Hong Kong is a haven for hot money to make quick bucks and leave. Other countries make it hard for hot money to come in and leave, and are labeled "hostile" to foreign investment.
The low-taxation makes this hot money economy possible, because Hong Kong is not burdened by defense and social welfare spending like other normal countries, leading to low quality of life for average Hong Kong citizens.
The fact that average Japanese and Korean full time worker's wage is above the GDP per capita, while it is way below for countries like Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Singapore is the proof of this.
The low-taxation makes this hot money economy possible, because Hong Kong is not burdened by defense and social welfare spending like other normal countries, leading to low quality of life for average Hong Kong citizens.
The fact that average Japanese and Korean full time worker's wage is above the GDP per capita, while it is way below for countries like Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and Singapore is the proof of this.