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Hong Kongers Raise British Flag, Tell Mainlanders to Get Lost!!

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El Weirdo

Jul 26, 2011
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Hundreds of Hong Kong residents over two consecutive days on the 15th and 16th besieged the Hong Kong Rail Sheung Shui station, protesting mainland smugglers seriously affecting the lives of Hong Kongers. However, a small number of people during the demonstrations raised the British Hong Kong flag, shouting “Chinese people get lost back to China”[/COLOR ...... Ouch!!

The name “water visitors/customers” [smugglers] come from “water goods” [smuggled goods]. IN the past, some sailers would often secretly buy and take with them small amounts of products and goods for themselves or others, and then sell them at other ports to make some extra income. These days, “smugglers” mainly refer to those people who often travel between the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau entering or leaving carrying goods and products on them. Because taxes are low in Hong Kong and Macau, most products are cheaper than in the mainland, therefore giving rise to professional smugglers who use their visas to conveniently come and go once or twice in a day, some as much as over 10 times. When they come from Hong Kong, they carry on themselves various products, such as mobile phones, laptop computers, milk powder to sell in the mainland, or bringing such for others, making money from the price differences, or wages. Recently, following the mainland launching policies allowing individual tourists, the number of mainland smugglers have also rapidly increased. Inside and in the areas around the Hong Kong Rail Sheung Shui station near Shenzhen, everywhere smugglers can be seen on the roadsides opening boxes and distributing goods, blocking passageways affecting the surroundings, even giving rise to security and social problems, upsetting Hong Kongers.



According to a report on the 17th by Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily News, hundreds of Hong Kongers on the 15th organized a protest at the Sheung Shui station, unhappy with smugglers impacting/disturbing the lives of the locals. The demonstration was originally quite peaceful, but one demonstrator suddenly raised a “Chinese people get lost back to China” sign, what... :) ) arousing the ire of some suspected of being smugglers, the two sides first exchanging words and then becoming physical. As more pushing and shoving occurred, dozens of police officers and Hong Kong Rail security staff immediately organized a human wall and erected barriers, separating the demonstrators and smugglers. On the 16th, hundreds of demonstrators continued protesting at Sheung Shui station against the smugglers disturbing the peace and order at Sheung Shui station. However, someone in the demonstration raised a pre-Handover British Hong Kong flag and called for “Hong Kong autonomy”, getting into a verbal argument with several Hong Kong residents, those Hong Kong residents angrily denouncing them taking advantage of the situation to “demand Hong Kong independence”, changing the nature of the protest. According to a report in Sing Tao Daily, Chief Executive CY Leung made a special trip to Sheung Shui station to determine what happened. He said Hong Kong will strengthen communications with mainland customs, and that Hong Kong immigration and police will also intensify cooperative enforcement.

Need I comment on this ... just :undecided:

These hundred or so flag wavers look awful young, what do they know about the British rule that happened before 15 years ago? The don't look too enthusiastic either as young people should show some emotions on things they strongly believe in.

Ho hum, tell chinaSMACK to let me know when some of them lost their voices. :smokin:
LOL! Most of the people who went to Senkaku first were from Hong kong. Even famous anti CCP activist went there. BTW it is intresting to see Britian vs China conflict.
Scotland is to have an referendum on its independece from the UK. Ireland is a gonna and England is decline in industrial terms and economically. Its losing educated elites to Emerging markets. I currently live in the uk.
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