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HK student leader Joshua Wong goes on hunger strike

The Fundamentalists in DPP are not the group who anti-China, or we have to say which China. PRC or ROC?

The main members of fundamental group in DPP are the relatives of those killed in 228. They have no historical hatred towards CP. They were historical pro China too.

I have written an artical about the voting 2014 in other forum but in Chinese. I paste here:
1. 消失的台湾国。

2. 更浅的蓝和更淡的绿。



3. 无所不包的民进党



4. 穷得只剩钱的国民党




5. 蔡国庆能当主席吗?

只知道护短又不坚决的总统,你早应该下台了。马英九的政府18个月被民进党干掉了18个部长。最搞笑的部长是因为穿短裤骑自行车深夜光顾女秘书家被干掉的。办公室恋爱?no,他们还是师生。不要找教授就是这样,Naughty office就是porn的主题了,还来个师生。就是真拍片了也没什么,要培养一个人够难了,一个部长就死在小娘皮的肚子上了。只要你坚决,没有一个干不下来的部长,这样一个政府怎么会有信用呢?江宜桦教授当然也是被推出斩首的阁揆。


6. 无能的政客和后继无人


7. 政治网络中心战


The Fundamentalists in DPP are not the group who anti-China, or we have to say which China. PRC or ROC?

The main members of fundamental group in DPP are the relatives of those killed in 228. They have no historical hatred towards CP. They were historical pro China too.

I have written an artical about the voting 2014 in other forum but in Chinese. I paste here:

Hatred or no hatred is irrelevant
DPP advocates strongly for independence but KMT, at least on the face of their platforms, does not :dirol:
Hatred or no hatred is irrelevant
DPP advocates strongly for independence but KMT, at least on the face of their platforms, does not :dirol:
Things have changed, the idea of independent Taiwan is gone. The phase to describe Taiwan is right now ROC is Taiwan. That is a description cope with 92 consensus. Although DPP doesn't accept the fact, that is only face saving. Just like socialism with chinese charactersitics, the socialism is not the key but the chinese characteristics.
Things have changed, the idea of independent Taiwan is gone. The phase to describe Taiwan is right now ROC is Taiwan. That is a description cope with 92 consensus. Although DPP doesn't accept the fact, that is only face saving. Just like socialism with chinese charactersitics, the socialism is not the key but the chinese characteristics.

DPP has tuned down its strong drives for independence because it is against the fundamental security of Taiwan and it is also warned by the USA not to do that
Dont be cheated. They havent changed a bit in their guts.
Also dont let "hatred of CPC" or "socialism ...democracy" etc clouding the core issue. 8-)
There's no such thing as HK race, we all belong to the Han race. When i heard one of the student leader claim Hong Kong people are the master of this city and not Chinese, i could not help but laugh at his slogan....

This just confirmed what I suspected - this so-called "leaders" STUPIDITY. They are so stupid and are being used by the foreign powers without them realising.

The HK race LOL


That is just too funny.

+1. Me too. I couldn't stop laughing. :Rofl:

Lingering Garden Network - so hunger! Laugh! -6park.com

Apparently "hunger strike" means only eating porridge instead of rice. What bit of comedy will this movement bring next?

They are just a bunch of puss*es. Twisting and turning things to suit them. No wonder the majority (which is increasing by the day) are against them.
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Protesters must abandon fantasy of a 'Hong Kong race' free from the mainland


Regina Ip says the Occupy protesters who are in effect demanding self-rule - rather than democracy - have been misled by the years of colonial rule into rejecting their Chinese family

By Regina Ip

For months, warnings against Occupy Central sounded by Beijing officials were dismissed as "crying wolf" in some quarters. Protesters had likewise sent many warnings of a "final showdown", but few were able to predict the precise shape that the face-off would eventually take.

The violent clashes between demonstrators and the police last Monday, more than two months after Occupy began, finally put paid to any semblance of "love and peace" and prompted the three chief instigators of Occupy to turn themselves in to the authorities. As students vow to fight on, it will be a while before Occupy can be brought to a close.

