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Hollande to Israel: France Will Keep Sanctions on Iran


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
French President Francois Hollande says his government will maintain sanctions and pressure against Iran until he is certain that it has renounced a suspected nuclear weapons program.

Mr. Hollande made the pledge to Israeli leaders after arriving in Israel Sunday at the start of a three-day visit. In a welcome ceremony at the airport, the French president said Paris will not tolerate nuclear proliferation. Speaking in Hebrew, Mr. Hollande also said, "I will always remain a friend of Israel."

Israel has been urging France and five other world powers not to ease sanctions on Iran as they negotiate with the government of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who took office in August. Israeli leaders see a nuclear armed Iran as a threat to their nation's existence. Tehran has repeatedly called for Israel's demise.

The six world powers held a second round of talks with the Rouhani government in Geneva earlier this month, hoping to reach a diplomatic solution to international concerns about possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program. Another round is due to begin in Geneva Wednesday.

Iran has demanded relief from sanctions that have hurt its economy, but has refused to stop uranium enrichment, a process with civilian and military uses.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned against easing pressure on Iran without forcing it to give up uranium enrichment. Speaking Sunday at a joint news conference with Mr. Hollande, the Israeli prime minister said such a concession would be a "dream deal" for Iran and the "worst nightmare" for the world.

In a report published Sunday, the Iranian news agency ISNA quoted Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif as saying Iran does need other countries to explicitly "recognize" an Iranian right to enrich uranium. Zarif said enrichment already is a fundamental right that "all countries should respect."

France has said it opposes any deal that would do too little to curb Iran's enrichment or to stop its development of a reactor capable of producing plutonium, another nuclear weapons ingredient.

Western powers accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons under the guise of civilian energy and medical research, a charge Tehran denies.

Hollande to Israel: France Will Keep Sanctions on Iran
This guy Hollande totally flipped, I was expecting relief when he was elected. Turned out to be even worse then Sarkozy.

So much for appearing moderate and socialist. He's already approved military operations such as the one in Mali.

So unfortunate westerners could give two craps about their what their leaders do. As long as they feel their economy is in good shape and feel safe at home it wouldn't matter to them what they're nations are doing overseas.

This is why I fear Iran may be attacked and you guys need to really have a credible military response this time. If you don't show them disaster and failure nothing will change. Show their citizens at home too that you can target their military assets on their territory too and not just defending yourselves against their attacks.

Not sure what to expect.
Hollande: " Now that I'm the most hated president in history of France, I'm trying to act tough on U.S and to attract attention from the world, because we were treated like crap when U.S didn't attack Syria and also attacked Iraq, in both going against our will. So I'm your servant now Master Netanyahu, just ask any favor, because I'm going to play the bad boy on U.S now and act like a supa pawa".

French have taken the role of the bad cop, trying to derail the negotiations in anyway possible, actually France is representative of Israel in P5+1.

Relation of Israel (Netanyahu to be precise) to western countries is like a leech to humans, it's sucking their blood and they can't do anything about it because it will hurt. It will eventually release itself at some point after feeding enough blood.

A warmongering maniac like Bibi should be tried in an international court for being a huge obstacle to world's peace and security.
To be honest I'm gonna believe that Hitler had a good reason to start world war 2 .

The whole west which is the symbol of so called civilization , liberty , power and technology is exactly a tool in rich Zionists hands . Superpowers don't dare to take 1 step with out considering it's affects on Israel otherwise they'll be punished by rich Zionists .

I don't see any positive result in negotiations except 1 thing that the whole world especially Iranian people will reach the point that west is not after solution and wants to keep this situation to play Iran .

This will certainly silent the ones chanting for US - IR friendship , etc .
This guy Hollande totally flipped, I was expecting relief when he was elected. Turned out to be even worse then Sarkozy.

So much for appearing moderate and socialist. He's already approved military operations such as the one in Mali.

So unfortunate westerners could give two craps about their what their leaders do. As long as they feel their economy is in good shape and feel safe at home it wouldn't matter to them what they're nations are doing overseas.

This is why I fear Iran may be attacked and you guys need to really have a credible military response this time. If you don't show them disaster and failure nothing will change. Show their citizens at home too that you can target their military assets on their territory too and not just defending yourselves against their attacks.

Not sure what to expect.

Well Tony Blair, former UK Prime Minister, who led the UK into war in Iraq in 2003 was a former nuclear-disarmament campaigner!

A lot of these politicians have no principles and will do what they think will help their career/personal wealth.
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