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hopefully someday all chinese can become Muslims!

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Welcome to Islam my brother. Islam teaches us that all Muslims are One body. We are all the same people. You are my brother. China and Pakistan will always remain brothers for eternity inshAllah. :pakistan::china:

May Allah bless you and give you happiness in this world and the hereafter. Ameen.

If only you thought of such a transitive relation with India...
It is true that Christianity is spreading at a very rapid rate.

We should not be too obsessed about numbers.

It should be about quality, not quantity.

If we were to concentrate on our own actions and behaviour as a community and people, we would not even need to proselytise. People would try to emulate us based upon the strenght of our character.

now come on man, whts the need of this post, sincerely tell me!!

i appreciate wht u say, is right, but u r completely out of topic here, it seems u r not impressed by his shahada or his story, or his embracing islam???, if allah has given him hidayat, u shuld be happy, it is too found, the converts become very good practicing muslims!!!, u seem, u r sad abt his conversion if he really has, and second, the muslim world is not that bad, every nation has ups and downs, u shuld have said, "may allah give ummah guidance, and also guide those to the true path, who r not muslims!!!

i am very happy for your declaration of faith, may u be good muslim and a good person!!

and by the way how christianity is being spread, u shuld learn the facts!!, hes hasnt been brain washed by imams or muslims or simply deception and lie, hes not attracted by lust of money and neither hes forced upon by other muslims, which goes for christianity, its a miracle that, hidayat for people even when the whole muslim nation sleeps today!!!, and u shuld praise allah and islam!!!, and note that, he was inspired by the character of a muslim!!, not every muslim is bad.

"truth is going to prevail the falsehood is going to perish"
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I read qur'an about 4 years ago. and it was a shock to me - its exactly not what many people told me what it is, Rather i realized i been following Islam many times in life already. You dont need to convert to follow Islam. islamiyat is more important than Islam.
now come on man, whts the need of this post, sincerely tell me!!

i appreciate wht u say, is right, but u r completely out of topic here, it seems u r not impressed by his shahada or his story, or his embracing islam???, if allah has given him hidayat, u shuld be happy, it is too found, the converts become very good practicing muslims!!!, u seem, u r sad abt his conversion if he really has, and second, the muslim world is not that bad, every nation has ups and downs, u shuld have said, "may allah give ummah guidance, and also guide those to the true path, who r not muslims!!!

i am very happy for his declaration of faith, may u be good muslim and a good person!!

and by the way how christianity is being spread, u shuld learn the facts!!, hes hasnt been brain washed by imams or muslims or simply deception and lie, hes not attracted by lust of money and neither hes forced upon by other muslims, which goes for christianity, its a miracle that, hidayat for people even when the whole muslim nation sleeps today!!!, and u shuld praise allah and islam!!!, and note that, he was inspired by the character of a muslim!!, not every muslim is bad.

"truth is going to prevail the falsehood is going to perish"

You assumed I was commenting on the chinese brother's conversion, which I was not. I should have quoted metalfacon, because i was refering to his Islam is the fastest growing religion comment. Of course it is a positive that the chinese brother has decided to adopt Islam, and may Allah preserve him.

My point is that we should not just try to take pride in numbers.

If tomorrow, for whatever reason, the number of muslims declines, does that mean our faith will be any less true or relevant? Of course not.

It is said that even if one person is upon what is right, and the rest are upon falsehood, that one person is still correct while the others wrong.

It reminds me of the prophecy in the famous Hadeeth whose meaning is along these lines

"nations will invite each other to pounce upon them (muslim nation) as hungry people invite one another for food.

The Sahabah (R.A) asked with utter worry, "O Prophet of Allah! Would we be very few in number?"

Prophet Muhammad (S) replied: "No! You’d be as great in quantity as the foam of the sea is, seen wherever th eye can reach. But you’ll be overtaken by ‘wahn’."

The Sahabah (R.A) asked, "O Prophet of Allah! What is ‘wahn’?"

He (S) replied: "Love of this world and fear of death!"

As for you telling me about learning facts about the spread of christianity, I know it first hand. I just returned from Africa, where I have seen the ways of the christian missionaries with my own eyes, and I have spent years in dialogue with christian priests and laymen of different denominations.

I, on the other hand, suggest you should learn more about how to talk/write properly to people.
I read qur'an about 4 years ago. and it was a shock to me - its exactly not what many people told me what it is, Rather i realized i been following Islam many times in life already. You dont need to convert to follow Islam. islamiyat is more important than Islam.

its right and i appreciate that, u encourage islam real image and u say indirectly, islam teaches humanity and gives the right concept of god and other things.

do u follow every thing which islam teaches, do u believe all the things which islam says, if not, then, u dont agree with all the things. its only allahs(gods) will, that ppl find the true path.

islam is not abt conversion, but to change ur views according to islam, if u agree to all, u r a muslim!!! u dont have to keep beard, u dont have to wear a certain clothing to be a good muslim u dont even have to change ur name, thts wrong, the thing is, ur base shuld be strong, which is stated in quran, i-e fundamental beliefs and teachings!!! and by the way islamiyat teaches islam :lol:

u know some muslims say this is good which is stated in quran, bcoz the perticular guidance is serving his interest, but he says, he cannot follow all of quran, bcoz this is not serving his interest, so i wanna say, its not abt selfishness, its abt dedication, sincerety and trust n faith
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I read qur'an about 4 years ago. and it was a shock to me - its exactly not what many people told me what it is, Rather i realized i been following Islam many times in life already. You dont need to convert to follow Islam. islamiyat is more important than Islam.

That's great to hear. But its not an issue of converting, or not. Its an issue of worshiping and being thankful to the Creator of us all. And we should worship in the way God has asked us to worship Him, which is what the practice of Islam is.

The word convert is too strong, and the Qur'aan does not tell us to convert (tabdeel) our religion, rather it tells us to Accept Truth, LIght and Knowledge and Submit to teh Will of God. Submission in Arabic means Islam, and that is all that is required by God.
I read qur'an about 4 years ago. and it was a shock to me - its exactly not what many people told me what it is, Rather i realized i been following Islam many times in life already. You dont need to convert to follow Islam. islamiyat is more important than Islam.

We Muslims believe that a person is Muslim only if he/she believes there's only One God, Allah, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is Allah's messenger.

The brother said this in Arabic, you must say it in Arabic to be Muslim so he became a Muslim. I'm very happy for my brother. May Allah bring him happiness. Ameen
ok both of you just take a rest. A brother just accepted Islam and you both are creating drama. Be happy for our brother that he embraced the truth.
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