As the endgame draws near, debates are under way on what caused Occupy to erupt in such a ferocious manner, causing damage to the economy, cleavages in family and society and a body blow to Hong Kong's reputation as a safe and law-abiding city.

A multitude of factors have been put forward as underlying causes. Among former senior officials, a view has emerged that Occupy was inevitable.

It was inevitable because the protest was not really about democracy. Large numbers were attracted, especially at the start of the protest, by the democracy mantra. But right from the start, the quest for self-rule was evident from slogans - such as "self-determination" - writ large on the backdrop of the stage when students kicked off their sit-in.

In the past year, in several issues of Undergrad, the official publication of the University of Hong Kong students' union, contributors have advocated "self-determination" by "the Hong Kong race".

Occupy is an attempt to redefine "one country, two systems" and, by implication, Hong Kong's relationship with China. By rejecting the decision of the National People's Congress Standing Committee of August 31, which ensures Beijing's say on the outcome of the chief executive election in 2017 via the nominating committee, the Occupy demonstrators are effectively saying no to China's sovereignty over Hong Kong.

Since 1997, Beijing has been nothing but extraordinarily helpful to Hong Kong whenever the latter's economy is in trouble, and extraordinarily tolerant in allowing protests unimaginable on the mainland to thrive in Hong Kong. For a country of 1.3 billion people, which has never known universal suffrage in its 5,000 years of history, it is taking huge risks and a plunge into the unknown by promising Hong Kong ultimate election of the chief executive by universal suffrage. In 2007, it even went further in spelling out a timetable for universal suffrage to happen.

Under the "one country, two systems" arrangement, Hong Kong is also extraordinarily privileged in not having to pay tax to the central authorities or the costs of defence of the territory. (In the colonial era, Hong Kong paid as much as 70 per cent).

Why this rage against the motherland which has done nothing but tried its best to welcome back an "abducted" child with open arms?

Occupy was inevitable because Hong Kong had been a British colony for more than 150 years. Its population includes many who fled to this southern outpost to escape the turmoil that ravaged China during the death throes of the Qing empire and the chaos of the Republican era. It also includes many who fled here for fear of communism. Under British rule, Hong Kong people enjoyed unprecedented rights and freedom, the rule of law and a much higher standard of living. It was ruled as though it was part of the West. While many Chinese families remained steeped in traditional values, Western ideas and institutions exerted indelible influence.

In the last two decades of British rule, the sharp contrast with the much more conservative and regimented Chinese culture and systems was accentuated by the mad dash to usher in democracy and new legislation to strengthen the protection of rights and freedoms. The local officials set to lead the new administration were hardwired to "benchmark" the performance of Hong Kong under China against Western standards, and to defend its system against erosion by authoritarian China. The stage was set for "one country" to be viewed as a threat to "two systems".

The paranoia was aggravated by the tragedy of June 4, 1989, images of which were seared into the memory of Hong Kong people. Since then, annual rituals in remembrance of the lost souls have not helped engender forgiveness or a broader understanding of the context in which the tragic events occurred.

Perhaps the greatest blow to some Hong Kong people's perception of the motherland is the reversal of economic fortune and roles which have followed the economic ascendency of China. Now heavily dependent economically on mainland China, the sense of injured pride has led many to view China as a threat, and fantasise that Hong Kong would be better off as a free-standing "Hong Kong race".

Yet the reality is "Hong Kong race" has no place in the world and Hong Kong's destiny is intertwined with that of China. The sooner our leaders can help the young and the restless come to terms with that, the better. Hong Kong people must muster enough courage and wisdom to find a new place of pride in the family of 1.3 billion.

Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee is a legislator and chair of the New People's Party

@Chinese-Dragon , @ChineseTiger1986 , @tranquilium , @Edison Chen , @terranMarine , @cirr , @Keel , @Nihonjin1051

Omg, Hong Kong race? Where does the superiorty come from? I am wondering. Give China another 30 years, they will regret.
The protesters will soon be removed.

HK police declare to clear remaining occupy sites

HONG KONG, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong police authorities declared on Tuesday evening that the police force will clear all barriers at the protest site in Admiralty on Thursday and support bailiffs executing injunction orders on the unlawful occupation.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Cheung Tak-keung told a press conference that the occupation has been affecting the daily lives of Hong Kong people for more than two months and the police must restore order.

