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Horrible, horrible atrocities by insurgents in Syria :(

What do you expect from these foreign mercenaries. Chemical Bandar from saudi arabia is throwing money around like its going out of style. Those animals are killing priests, using chemical weapi s against civilians all while high on saudi arabian captogan. Dont worry though, chemical bandars days are numbered. He will be facing war crimes charges soon. You wont see this troll making any public appearances any time soon. Hes no longer in charge. Hopefully this means the war crimes against the Syrian people will soon end.

Any proof that the Saudis gave the rebels Chemical Weapons? No, then all what you have to do is to zip it or expect more trades of poor language.
The Turkish prosecutor has enough evidence to prosecute these Saudi paid terrorists.........How long before those terrorists implicate your mullahs....i mean princes......?

Any proof that the Saudis gave the rebels Chemical Weapons? No, then all what you have to do is to zip it or expect more trades of poor language.
The Turkish prosecutor has enough evidence to prosecute these Saudi paid terrorists.........How long before those terrorists implicate your mullahs....i mean princes......?

We do have "Mullahs" and Princes

But the question will no be, can you play the role of jigsaw :lol:
We do have "Mullahs" and Princes

But the question will no be, can you play the role of jigsaw :lol:

Just tell Chemical Bandar that we have a nice cell and a short rope waiting for him at the Hague.. He should have never given those terrorists those chemicals so they could gas Alawite children...
Nothing new, they have been committing massacres for years, they video it upload it to youtube and blame the government... idiots only fall in their trap of propaganda...
Nothing new, they have been committing massacres for years, they video it upload it to youtube and blame the government... idiots only fall in their trap of propaganda...

They gassed those women and children nazi style.. They put them in a room and threw sarin in there.. The dead males in the video were terrorists whos gas masks failed. Chemical Bandar will pay for this atrocity.
They gassed those women and children nazi style.. They put them in a room and threw sarin in there.. The dead males in the video were terrorists whos gas masks failed. Chemical Bandar will pay for this atrocity.

and some of the footage were taken from Latakia's countryside, where terrorists killed families and innocent children
Just tell Chemical Bandar that we have a nice cell and a short rope waiting for him at the Hague.. He should have never given those terrorists those chemicals so they could gas Alawite children...


No Alawites were gassed, no children or men or women. You just don't the devil you talking about.
Yes they were.

Western rationality | " Before our eyes "

And your mullah....i mean prince.....chemical bandar will pay with his neck.......the us didnt strike...they couldnt destroy the evidence......the case is building.....why do you think he was all in the news two weeks ago.....then after reports start coming out that it was the saudi paid terrorists who had sarin he disapears? They have him on ice...they know someone is going to have to take the fall.....will all his stolen oil money save him now? He better start praying to whatever god or devil you zionists pray to because hes about to be hung out to dry


No Alawites were gassed, no children or men or women. You just don't the devil you talking about.
:lol: What evidence are you talking about? These pieces of " news " came from PressTV first, and that DOES expose your mindset :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha:

Stop making too many commas, it is extremely annoying.
Yes they were.

Western rationality | " Before our eyes "

And your mullah....i mean prince.....chemical bandar will pay with his neck.......the us didnt strike...they couldnt destroy the evidence......the case is building.....why do you think he was all in the news two weeks ago.....then after reports start coming out that it was the saudi paid terrorists who had sarin he disapears? They have him on ice...they know someone is going to have to take the fall.....will all his stolen oil money save him now? He better start praying to whatever god or devil you zionists pray to because hes about to be hung out to dry

So, you want to hang him hah? :lol: Typical PDF user.
Assad's crime against humanity is equal to what the Nazis did to the Europeans, Jews, and Gypsies.

Don't bother about those peace advocates.

You really are no neutral party to this, so its clear your slanted bias views is exactly that one sided.
You really are no neutral party to this, so its clear your slanted bias views is exactly that one sided.

No, I never have been neutral at all. Maybe you thought that I was, but you now know that I'm not. :agree:
Actually that link is Voltaire. Not Presstv, which is also a respected news agency. I have also pusted links from russian news agencies. Heres another from Global Research. Another well respected American strategic analysis website

Syrian Chemical Attack: More Evidence Only Leads to More Questions | Global Research

I guess if its not saudi mouthpiece al arabiya its not news right? Lol

Everybody knows it was Chemical Bandar and his al qaeda terrorists.. Everybody knows you dirty saudis sponsor them.. The evidence is building.. And NO i would personally not like to hang him. Id prefer torturing him to a slow painful bloody death.. But we are civilized people after all. We will leave the canibalizing and beheading to the dirty zionist wahabis..

:lol: What evidence are you talking about? These pieces of " news " came from PressTV first, and that DOES expose your mindset :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha:

Stop making too many commas, it is extremely annoying.

So, you want to hang him hah? :lol: Typical PDF user.
Again, articles don't serve as proof, dont count your chiken before they hatch bro! :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha:
Actually that link is Voltaire. Not Presstv, which is also a respected news agency. I have also pusted links from russian news agencies. Heres another from Global Research. Another well respected American strategic analysis website

Syrian Chemical Attack: More Evidence Only Leads to More Questions | Global Research

I guess if its not saudi mouthpiece al arabiya its not news right? Lol

Everybody knows it was Chemical Bandar and his al qaeda terrorists.. Everybody knows you dirty saudis sponsor them.. The evidence is building.. And NO i would personally not like to hang him. Id prefer torturing him to a slow painful bloody death.. But we are civilized people after all. We will leave the canibalizing and beheading to the dirty zionist wahabis..

I'm positively sure now that you are @HAIDER @Aeronaut may need to check these ^ remarks.
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They are all hard core terrorist. Taliban, Al Qaida and all are fighting their. Dont know why US support them...

The Obama administration supports them, not the American people.

I'm sure if the average American saw the atrocities they would never support any side in that conflict.
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