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Hong Kong protesters oppose "propaganda" education plan

Brainwashing is integral plot of CCP to enslave Chinese and brainwash them. Chinese on this forum are prime products of this brainwashing.

It is good to see people of Hong Kong are raising against the evil tacits of CCP.



Hahahhaha the fact is...... it's already too late...... we will have patriotic education in Hong Kong :agree:

If they don't like it, leave Hong Kong. China is a land only for pure of heart, mind and body Chinese people. Hong Kongers who don't agree with this can leave.

Our ideological and spiritual purity makes us stronger :china:
Brainwashing is integral plot of the West to enslave the people of the world and brainwash them. Westerners and wannabe westerners like Indians on this forum are prime products of this brainwashing.

It is good to see the nation of China is fully aware of all these foreign plots against the motherland

I agree with you :bounce:
Hahahhaha the fact is...... it's already too late...... we will have patriotic education in Hong Kong :agree:

If they don't like it, leave Hong Kong. China is a land only for pure of heart, mind and body Chinese people. Hong Kongers who don't agree with this can leave.

Our ideological and spiritual purity makes us stronger :china:

China should be tougher on those Hong Kong traitors.
Hong Kong Rally Slams 'Brainwashing'
September 2, 2012, 5:25 p.m. ET


Just days before Hong Kong's new school year begins, thousands of students and parents took to the streets in an at-times torrential downpour to protest what they said was a government effort to "brainwash" the city's children.

At issue is the government's push for so-called "moral and national education," which aims to promote a deeper sense of identification among local Hong Kong residents with mainland China. Though the former British colony returned to Chinese control in 1997, Hong Kong locals have at times continued to feel alienated from their mainland counterparts. The city maintains its own distinct political and economic system under the "one country, two systems" policy.

Hong Kong Rally Slams 'Brainwashing' - WSJ.com
You people just don't know the main reason, HK people opposes the propaganda education plan because we don't want to study and waste time on a troublesome lesson at school.
This is true as students in HK have the heaviest load of school work already comparing to everyone else, and have no time for those nonsense. Besides people in HK are very apolitical when it comes to those idealogical mumbo jumbos, the things matter the most are the things that can affect their daily lives.

One thing is that I thought school curriculum is a local matter that should be decided by the HKSAR government, how did CCP gets its hand in this.
Hahahhaha the fact is...... it's already too late...... we will have patriotic education in Hong Kong :agree:

If they don't like it, leave Hong Kong. China is a land only for pure of heart, mind and body Chinese people. Hong Kongers who don't agree with this can leave.

Our ideological and spiritual purity makes us stronger :china:
Ideological purity? :lol: That is a good laugh.

Do YOU believe in Marxism?

Critique of the Gotha Programme-- I
In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly -- only then then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!
China's wealthy elites, and that includes Party members, does not -- DOES NOT -- live according to the most basic principle of Marxism, as highlighted.

Is it true that Chen Yuan, a survivor/hero of the Long March and a wealthy Party member once said: 'We are the Communist Party and we will define what communism means.' straight to the face of political scientist Tom Robinson at a lunch at one of Washington DC's exclusive establishments, the Cosmos Club => https://www.cosmosclub.org/ ?

Is it true?

Robinson confronted Yuan on the contradictions between China's official ideology -- the one that is supposedly 'pure' according to you -- versus how its Party elites lives. What Yuan did was courageously honest -- kudos to him -- but it also exposed the facade that is the Chinese Communist Party. The Party will define -- and redefine -- what is Marxism/communism according to the immediate emotional needs of the country to keep itself in power.