According to Cheung, all barriers blocking roads and pedestrian access on Connaught Road Central, Harcourt Road, Tim Wa Avenue, Tim Mei Avenue and Gloucester Road will be removed.

The protest site in the Causeway Bay will be cleared later at an appropriate time, he added.

Cheung urged the protesters to pack their personal belongings and leave the protest site peacefully as soon as possible since the police will not give them much time on Thursday.

He warned the protesters not to resist or charge the police, reiterating that the police will take resolute action to preserve order and safety.

The Occupy protest in Hong Kong started on Sept. 28 and blockaded several main roads and streets in Kowloon and Hong Kong island, which has resulted in serious traffic disruption, less tourists, temporary closure of schools and banks and a slump in local stock market trading.

Hong Kong police has assisted bailiffs clearing the protest site at Mong Kok in Kowloon on Nov. 25 and 26.

The main appeal of the protesters is to oppose a framework set by China's top legislature on the election of Hong Kong's next chief executive by universal suffrage slated in 2017.

In accordance with the Basic Law, the top legislature has decided that chief executive candidates to run the universal suffrage must be nominated by a 1,200-member nomination committee.
Omg, Hong Kong race? Where does the superiorty come from? I am wondering. Give China another 30 years, they will regret.
There is a Hongkong race, this race is actually banished by the mainland. Hongkong is a banished city.There are more softly works for the central government to do to regain the hearts of banished people.
Li Zhuoren 李卓人 on the far right is caught with receiving millions of HK$ from NED
He was meeting with the ex-DPP leader Shi Mingde 施明德 (bow-tied). The other 2 are the key organisers of OC-HK.

That's somebody's tax payers money going down the drain !:laugh::sarcastic::rolleyes1:

The Soft-power of Hong Kong Protesters – Freedoms not enjoy by American, Britain, Canadian and Australian

By Chua Wei Ling

In a recent international human rights forum at Oslo where Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and other jailed Occupy Wall Street protesters such as Cecily McMillan were not invited, BBC report (21 Oct. 2014) revealed that, “it is an open secret at this meeting … that plans were hatched for the demonstrations (in Hong Kong) nearly two years ago … perhaps more than 1,000 of them have been given specific training to help make the campaign as effective as possible.” The forum is filled exclusively by well funded non-western “dissidents” demonstrating no interest in echoing the voices of the 5,500 anti-US military protesters in Okinawa; or the suffering of the victims of U.S. nuclear tests in the Pacific without compensation; or the extrajudicial killing of almost a thousand unarmed civilians and children within five years by U.S. drones operation in Pakistan alone. The protesters in Hong Kong enjoyed an overwhelming support from the Oslo Freedom Forum, while the death of 5,000 civilians across America since 9/11 by the brutal and trigger happy U.S. police forces were ignored.

The power of Occupy Hong Kong protesters

The thousands of uncompromised protesters in Hong Kong have strategically and successfully occupied and erected barricades in a number of main thoroughfares (Central, Causeway Bay and Mongkok) causing chaos to traffics, businesses, and residents living in and around the protest zones for over a month now. What most western media failed to report is that, at the beginning of the protests, 3,000 public servants were unable to go to work; there [were] 37 bank branches remain closed in the protest zones a month later; tourists arrival were down during the Golden Week in October with up to 40% reduction in sales to the retail industry. Shops in the protest zones desperate for business, offered a 50% storewide discount and seeing no customer at all. A report by BBC at the beginning of the protest (3 October) revealed that ANZ bank estimated that the protests may have cost the city’s retailers more than HK$2bn.

As a result of the barricades, ambulances on emergency calls were unable to travel to the nearest hospital causing the death of a patient. Residents in the protest zones complaints about the disruption to their daily life as public transport and taxi were not available for them to travel to work, and send their children to school; an elderly woman with walking problem was reportedly forced on foot to visit hospital for her medications.

An On TV open debates was arranged for the protesters to directly air their views to the government and public failed to satisfy the protesters.

