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Hope fades away for Hazaras of Pakistan

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Hazaras have long running animosity with local tribals due to land issues - nothing religious here..but we condemn loss of innocent human life anyways!
Shut up and don't deflect. Nothing religious here? You're obviously one of the sleeper-implants that has been completely wiped-up and reprogrammed: All this that you see is the result of 35 years of indoctrination by your beloved SA and it's kind.

I am a sunni, however, I no longer can take these heartless excuses and crap such as "animosity with local tribals". What a f**** ton of BS. For how much long can you be indifferent to such ****?

Remember one thing, and etch it clearly in your neural pathways; Once the blood-shed starts, there will be no sunni nor shia, but nationalists and brain washed people like you. And we can smell you and your progeny from miles away.

Additionally, don't ever count that there are more wahabi di*** in Pakistan, I am confident that there are more people who love Pakistan than who love Wahabistan!

So in all probability, it's a huge miscalculation on your part that you'll survive the aftermath.

Moreover, you're a disgrace to Pakistan. Sell-out.

For mods: I maybe rude here, but indifference is a much bigger crime!
i am fed up this sunni shia fights , anyone i said anyone who talk about killing shia or sunni in the name of sect or religion must be hanged , these people are real terrorists who spread hate among muslims , there is no such thing like shia or sunni in Islam , and Islam is religion of muslims not shia or sunnis .
I have many shia friends but we never think about that we even dont discuss this useless thing ,
watch it guys.. dont make it a personal fight
you are welcome to have your opinons but do it without insulting others or somehow justifying the murder

also putting the entire blame on external forces is unfair. just like any society in the world .. from the west to the far east.. we have people with extremist views among us. the only difference between the west and us is that

the extremists there mostly keep their views limited to burning Quran or making cartoons of Muhammad PBUH or making some speeches. here in Pakistan the extremists are able to put action to their words and are very much used to the killing of shia or any other minority due to the failure of leadership and failure of law enforcement and justice system.

what I mean is.. the people with extremism have been able to get away with their actions .. the state's halfhearted action just encouraged them to increase their violence. how much Saudi/ Iran proxy war or Indian, American interfarence has played into fanning this fire is debatable but majority of the blame lies in house.

LeT, LeJ, TTP, Sipah Sahabah and Gazi force etc are all local production.
Agreed, Irfan!
watch it guys.. dont make it a personal fight
you are welcome to have your opinons but do it without insulting others or somehow justifying the murder

also putting the entire blame on external forces is unfair. just like any society in the world .. from the west to the far east.. we have people with extremist views among us. the only difference between the west and us is that

the extremists there mostly keep their views limited to burning Quran or making cartoons of Muhammad PBUH or making some speeches. here in Pakistan the extremists are able to put action to their words and are very much used to the killing of shia or any other minority due to the failure of leadership and failure of law enforcement and justice system.

what I mean is.. the people with extremism have been able to get away with their actions .. the state's halfhearted action just encouraged them to increase their violence. how much Saudi/ Iran proxy war or Indian, American interfarence has played into fanning this fire is debatable but majority of the blame lies in house.

LeT, LeJ, TTP, Sipah Sahabah and Gazi force etc are all local production.
Just read the hateful posts.
They are talking about taking out non Shia Muslims and civil war etc..
haters don't know that TTP is a product of northern alliance and ANP.
While Pakistan's president is Shia along with many ministers.
Interior minister Rehman Malik is a British national and all security agencies are dictated by him.
I wonder why drones never kill TTP operatives?
Why TTP have safe heavens in Afghanistan?
The OP is an Indian and Indians have started many threads on same issue.
It is simply a bait for retards.

watch it guys.. dont make it a personal fight
you are welcome to have your opinons but do it without insulting others or somehow justifying the murder

also putting the entire blame on external forces is unfair. just like any society in the world .. from the west to the far east.. we have people with extremist views among us. the only difference between the west and us is that

the extremists there mostly keep their views limited to burning Quran or making cartoons of Muhammad PBUH or making some speeches. here in Pakistan the extremists are able to put action to their words and are very much used to the killing of shia or any other minority due to the failure of leadership and failure of law enforcement and justice system.

what I mean is.. the people with extremism have been able to get away with their actions .. the state's halfhearted action just encouraged them to increase their violence. how much Saudi/ Iran proxy war or Indian, American interfarence has played into fanning this fire is debatable but majority of the blame lies in house.

LeT, LeJ, TTP, Sipah Sahabah and Gazi force etc are all local production.

Who shall watchout... so far it has been one sided mudslinging.

