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How 9/11 changed Afghanistan:Photos show how the invasion changed nation.


May 2, 2011
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Before 9/11 and after 9/11.






I hope Afghanistan will became a strong and prosperous country!

Afghan's are Good people :tup:
What about the worlds 96% opium trade from Afghanistan???

What about increased terrorism?

No comparison of infrastructure before and after

Million deaths

Millions displaced

I dont know what this really reflects....

you reflect that pakistan will never let afghans live in peace
What about the worlds 96% opium trade from Afghanistan???

What about increased terrorism?

No comparison of infrastructure before and after

Million deaths

Millions displaced

I dont know what this really reflects....

You live in the UK and you're this delusional? Increased terrorism ? Plots against other countries aren't being planned in Afghanistan. Millions of deaths? In Afghanistan? And Afghan refugees? People are actually returning there to rebuild.
Afghans have a habit of blaming everything on pakistan and this is the reason why I do not wish them to be a free and prosperous country, because being our neighbor (unfortunately), they have back stabbed us many times, they have done more harms than good to us, in fact they have never done any good to us. You talk to an afghani and he will say on your face that pakistan is responsible for everything. lol. If you ask me, we should kick all those afghani immigrants out. Its about time that we stop feeding those people.
Afghans have a habit of blaming everything on pakistan and this is the reason why I do not wish them to be a free and prosperous country, .....

I don't think us Paks should lump every Afghan into the same group.

Yes Afghanis have certain groups and tribes who are not friendly to Pakistan, However they are in minority.

Majority Afghans do not wish harm to Pakistan.

We must remember that Pakistan is so large of a country compared to Afghanistan, that we should help them every which way.

Many Paks do not realize that since the time of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh, the era of Afghan looting of Punjab and India has been over. All those Nadir Shahs and Ghoris will be beaten to pulp if they ever trudge across Khyber or Wagah. Modern day Afghan is no match to the organized and well trained Pakistani military.

So we should not be afraid of the Afghan hoards anymore. At lease not in the next 50-100 years.

Afghans desperately need our help and our care and a brotherly treatment from us.

We have helped them wage wars.

Now we must help them to sustain peace.

A peaceful Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan, no matter what Mullahs say.

We did terrible thing by supporting anti-Karazai militants. This has spilt too much Afghan blood and as a result too much Pakistani blood.

Afghans need teachers and doctors from us and not some gun toting beardos. Believe you me, if we send education, and health care to Afghanis and we must, their sloganeering against Pakistan will loose all the steam.

Let's change our behavior and our treatment towards Afghans.

Let's have peace in the region and peace in the world. I know it is difficult said than done. But at least we the Paks must peace a chance.
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