An order issued by the High Court on 21 October, 2014 to end the illegal assembly has been ignored.

Images of protesters playing mah-jong and table tennis right in the middle of the streets, having carnival-like-funs, enjoying themselves with hotpots, with some even brought in their beds and mattresses were basically ignored by the western media.

The Time report titled ‘The Main Hong Kong Protest Site is a Perfect Anarchist Collective’ has an accurate description of the protests: “There are no leaders, but everything, from the supply tents to the recycling stations, runs just beautifully.”

The powerless majority

Two months before the planned Occupy Central protest, over a million signatures have been gathered in Hong Kong in opposition to the planned protests. In August, hundreds of thousands rally against the planned Occupy movement. At the beginning of the Occupy protests, 1.5 million Hong Kong people have again signed a petition to demand for peace and reject the Occupy Central movement. A Facebook site in the name of ‘Silent Majority For Hong Kong’ is liked by more than 90,000 people. On 6 October, a Hong Konger was videoed emotionally kowtowing to student protesters telling them: “Please go home, we have kids to feed”. On 13 October, some running out of patient truck and taxi drivers and unions tried to talk to the student protesters and tear down the barricades, but the students wouldn’t listen. The Reuters (UK) described the hundreds of people who tore down protest barriers as “look like gangsters”. On 14 October, an 88 year old elderly man was reportedly kneeling in front the student protesters urging them to “open up the road so that people can go to school and work as usual.” The frustration against the dictatorial and non-reasoning protesters by the average Hong Kong people can be felt by simply viewing the daily video footages on the Hong Kong TVs (not the Western media). That same day, a number of police officers were reportedly removed from positions after an alleged beating of a protester caught on video. On 28 October, 550 Hong Kong doctors likened Occupy movement to ‘cancer’ in a petition calling for an end to the protests. On 4 November, a report by The Straits Times revealed that the Alliance for Peace and Democracy collected more than 1.83 million signatures within 9 days in a campaign to end the Occupy protests.

Protesters’ soft-power and the “Free” world leaders, NGOs and media

Earlier on, when Hong Kong police tried unsuccessfully to remove protesters with tear gas and arrests, the Human Rights Watch emailed to subscribers an article titled ‘Hong Kong: Free Protesters, Avoid Excessive Force’. Amnesty International did the same with a series of articles such as ‘China: Immediately release supporters of Hong Kong protests’ and ‘Hong Kong: alarming Police response to student pro-democracy protest’. Western leaders also took turn to condemn the Hong Kong authorities and Beijing against the crackdown on protesters. For example, David Cameron said, “UK will stand up for Hong Kong Protesters’ rights.” The US Congress released a special Congressional report on Hong Kong openly supporting the protesters. So as Canada and the surprisingly (this time only) less aggressive Australia. Western media (just to name a few, CNN, Wall Street Journal, Murdoch’s News, Washington Post) liken the crackdown as possibly another Tiananmen Square massacre in the making. They all ignored the confessions made by a number of their own journalists, declassified western government documents, the work of historians and eye witnesses accounts about the fact that , “no one die at Tiananmen Square” in 1989, and that the violence were started by the so-called “unarmed” and “peaceful” protesters. Click here for an example of how the BBC manufactured the perception of a “Massacre” without having to show their viewers a single shot of a dead person.

What China can learn from the “Free” world about protest management

In the eyes of the “Free” world and their so-called “NGOs” and “Free” media, the freedom of the Western trained Hong Kong protesters to disrupt the city economy and the daily life of the average Hong Kong people out weighted the rights of the entire population freedom to use those public spaces.

Chinese leadership may have been too busy dealing with dignitaries across the world hoping to build a 21st Century Silk Roads through their high speed rail diplomacy, BRICs’ Bank, the 4th Plenum and the APEC summit in Beijing; their lack of attention and silence on the Hong Kong protests did not exempt them from the smear campaign by the Western media.

As a researcher of media disinformation, I always belief in the power of comparisons. Human rights and freedom are not single sum games, the only way to objectively assess the issues is to compare what others did given the similar circumstances.