You probably, live in one corner of Pakistan otherwise you would know how people have lived peace full in rest of Pakistan, for all those years.

All the list of terrorist organisations are Indian products.

If you are not satisfied than i can only say join ranks of TTP and start killing Pakistani soldiers and school kids.
Batman, we already know who is a product of whom. However, there's no need for anyone to be insensitive and apathetic to the nature of crime being committed on our own citizens, in the name of a particular sect. Is there?

By the way, I didn't completely get from your post, whose viewpoint you're supporting :)
Just read the hateful posts.
They are talking about taking out non Shia Muslims and civil war etc..
haters don't know that TTP is a product of northern alliance and ANP.
While Pakistan's president is Shia along with many ministers.
Interior minister Rehman Malik is a British national and all security agencies are dictated by him.
I wonder why drones never kill TTP operatives?
Why TTP have safe heavens in Afghanistan?
The OP is an Indian and Indians have started many threads on same issue.
It is simply a bait for retards.

Who shall watchout... so far it has been one sided mudslinging.

You probably, live in one corner of Pakistan otherwise you would know how people have lived peace full in rest of Pakistan, for all those years.

All the list of terrorist organisations are Indian products.

If you are not satisfied than i can only say join ranks of TTP and start killing Pakistani soldiers and school kids.
Hope fades away for Hazaras of Pakistan | DAWN.COM

At least 60 people belonging to Hazara community living in Quetta have been killed in targeted attacks, including suicide, remote-controlled and timer device bombings and firing,” says a report published in this newspaper, following a brutal attack on Shia pilgrims belonging to the Hazara community.

I wonder what has Ice_man gotta say to this? He talks of a so called ‘Muslim genocide’ in Burma! How about doing something for Pakistani Muslims in Pakistan first instead of bending over backwards for the welfare of Muslims in far away Burma?
Just read the hateful posts.
They are talking about taking out non Shia Muslims and civil war etc..
haters don't know that TTP is a product of northern alliance and ANP.
While Pakistan's president is Shia along with many ministers.
Interior minister Rehman Malik is a British national and all security agencies are dictated by him.
I wonder why drones never kill TTP operatives?
Why TTP have safe heavens in Afghanistan?
The OP is an Indian and Indians have started many threads on same issue.
It is simply a bait for retards.

Who shall watchout... so far it has been one sided mudslinging.

You probably, live in one corner of Pakistan otherwise you would know how people have lived peace full in rest of Pakistan, for all those years.

All the list of terrorist organisations are Indian products.

If you are not satisfied than i can only say join ranks of TTP and start killing Pakistani soldiers and school kids.

ypu are over symplifying it Batman

I am in the thick of it.

I have spent time on the front lines
have been targeted by both the sectarian terrorists and the BLA terrorists..

what you say has some truth in it but please... the religion or sect of the leadership has nothing to do with what we are facing now. Zardari is a Satanist.. money is his god and lust is his goddess.. so dont give him a sectarian tag to somehow explain the sectarian violence.

my family is partly Sunni & Shia so I know what I am talking about my dear.. yes I agree that we are not cutting each other's throats.. we actually facilitate and contribute in the Moharam gatherings only that we dont participate in practical mourning but we share the grief of the death of Imam Hussain because its a Muslim tragedy a human tragedy.. not just a shia tragedy

I am amazed why there is a growing trend of terming someone shia in order to justify the hatred towards that person. Zardari and his family is not shia at all. but he belongs to the part of Sindh where there are a lot of devotees of Hazrat Ali & Ahle Baith.. Hazat Ali Shabaz Kalander's real name is Hazrat Usman RA, this noble saint was a Sunni but is honored by all sects regardless.

I have proven many times before that Zardari is not a shia and dont use hatred towards him to somehow dampen the terrorism against the Shia's but it seems not to work.
one of my relatives has lived and studied with his family and he never mentioned any thing Shia about Hakim Ali Zardari's family. they pray and wear the Ahram for Umrah just like any Sunni would. but hey forget it.. if someone has made up a mind then so be it.. Zardari is a Shia .. Bush is a Shia.. Mullah Fazullah is a Shia and Bramdagh Bughti is a Shia too.

so its ok if Hazaras are being killed because they are shia..
It is surprising how people here wish to comment on anything negative from Pakistan, without even looking into the basic structure of tribal relationships and hierarchy structure of the society of Balochistan, Khyber P, and even Afghanistan........ A mistake the US has clearly made, hence the outcome we are seeing today as has many other empires before it.........

