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Hong Kong protesters oppose "propaganda" education plan

30% of HKers support patriotic education. 45% of HKers oppose it. It's the same people who hate the Chinese government and the vast majority do not consider themselves Chinese, but only HKers. There is no point being soft here, just bring in the infantry fighting vehicles. The true Chinese patriots will purify our country of this 5th column. The purer we are in ideology, the stronger we stand.

:tup: :tup:
Bomb their @sses, run 'em over with tanks, capture 'em and send 'em to labor camps, purify the island. Infact go one step further and nuke entire Asia except Pakistan and North Korea.
30% of HKers support patriotic education. 45% of HKers oppose it. It's the same people who hate the Chinese government and the vast majority do not consider themselves Chinese, but only HKers. There is no point being soft here, just bring in the infantry fighting vehicles. The true Chinese patriots will purify our country of this 5th column. The purer we are in ideology, the stronger we stand.

What an idiot!
:tup: :tup:
Bomb their @sses, run 'em over with tanks, capture 'em and send 'em to labor camps, purify the island. Infact go one step further and nuke entire Asia except Pakistan and North Korea.
Yes, I think these die-hard Beijing-haters in HK (~40% of total population) should be criticized in public by right-thinking Chinese patriots. Only weak countries let these kind of cancer rot undermine national cohesion. Strong countries maintain pure ideology and make no apologies for keeping our house in order.

Yes, I think these die-hard Beijing-haters in HK (~40% of total population) should be criticized in public by right-thinking Chinese patriots. Only weak countries let these kind of cancer rot undermine national cohesion. Strong countries maintain pure ideology and make no apologies for keeping our house in order.



Results are out for the very first province acquisition made by China…..China may sound good in handling people like slaves by using their one party dictatorship…but when it comes to HK, who are more free people, CCP’s magic does not seem to be working….The same will happen in great magnitude when they will try to integrate Tibet and their dream project One China….The country which does not have a strong base of basic values, cannot stand tall for longer….
Results are out for the very first province acquisition made by China…..China may sound good in handling people like slaves by using their one party dictatorship…but when it comes to HK, who are more free people, CCP’s magic does not seem to be working….The same will happen in great magnitude when they will try to integrate Tibet and their dream project One China….The country which does not have a strong base of basic values, cannot stand tall for longer….
The bolded sentence is the truth. China, which does not share a common religion anymore like we did for the past few thousand years (Confucianism/Taoism/Buddhism), is united more or less by Han ethno-nationalism. People in HK (basically ~40% of the population) who aren't with the program and still yearn for British colonialism must be sacrificed for the good of the nation. Repression works. Just do it for one generation and then the next generation will get with the program. Trying to "shelve disputes" and "leave it for the next generation" is a cowardly move that will just overwhelm China with internal problems in the end. Just force it down their throats, ultimately they will accept it and in the end it'll be fine. If Qin Shihuang didn't do it there wouldn't be a China.

What an idiot!

I was wrong, he's not an idiot. He's a shrew Taiwan extreme right winger masquerade in a CPC patriotism, spreading hatred and disharmony between the party and its people in an international forum.
No they do not, not any more than Texans or Virginians have the right to question the Union's righteousness in reasserting control over the Confederacy.
That is a terrible analogy. But if we go by your argument, it means the US could enact laws specifically targeted at the Chinese-American community and there is nothing the Chinese-Americans could do about it.

Education is *Always* politicized, especially historical education. In old Hong Kong it was politicized as written by Wong et al. to distance them from their Chineseness and to train them as middlemen between East and West. Now its being politicized again, by the parents, to try and retain the British style.

Otherwise, why would they take their children with them and force their children to be in the hot Hong Kong sun for their own ideology? Do children in strollers understand the issues being discussed?
If the children do not, then it is the parents' responsibilities to speak for them. The children's presence is a symbolic gesture as part of the protest. If history is being used as a political instrument for the benefit of a single political party, and not an ideological bent, then the equal opposition is to politicize again, if necessary.

But we know that it is not merely history for malleable young minds that are under constant intellectually dishonest assaults by The Party, it is also history for adults of all ages and intellectual development that are under equally dishonest assaults via the control of the press.

EastSouthWestNorth: History Textbooks in China
'Freezing Point,' a weekly supplement to China Youth Daily, was closed due to publication of "some sensitive reports," a senior official at the weekly, who wished to remain anonymous, told Interfax. The weekly is well known in China for stories that focus on normal people's thoughts and society in contemporary China.