During the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests in America, anti-protests laws were strengthened to ban serving food and setting up tents across the country. This is to ensure that the protesters were unable to sustain their protests. As a result, homeless communities across America became the collateral victims of the new laws. As the US economy continues to struggle with more and more angry people among the population, in 2014, more and more cities across America joint the rank to make it illegal to hand out food to the homeless.

In sharp contrast to the protests in Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square in 1989, where the protesters were the one who erected the barricades, in the land of “Freedom”, it was actually the US government who erected the barricades against the protesters. The so-called anti-Wall Street protests actually did not took place at Wall Street as they were not allowed to. In August, 2014, it was reported that ‘Protests in New York City lead to police barricades and arrests.’

Ironically, while the Hong Kong government arranged a live telecast meeting with the protesters, so as the Beijing government (through Premier Li Peng) during the 1989 Tiananmen incident, the US president not only did not border to address the concerns of the protesters in regards to the issue of 99% vs. 1%; in an incident when President Obama arrived at a protest venue to address the 1% who were paying up to $35,800 each for a diner with him, the protesters were reportedly “penned in an enclosure of barricades, informed that the area has been designated a ‘frozen zone’ until the president departure.”

While the “Free” world leaders defended the rights of Hong Kong protesters to continue occupying and obstructing the rights and freedom of the entire Hong Kong population to use those barricaded roads, it is a known reality that, the laws in the entire western “Free” world criminalised protesters who obstruct traffics during a protest. One of the most classic example is that, during the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests in New York, the protesters who marched across Brooklyn Bridge were reportedly blocked off by police after actually being allowed onto the roadway. Once they met the police line, they ended up being arrested one by one for obstruction of traffic. Over 700 arrested this way.

A website documented the arrests of Occupy protesters across America with hyperlinks to the sources of each arrest found that almost 8,000 arrested in 122 cities. If one click through all the links on the website to view the respective reports, images and videos, once will notice that the media friendly weapons used by the US authorities against the protesters include (but not exclusively) the following:

– Peppy spray and other chemical weapons

– Peppy ball guns

– Rubber bullets

– Tasers

– Drugging

– Punching on the face

– Teargas

– Baton

– Flash-bang devices

– Bean bag guns

The name of these media friendly weapons sound harmless, however, if one search Wikipedia using the respective name of the weapons, one will notice that, many of the media friendly weapons are extremely painful and harmful to their victims with cases of reported deaths and permanent injuries each year.

The same situation in Canada, in order to prevent the spread of the anti-capitalist movement, the Canadian government indiscriminately arrested 1,100 protesters in 2011. A year later, only 24 of them were convicted for violating any law. At a time of economic hardship and rising social anger, the Harper government enacted a new law in 2013 threatening masked protesters with a ten-year jail terms. Arresting protesters in Canada is as common as in the US, an incident in March, 2014 alone saw 300 arrested at Montreal for protesting against police brutality.

Australia government is also not an angel to protesters. At a time of rising social dissatisfactions, new anti-protest laws were introduced in the past year. Just to name a few, in 2013, the State of Queensland enacted an ‘anti-association laws’; in 2014, Victoria introduced a ‘move on laws’, so that police could arrest any protester who refused to obey their order to leave; in Tasmania, the new anti-protesters laws were criticised by the United Nation as “contravenes Australia’s human rights obligations.” A recent reportby The Australian revealed that, a special Brisbane court will be operating around-the-clock from 10 November, five days before the G20 summit to handle potential mass arrests against anti-capitalism protesters. The new anti-protest laws, G20 (Safety and Security) Act 2013, that governed the Brisbane operation was passed in October, 2013.

In Britain, despite PM Cameron pledged to defence the rights of Hong Kong protesters in early October, a report by Euro News (20 October) revealed that merely 3 days into the protests, the Westminster police already decided to removed the tents and protesters under a new laws which forbid anyone sleeping on the green opposite parliament.

Perhaps Beijing and Hong Kong authorities should learn from the “Free” world in enacting new laws and removed protesters who break the laws with decisiveness. The perception of freedom and human rights as western values is nothing more than the propaganda power of the western media. Protesters in Hong Kong and other developing nations should be realistic with their expectations. Freedom must go hand in hand with social responsibility. The freedom of others to use those public spaces should be respected.