Hazaras, mostly made up of Muslims, who like to refer to themselves as Ismailis are a branch from the Shiite community. There are hostilities within the Hazara community with their fellow Shiites and other branches who associate themselves to Islam.

The biggest problem here is the lack of education within all communities. If, and I stress that word IF the people followed the ath of the Almighty as based on the Quran and Sunnah, you would not have been having these problems today.

The religious leaders of today remind me of the mushriks of Makkah......... they housed 360 idols in the Kaabah, each idol worshipped by different tribes from all over Arabia, who visited Makkah every year and this bought in revenue and captial for the leaders like Abu Sufyan..... he like other powerful elite believed that if they gotten rid of the idols in order to worship one God, then they will loose their income and wealth and as such played a strong role in their early stance against Islam. It was only when Islam conquered that they realised the face of Makkah would change forever as it is today.

These religious leaders of today fear the same, power....... if they allowed Muslims to think for themselves then they would no longer have the control and the wealth they scrounge off their "mureed's" today.

All Muslims should remember one thing, if there are any differences between us then refer to the Quran... as it has stated

“O you who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger and those of you who are in authority. If you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination.” (4: 59)

Everything, upto the time and death of our beloved prophet Muhamad (PBUH) is what Islam is.........all other issues that have arisen after that are political differences, not religious.....why.......because again

"This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion." (5:3)

All the differences between Shiite and Sunni, regardless of the viewpoints is all political.....in todays terms, who would be the next Prime Minister or President. A companion of the Prohet )Sunni viewpoint) or the family of the Prophet's household (Ahl-e-bait - Shiite viewpoint)........ regardless of the views, it the matter is political and not religious.....The mear fact that you separate yourself into different groups/Jamaats/Sects, the instance you do that you move away from the teachings of the beloved.....why, the following are verses not quoted often by these religious figures as they stand against them........

"And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided." (3:103)

and He further warns the Prophet

"Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only
to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do." (6:159)​

Here Allah warns the Prophet NOT to associate with such people........... Such is the glory of the Almighty, that He does not throw such people out of the fold of Islam, but warns that their affair with Him and he will show them there wrongs. Why, because people like me who do not believe in any Sect, as taught by the Prophet does not hate any Muslim regardless of him being Sunni or Shiite. I do not hate them or like them, I se them as those who follow the generations before them and need awakening. I pray behind them in Mosques and call them to the true beliefs that WE are all of one body. Maybe this is why Allah did not put that such people will no longer be Muslim there......... to avoid those who believe in unity to move away from their kin....... as Allah says

"And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided." (3:103)

Brothers, all of you please open your hearts........ the very second I denied any Jamaat and sect it was like a burden being lifted off me and all prejudice, ALL just evaporates, it is a weird feeling but all of a sudden ALL Muslims who believe in the finality of the Prophet become your Brothers........... truly​
I wonder what has Ice_man gotta say to this? He talks of a so called ‘Muslim genocide’ in Burma! How about doing something for Pakistani Muslims in Pakistan first instead of bending over backwards for the welfare of Muslims in far away Burma?
Man, I never knew ICE_MAN is a Jihadi in disguise, the guy has lost all his sanity and has gone complete bonkers in the Burmese thread. Wish, knew the true identity of such fools, we could add it to the national database of Terrorist sympathizers!
good thing is that atleast imran khan cleared one thing by giving a clear outspoken statement against spa, no other politicians have done so, so far, except during Mushi Rregime
we all know that BLA is responsible for hazara killings in balochistan and we all know BLA gets their resourse from afghanistan, so terrorism is not emanating from our country its from the safe heavens in afghanistan, same stands for hazaras in KP, shia target killing is not in our history books except few minor cases, this extent of killing can only tell that what sort of safe heavens are being operated in afghanistan and allies arnt doing anything
Bloodied dreams, wall of silence | DAWN.COM

Just two days ago, someone asked on Twitter why our Fourth Estate calls bloody attacks on the Shia-Hazaras in Quetta ‘sectarian violence’. “Isn’t it Shia genocide?” I dived into various dictionaries but couldn’t come up with a definitive answer.

Butchery, slaughter, carnage, mass murder and of course genocide have been variously used to describe such bloodlust as is being evidenced in (not just) the Balochistan capital. Your vocabulary is as good as mine.

But will finding the correct word, using the most appropriate, accurate terminology alter the bloody ground reality or render it any clearer? Not really. Then, aren’t there even more significant questions to be asked?

