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How 9/11 changed Afghanistan:Photos show how the invasion changed nation.

India is with Afganistan and Afgan people in their endeavor to become a prosperous nation. Afghanistan is an empire and a culture like Iran , Turkey and India, they deserve a better place at the world's stage.
You live in the UK and you're this delusional? Increased terrorism ? Plots against other countries aren't being planned in Afghanistan. Millions of deaths? In Afghanistan? And Afghan refugees? People are actually returning there to rebuild.


It is not being delusional-----. I don't now where you getting your information from---but after a million dead in afg----pakistan full of afg refugess---afghans don't want to go back-----that is the reality---.

India is with Afganistan and Afgan people in their endeavor to become a prosperous nation. Afghanistan is an empire and a culture like Iran , Turkey and India, they deserve a better place at the world's stage.

No---india is with northern alliance----period.



you reflect that pakistan will never let afghans live in peace

I'm sorry I forgot that India was the one supporting millions of Afghans on their soil in return for drugs, weapons, gangs and terrorism. So cut your sorry BS or shove it right back up where it came from. And when you're done shove your head right up there too.

We must remember that Pakistan is so large of a country compared to Afghanistan, that we should help them every which way.

And we have in the shape of feeding, clothing and housing millions of their people for decades at the cost of exponential increase in gang violence, drug trafficking, illegal weapons and terrorism in our own land.

Many Paks do not realize that since the time of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh, the era of Afghan looting of Punjab and India has been over. All those Nadir Shahs and Ghoris will be beaten to pulp if they ever trudge across Khyber or Wagah. Modern day Afghan is no match to the organized and well trained Pakistani military.

So we should not be afraid of the Afghan hoards anymore. At lease not in the next 50-100 years.

No one, on this side of the border, entertains that thought, not even for humorous purposes. We are more worried about the above stated problems and their recent tail waging, tongue hanging posse-ism after the few slivers that the Indians are throwing them.

Afghans desperately need our help and our care and a brotherly treatment from us.

We have helped them wage wars.

Now we must help them to sustain peace.

Been there, tried that. Best someone first teach them how to live in peace, nay, tell them what peace actually is. Tell them that there's life beyond 'killing their neighbor because he looked at your donkey weird'. They are so far beyond help that almost every power since recorded history went right through them and it still hasn't made the slightest dent in their ways, what chance do we have?

A peaceful Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan, no matter what Mullahs say.

Mullahs are the ones who feel the most pain after them.

We did terrible thing by supporting anti-Karazai militants. This has spilt too much Afghan blood and as a result too much Pakistani blood.

You mean Karzai the puppet snake who would not hold any loyalties to his own mother or the NA who would watch you burn while roasting marshmallows off of you?

*Note to self: Introduce Afghans to marshmallows and watch them declare it harraam.

Afghans need teachers and doctors from us and not some gun toting beardos. Believe you me, if we send education, and health care to Afghanis and we must, their sloganeering against Pakistan will loose all the steam.

Let's change our behavior and our treatment towards Afghans.

Let's have peace in the region and peace in the world. I know it is difficult said than done. But at least we the Paks must peace a chance.

Excuse me, but this was completely ludicrous. We cannot afford that. We are already buckling under the economic weight of their refugees (its a miracle how we've spent the last two decades). Let alone that the afghans are a people who'd blow up any schools we ever build them. Also, forget the fact that we tried to provide them with all of this when they hopped over the border but they instead felt more comfortable forming gangs and trading drugs and illegal weapons in my country.

Lets get some things straight, and I say this realizing the folly of generalization; the Afghans (or should I say the bands/tribes of Afghanistan, since there is no such thing as the Afghan people), under their false self-assurances of righteousness, are an honor-less and thankless people. They are bandits and drug traffickers who would not know a book from kindling (and that is an understatement). They will kill their brother for a grain of salt and then unite and turn on their helpers only for a few shreds of rotting meat. They are absolutely obtuse of mind and void of realizing their own good. They've been living this miserable way for hundreds of years, watching everyone else move forward and yet, for God knows what reason, they simply can't understand what is considered common sense in every other nook and cranny of the world. And then they have the audacity to blame it on us.....

The country that would benefit the most from a peaceful Afghanistan is Pakistan and as a Pakistani I wish that they grow some sense and fix their ways. But at the same time I know that they are not a people who would realize the stupidity of their draconian ways any time soon. But if they so much as speak ill of Pakistan then they can all burn in hell, which is ironic because Afghanistan is pretty much what I imagine hell to be like.
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I'm sorry I forgot that India was the one supporting millions of Afghans on their soil in return for drugs, weapons, gangs and terrorism. So cut your sorry BS or shove it right back up where it came from. And when you're done shove your head right up there too.

And we have in the shape of feeding, clothing and housing millions of their people for decades at the cost of exponential increase in gang violence, drug trafficking, illegal weapons and terrorism in our own land.

No one, on this side of the border, entertains that thought, not even for humorous purposes. We are more worried about the above stated problems and their recent tail waging, tongue hanging posse-ism after the few slivers that the Indians are throwing them.

Been there, tried that. Best someone first teach them how to live in peace, nay, tell them what peace actually is. Tell them that there's life beyond 'killing their neighbor because he looked at your donkey weird'. They are so far beyond help that almost every power since recorded history went right through them and it still hasn't made the slightest dent in their ways, what chance do we have?

Mullahs are the ones who feel the most pain after them.

You mean Karzai the puppet snake who would not hold any loyalties to his own mother or the NA who would watch you burn while roasting marshmallows off of you?

*Note to self: Introduce Afghans to marshmallows and watch them declare it harraam.

Excuse me, but this was completely ludicrous. We cannot afford that. We are already buckling under the economic weight of their refugees (its a miracle how we've spent the last two decades). Let alone that the afghans are a people who'd blow up any schools we ever build them. Also, forget the fact that we tried to provide them with all of this when they hopped over the border but they instead felt more comfortable forming gangs and trading drugs and illegal weapons in my country.

Lets get some things straight, and I say this realizing the folly of generalization; the Afghans (or should I say the bands/tribes of Afghanistan, since there is no such thing as the Afghan people), under their false self-assurances of righteousness, are an honor-less and thankless people. They are bandits and drug traffickers who would not know a book from kindling (and that is an understatement). They will kill their brother for a grain of salt and then unite and turn on their helpers only for a few shreds of rotting meat. They are absolutely obtuse of mind and void of realizing their own good. They've been living this miserable way for hundreds of years, watching everyone else move forward and yet, for God knows what reason, they simply can't understand what is considered common sense in every other nook and cranny of the world. And then they have the audacity to blame it on us.....

The country that would benefit the most from a peaceful Afghanistan is Pakistan and as a Pakistani I wish that they grow some sense and fix their ways. But at the same time I know that they are not a people who would realize the stupidity of their draconian ways any time soon. But if they so much as speak ill of Pakistan then they can all burn in hell, which is ironic because Afghanistan is pretty much what I imagine hell to be like.
Do you actually cry so much? :cray:
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