I know this article is a little bit untimely, but, provides a good insight and a chance to look back and comparatively analyze what HK has really gone through.

@Chinese-Dragon , @Keel , @tranquilium , @Edison Chen , @Nan Yang et al.

The Soft-power of Hong Kong Protesters – Freedoms not enjoy by American, Britain, Canadian and Australian

By Chua Wei Ling

In a recent international human rights forum at Oslo where Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and other jailed Occupy Wall Street protesters such as Cecily McMillan were not invited, BBC report (21 Oct. 2014) revealed that, “it is an open secret at this meeting … that plans were hatched for the demonstrations (in Hong Kong) nearly two years ago … perhaps more than 1,000 of them have been given specific training to help make the campaign as effective as possible.” The forum is filled exclusively by well funded non-western “dissidents” demonstrating no interest in echoing the voices of the 5,500 anti-US military protesters in Okinawa; or the suffering of the victims of U.S. nuclear tests in the Pacific without compensation; or the extrajudicial killing of almost a thousand unarmed civilians and children within five years by U.S. drones operation in Pakistan alone. The protesters in Hong Kong enjoyed an overwhelming support from the Oslo Freedom Forum, while the death of 5,000 civilians across America since 9/11 by the brutal and trigger happy U.S. police forces were ignored.

The power of Occupy Hong Kong protesters

The thousands of uncompromised protesters in Hong Kong have strategically and successfully occupied and erected barricades in a number of main thoroughfares (Central, Causeway Bay and Mongkok) causing chaos to traffics, businesses, and residents living in and around the protest zones for over a month now. What most western media failed to report is that, at the beginning of the protests, 3,000 public servants were unable to go to work; there [were] 37 bank branches remain closed in the protest zones a month later; tourists arrival were down during the Golden Week in October with up to 40% reduction in sales to the retail industry. Shops in the protest zones desperate for business, offered a 50% storewide discount and seeing no customer at all. A report by BBC at the beginning of the protest (3 October) revealed that ANZ bank estimated that the protests may have cost the city’s retailers more than HK$2bn.

As a result of the barricades, ambulances on emergency calls were unable to travel to the nearest hospital causing the death of a patient. Residents in the protest zones complaints about the disruption to their daily life as public transport and taxi were not available for them to travel to work, and send their children to school; an elderly woman with walking problem was reportedly forced on foot to visit hospital for her medications.

An On TV open debates was arranged for the protesters to directly air their views to the government and public failed to satisfy the protesters.

An order issued by the High Court on 21 October, 2014 to end the illegal assembly has been ignored.

Images of protesters playing mah-jong and table tennis right in the middle of the streets, having carnival-like-funs, enjoying themselves with hotpots, with some even brought in their beds and mattresses were basically ignored by the western media.

The Time report titled ‘The Main Hong Kong Protest Site is a Perfect Anarchist Collective’ has an accurate description of the protests: “There are no leaders, but everything, from the supply tents to the recycling stations, runs just beautifully.”

The powerless majority

Two months before the planned Occupy Central protest, over a million signatures have been gathered in Hong Kong in opposition to the planned protests. In August, hundreds of thousands rally against the planned Occupy movement. At the beginning of the Occupy protests, 1.5 million Hong Kong people have again signed a petition to demand for peace and reject the Occupy Central movement. A Facebook site in the name of ‘Silent Majority For Hong Kong’ is liked by more than 90,000 people. On 6 October, a Hong Konger was videoed emotionally kowtowing to student protesters telling them: “Please go home, we have kids to feed”. On 13 October, some running out of patient truck and taxi drivers and unions tried to talk to the student protesters and tear down the barricades, but the students wouldn’t listen. The Reuters (UK) described the hundreds of people who tore down protest barriers as “look like gangsters”. On 14 October, an 88 year old elderly man was reportedly kneeling in front the student protesters urging them to “open up the road so that people can go to school and work as usual.” The frustration against the dictatorial and non-reasoning protesters by the average Hong Kong people can be felt by simply viewing the daily video footages on the Hong Kong TVs (not the Western media). That same day, a number of police officers were reportedly removed from positions after an alleged beating of a protester caught on video. On 28 October, 550 Hong Kong doctors likened Occupy movement to ‘cancer’ in a petition calling for an end to the protests. On 4 November, a report by The Straits Times revealed that the Alliance for Peace and Democracy collected more than 1.83 million signatures within 9 days in a campaign to end the Occupy protests.