"Yes, we are closed due to a report by Mr. Yuan Weishi. But that's just an excuse," said the official. According to the official, the decision to stop the weekly was made by a department "even more senior than the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the China Communist Party." The Publicity Department was formerly the Propaganda Bureau, and is responsible for supervision of all news and publication activities in China.

'Freezing Point' re-published an article written by Yuan Weishi, a professor in Guangzhou's Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University, in mid-January. Yuan said in the article that the Chinese side should bear some responsibility in the triggering of many issues in Chinese history, even actions such as the burning of the Old Summer Palace by British and French armies in the late Qing Dynasty, during the boxer rebellion. Yuan wrote the article in the name of "telling true history to the youth".

"Only if we could say what we did is wrong, the weekly may be resumed. But we will never say that, so the shut down has no end point," said the official.

Modernization and History Textbooks. By Yuan Weishi (Zhongshan University professor)

The current history textbooks are using this concept to guide thinking. It is obvious that we must love our country. But there are two ways to love our country. One way is to inflame nationalistic passions. Traditional Chinese culture had deeply ingrained ideas such as "Chinese and foreigners are different" and "if you not my kind, then your loyalties must be opposite to mine." Our thinking is still poisoned by them today. The latest edition is this: if there is a conflict between China and others, then China must be right; patriotism means opposing the other powers and the foreigners. In the selection and presentation of historical materials, we will only use those that favor China whether they are true or false. The other choice is this: we analyze everything rationally; if it is right, it is right and if it is wrong, it is wrong; calm, objective and wholly regard and handle all conflicts with the outside.
Historical revisions by The Party is just one of many endeavors to keep itself in control, to discourage formal and legal political oppositions, to tightly control and if possible oppress free speech, etc...

Officials are allowed to be despots in China « China Daily Mail
A well-known Chinese saying describes official despotism very well by saying, “Only the official is allowed to set fire, but the common people are not allowed to light lanterns.”
Yuan Weishi and Li Datong were persecuted for their attempts to 'light lanterns' on behalf of the mainland Chinese.

And now the Chinese on this forum wants to deny those lanterns for the HKs.

Excellent news for all who believe in basic human freedoms.
I was wrong, he's not an idiot. He's a shrew Taiwan extreme right winger masquerade in a CPC patriotism, spreading hatred and disharmony between the party and its people in an international forum.

Somehow I feel he lives in the time when china was in Culture Revolution, or simply he is being educated in North Korea
That is a terrible analogy. But if we go by your argument, it means the US could enact laws specifically targeted at the Chinese-American community and there is nothing the Chinese-Americans could do about it.

If the children do not, then it is the parents' responsibilities to speak for them. The children's presence is a symbolic gesture as part of the protest. If history is being used as a political instrument for the benefit of a single political party, and not an ideological bent, then the equal opposition is to politicize again, if necessary.

But we know that it is not merely history for malleable young minds that are under constant intellectually dishonest assaults by The Party, it is also history for adults of all ages and intellectual development that are under equally dishonest assaults via the control of the press.

EastSouthWestNorth: History Textbooks in China

Historical revisions by The Party is just one of many endeavors to keep itself in control, to discourage formal and legal political oppositions, to tightly control and if possible oppress free speech, etc...

Uh, that's ridiculous sorry. The Freezing Point article is the equivalent of an article in an Union newspaper asking "should we bear responsibility for the Confederacy seceeding? Maybe if we just allowed slavery to go on, the Confederacy wouldn't go." Or to be more precise, it would be something involving the biggest tragedy of the 20th century, but I won't go into that.

How did you jump to this conclusion?
Uh, that's ridiculous sorry. The Freezing Point article is the equivalent of an article in an Union newspaper asking "should we bear responsibility for the Confederacy seceeding? Maybe if we just allowed slavery to go on, the Confederacy wouldn't go." Or to be more precise, it would be something involving the biggest tragedy of the 20th century, but I won't go into that.

How did you jump to this conclusion?
The issue is not its equivalent in the US. The issue is about control over speech. I guess The Party's reach into the Chinese-American community is quite effective.
The issue is not its equivalent in the US. The issue is about control over speech. I guess The Party's reach into the Chinese-American community is quite effective.

What makes the protesters and the opposition parties look like a clown is that they lose badly in the Congress election in HK, which has a historical voting rate, the very next day of their protest.

They thought the protest against the SAR government would draw more vote. Yes it does alas the silent majority didn't vote for the protesters.
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