Such as what drives our propensity to hate so much that even a name arouses the vilest of passions. How vile? Well, vile enough for us to kill. Didn’t you hear the ‘motive’ for the killing of a KESC official in Karachi, was said to be his Shia-sounding name though in fact he wasn’t.

How did we get here? Don’t you wish you knew? All we can see is when a state thinks nothing of using an indoctrinated non-state cast for its ‘strategic objectives’ it is but a small step for some of these villainous actors to start pursuing their own ideological agenda, no matter how toxic.

And what do we do? We prioritise. In Balochistan, our first priority is to tackle those who are ‘threatening the integrity of the state at the behest of their foreign masters’. These ‘misguided’ militants can be dealt with later if at all, even brought back on the rails as they are patriotic.

We are defending the country against external threats. All else must be secondary. One day the citadel of Islam will become that for certain. What’s the worry if for now it resembles no more than a slaughterhouse soaked in the blood of its innocent sons and daughters?

When you see the daily relentless slaughter of the Shia-Hazaras in Quetta (frankly, it’s pointless to keep count when you know it’ll need to be updated every 24 hours if not sooner) and similar hatred at work elsewhere from Chilas to Karachi, what do you do?

Well, many Shia-Hazaras say the electronic media, in particular, prefers to shut its eyes or just look away rather than acknowledge the horror. Perhaps they are right. Religious fanaticism that drives people to mass murder isn’t half as sexy as politicians tearing each other limb from limb on live telly.

Everyone is stepping over each other to please the latest centre of power in the country, the esteemed black-robed judges. The military and its intelligence apparatus continue to sell with, dare I say, consummate ease its national security threat perspective to journalists.

It may itself be under siege but even a government that has failed at almost everything except delivering on a hearty legislative agenda still has enough ideological support or the means to buy a voice or two that counts in its favour.

But who’ll march for the Shia-Hazaras, they ask. They have little hope in a decadent government whose chief executive is either so disinterested or feels so powerless that his detractors now count the number of days he is able to spend in the province he represents each month.

He prefers the handlebars of his Harley Davidson to ride around the federal capital and entertain himself rather than demonstrate the steel required to steer his troubled, torn province to safety as he was elected to do. Sincere apologies if such reports are mere propaganda.

What isn’t propaganda is that (given the size of the community) a disproportionately large number of Shia-Hazaras have been killed in and around Quetta. This happened not as they planned or executed acts of aggression against anyone. Their crime: being easily identifiable as Shia-Hazaras.
You haven’t heard many Hazara voices, have you? Here is one. Saleem Javed is a doctor of medicine and a blogger who tweets @msaleemjaved. In his own words, he so effectively articulates how it was and is for his community.

“Being a Hazara was a matter of pride. We grew up with dreams to take part in Pakistan’s development with devotion and sincerity as our forefathers did. Be it in the field of education, sports, politics or defence. We were glad as everybody thought we were successful in achieving our goals.

“But things have changed greatly since 1999. We feel being subjected to persecution, prejudice and discrimination almost on a daily basis. We feel as if there is always somebody mapping out a plan to attack us?

“You feel as if the state of Pakistan has totally abandoned you. As if the security forces are facilitating your murderers. As if the media is mocking your death. As if the human rights organisations are turning a blind eye on your genocide. And worst of all, as if your fellow countrymen are celebrating your death.

“As a Hazara you are afraid of a policeman, afraid of any armed man. We don’t even trust the Pakistan Army, top judiciary … almost nobody. Because nobody has ever heard your voice over the last 13 years. You are afraid of going to university because somebody is lying in wait to kill you.
“You can’t even escape. You need a passport for that. But you feel you’ll be murdered if you go to the passport office. You can’t go to any office for that matter because you will be identified, chased and finally shot in the head.
“You feel that even your neighbours are annoyed by your screaming and want you to stop shouting.”

Don’t let your fears about your neighbours stop you, my good friend. Or we’ll be left with no hope at all
we all know that BLA is responsible for hazara killings in balochistan and we all know BLA gets their resourse from afghanistan, so terrorism is not emanating from our country its from the safe heavens in afghanistan, same stands for hazaras in KP, shia target killing is not in our history books except few minor cases, this extent of killing can only tell that what sort of safe heavens are being operated in afghanistan and allies arnt doing anything
lets be honest different sectarian groups are ALSO involved in this...
lets be honest different sectarian groups are ALSO involved in this...

these religious organisations TBH have been in existance for a long time, genocide on hazaras is just few days old story, esp on this scale, and we all know how BLA is killing and kidnapping the common baloch people
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