Protesters’ soft-power and the “Free” world leaders, NGOs and media

Earlier on, when Hong Kong police tried unsuccessfully to remove protesters with tear gas and arrests, the Human Rights Watch emailed to subscribers an article titled ‘Hong Kong: Free Protesters, Avoid Excessive Force’. Amnesty International did the same with a series of articles such as ‘China: Immediately release supporters of Hong Kong protests’ and ‘Hong Kong: alarming Police response to student pro-democracy protest’. Western leaders also took turn to condemn the Hong Kong authorities and Beijing against the crackdown on protesters. For example, David Cameron said, “UK will stand up for Hong Kong Protesters’ rights.” The US Congress released a special Congressional report on Hong Kong openly supporting the protesters. So as Canada and the surprisingly (this time only) less aggressive Australia. Western media (just to name a few, CNN, Wall Street Journal, Murdoch’s News, Washington Post) liken the crackdown as possibly another Tiananmen Square massacre in the making. They all ignored the confessions made by a number of their own journalists, declassified western government documents, the work of historians and eye witnesses accounts about the fact that , “no one die at Tiananmen Square” in 1989, and that the violence were started by the so-called “unarmed” and “peaceful” protesters. Click here for an example of how the BBC manufactured the perception of a “Massacre” without having to show their viewers a single shot of a dead person.

What China can learn from the “Free” world about protest management

In the eyes of the “Free” world and their so-called “NGOs” and “Free” media, the freedom of the Western trained Hong Kong protesters to disrupt the city economy and the daily life of the average Hong Kong people out weighted the rights of the entire population freedom to use those public spaces.

Chinese leadership may have been too busy dealing with dignitaries across the world hoping to build a 21st Century Silk Roads through their high speed rail diplomacy, BRICs’ Bank, the 4th Plenum and the APEC summit in Beijing; their lack of attention and silence on the Hong Kong protests did not exempt them from the smear campaign by the Western media.

As a researcher of media disinformation, I always belief in the power of comparisons. Human rights and freedom are not single sum games, the only way to objectively assess the issues is to compare what others did given the similar circumstances.

During the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests in America, anti-protests laws were strengthened to ban serving food and setting up tents across the country. This is to ensure that the protesters were unable to sustain their protests. As a result, homeless communities across America became the collateral victims of the new laws. As the US economy continues to struggle with more and more angry people among the population, in 2014, more and more cities across America joint the rank to make it illegal to hand out food to the homeless.

In sharp contrast to the protests in Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square in 1989, where the protesters were the one who erected the barricades, in the land of “Freedom”, it was actually the US government who erected the barricades against the protesters. The so-called anti-Wall Street protests actually did not took place at Wall Street as they were not allowed to. In August, 2014, it was reported that ‘Protests in New York City lead to police barricades and arrests.’

Ironically, while the Hong Kong government arranged a live telecast meeting with the protesters, so as the Beijing government (through Premier Li Peng) during the 1989 Tiananmen incident, the US president not only did not border to address the concerns of the protesters in regards to the issue of 99% vs. 1%; in an incident when President Obama arrived at a protest venue to address the 1% who were paying up to $35,800 each for a diner with him, the protesters were reportedly “penned in an enclosure of barricades, informed that the area has been designated a ‘frozen zone’ until the president departure.”

While the “Free” world leaders defended the rights of Hong Kong protesters to continue occupying and obstructing the rights and freedom of the entire Hong Kong population to use those barricaded roads, it is a known reality that, the laws in the entire western “Free” world criminalised protesters who obstruct traffics during a protest. One of the most classic example is that, during the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests in New York, the protesters who marched across Brooklyn Bridge were reportedly blocked off by police after actually being allowed onto the roadway. Once they met the police line, they ended up being arrested one by one for obstruction of traffic. Over 700 arrested this way.

