for 10 years now---.

JH7A---with CM400AKG's or Babur cruise missiles---decimate coastline enemy cities---.

@Khafee @Irfan Baloch
That's where you're wrong. Wanna find out ;).
You will surrender your nukes to them when you go bankrupt, even china wont support you on this, and it requires a minimum of $30 million to keep them ready all the time...
Jaa gira de bomb, par khatam kar, daily ka rona dhona tum log ka ek baar hi kahatam kar!!!:hitwall:
Tum log rona katam karo and we are defending our self, you always threaten Pakistan and blame Pakistan without proof @pahadi :blah::blah::blah:
there was a thread on PDF and i am not responsible to spoon feed you google yourself @pahadi :blah::blah::blah:

Well technically you are right, none of our business, why dont you stop poking your nose in our internal matters?
And why you blame on Pakistan without proofs and attacked Pakistan (Balakote strike) @pahadi :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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