Beijing Univ. Law Prof. He Weifang Praises Taiwan Democracy - Zhu Jianling - China Digital Times (CDT)
He Weifang says that the orderly behavior of the demonstrators in Taiwan is very impressive – the crowds are acting rationally, showing that Taiwan is a rule by law society. Ever since He Weifang visited Taiwan in 1999, he has been telling Beijing University students “Taiwan’s today is the mainland’s tomorrow”.
Better take over that island threat now...:lol:
Can any Chinese members here provide us an example of patriotic education? Maybe an excerpt from a government authorized history textbook.
Can any Chinese members here provide us an example of patriotic education?

lololololol...i spilled ma coffee now. But if i may suggest, take a good look around here. There's plenty of examples. + Xinhua continues the effort valiantly after the poor sobs are out of school, brainwashing them daily into thinking how great they are.

@ gambit:

in communist societies there were always some that were more equal then the rest

....how did CCP gets its hand in this.

so naive.....
Some people in HK seems to be against everything CCP sends over. About patriotic education, any country that does not have something like that???

Well, there is no denying that some materials are not useful at all. However, is it wrong to teach HK people to love the motherland??? Is it wrong to teach history about Chinese history, heroes, current development at all?

Is it all truth for the teaching materials? I do not think so. Not a single country can do that. Do you see Utah's teaching materials tell students the bloody past of Mormons???

How about the teaching materials in U.S.? How much it is about the bloody past about its head-hunting indians and kill off almost 99% of the total indian population???

How about U.K.??? Any detailed description about its slave trade, opium trade that caused tens of millions death??? How about some realistic, bloody illustration of such crimes???

So I think HK people should NOT take CCP's tolerance as a sign of weakness. I am not choosing side here. However, I just see some HK people would rather be a foreign dog rather than a Chinese citizen. If you do not like that, go somewhere else. Weren't there many HK people fleeing right before 1997??? If you do not want to be Chinese, go somewhere else.

HK was transferred back to China in 1997. If they have been this active for their rights, they should have got their direct election right long before HK's transfer.

(Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Hong Kong parents, students and teachers marched in the streets on Sunday in protest against a school curriculum plan they said was an attempt to brainwash students by extolling the achievements of the Chinese Communist party.

The controversy is the latest backlash against perceived political influence from Beijing in the former British colony that returned to Chinese rule in 1997.

The book will form the basis of a national education curriculum for students aged six years and older in Hong Kong schools in the coming year, aimed at engendering what officials call a sense of national pride and belonging towards China.

"We don't want our child to be fed this material," said P.S. Ho, who joined the protest along with his wife and four-year-old daughter. "If the initiative continues without changes, maybe we will change schools later or immigrate to another country."

Parents with children in strollers, secondary school students and activists joined the rally on a sweltering afternoon, carrying placards with slogans such as "We don't need no thought control".

Organisers said 90,000 people took part, though police estimates put the turnout at 32,000.

It was the latest in a series of mass protests and gatherings in Hong Kong in recent months, including a July 1 demonstration that drew some 400,000 people demanding improved governance, full democracy, and less interference from Beijing.

"Parents are concerned. We don't want them to brainwash our children's minds," said Linda Wong, a member of a parent concern group and a mother of one.

While the booklet touches on some negative aspects of contemporary Chinese history including unfair land grabs by corrupt officials and a toxic milk powder scandal, it makes no mention of the June 4, 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

It also describes the U.S. political system as having "created social turbulence" and harmed people's livelihoods.

"This material is given to elementary school students. They don't have the independent thinking capabilities to judge for themselves," said Joseph Wong, 19, a member of a youth activist group.

Hong Kong officials rejected the suggestion they were planning to introduce Chinese-style propaganda, saying the "China Model" booklet was only a guide.

They responded to the protesters' concerns by saying a "broadly representative" committee would be formed to monitor the scheme after its implementation in the coming few years, before deciding whether it becomes a mandatory course or not.

"We definitely would not want to see any so-called brainwashing type of education from happening. If that indeed happens, which we do not believe will happen...we would be the first one to come out to condemn such a situation," said Lee Chack-fan, chairman of a group tasked with drafting the guidelines for the national education scheme.

Hong Kong protesters oppose propaganda education plan | Reuters
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