A website documented the arrests of Occupy protesters across America with hyperlinks to the sources of each arrest found that almost 8,000 arrested in 122 cities. If one click through all the links on the website to view the respective reports, images and videos, once will notice that the media friendly weapons used by the US authorities against the protesters include (but not exclusively) the following:

– Peppy spray and other chemical weapons

– Peppy ball guns

– Rubber bullets

– Tasers

– Drugging

– Punching on the face

– Teargas

– Baton

– Flash-bang devices

– Bean bag guns

The name of these media friendly weapons sound harmless, however, if one search Wikipedia using the respective name of the weapons, one will notice that, many of the media friendly weapons are extremely painful and harmful to their victims with cases of reported deaths and permanent injuries each year.

The same situation in Canada, in order to prevent the spread of the anti-capitalist movement, the Canadian government indiscriminately arrested 1,100 protesters in 2011. A year later, only 24 of them were convicted for violating any law. At a time of economic hardship and rising social anger, the Harper government enacted a new law in 2013 threatening masked protesters with a ten-year jail terms. Arresting protesters in Canada is as common as in the US, an incident in March, 2014 alone saw 300 arrested at Montreal for protesting against police brutality.

Australia government is also not an angel to protesters. At a time of rising social dissatisfactions, new anti-protest laws were introduced in the past year. Just to name a few, in 2013, the State of Queensland enacted an ‘anti-association laws’; in 2014, Victoria introduced a ‘move on laws’, so that police could arrest any protester who refused to obey their order to leave; in Tasmania, the new anti-protesters laws were criticised by the United Nation as “contravenes Australia’s human rights obligations.” A recent reportby The Australian revealed that, a special Brisbane court will be operating around-the-clock from 10 November, five days before the G20 summit to handle potential mass arrests against anti-capitalism protesters. The new anti-protest laws, G20 (Safety and Security) Act 2013, that governed the Brisbane operation was passed in October, 2013.

In Britain, despite PM Cameron pledged to defence the rights of Hong Kong protesters in early October, a report by Euro News (20 October) revealed that merely 3 days into the protests, the Westminster police already decided to removed the tents and protesters under a new laws which forbid anyone sleeping on the green opposite parliament.

Perhaps Beijing and Hong Kong authorities should learn from the “Free” world in enacting new laws and removed protesters who break the laws with decisiveness. The perception of freedom and human rights as western values is nothing more than the propaganda power of the western media. Protesters in Hong Kong and other developing nations should be realistic with their expectations. Freedom must go hand in hand with social responsibility. The freedom of others to use those public spaces should be respected.


I know this article is a little bit untimely, but, provides a good insight and a chance to look back and comparatively analyze what HK has really gone through.

@Chinese-Dragon , @Keel , @tranquilium , @Edison Chen , @Nan Yang et al.

The so-called Hong Kong protest is a joke from the start. I mean, these are the clowns that invented "relay hunger strike" (basically, one of them will be go on hunger strike "cough" diet "cough" for two days and then stop and just ask the next guy to do it. The horror, two whole days~~~

Terry Pratchett's Discworld series has a brilliant quote: "There are hardly any excesses of the most crazed psychopath that cannot easily be duplicated by a normal, kindly family man who just comes in to work every day and has a job to do." Applying the quote here basic shows you that for money, there is not a depth deep enough that these arseholes can't sink into,
Like tranquiliium said, they are just a groups of clowns making stupid jokes. If I were them, I will take time to finish the paper from the college or try to find a job making money, I won't sit there like an idiot...
I read from the news, joshuo wong ends hunger strike? it is good. the fight against tyranny is a long fight. he needs to preserve his health :D
He is a joke, his weight increase during hunger strike. Maybe his a superman? Fck him
He is a joke, his weight increase during hunger strike. Maybe his a superman? Fck him

He and his mob are a bunch of puss*es who are funded and used by Western powers to cause problems for China. Instead this mob is causing lots of inconvenience to the Hong Kong people. I think the western powers regret funding him. He is just not up to the job. It's just money down the drain.
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