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HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

The Philippine Government may have committed lapses during the siege but there's always a right place and a right time to ask the president about it and it should be done in a respectful manner. Why don't they ask Chinese government on killing hundreds of pro-democracy Chinese students in Tienanmen?

The world "may" sentence is not necessary to put in.
The HK government have been asking the PH government for several times to seek for a talk for this issue but the PH gov has done nothing but ignore the demand asked kindly.
I'm not supporting those HK journalists, but people also have to know how bad the attitude the government have been acting since the "accident" happened. The HK Ph consulate even failed to keep an appointment to receive the petition from the victims, which is irreverence and has no integrity.
Also what happened in Tienanmen is a intern issue of China, or is there some of you people was killed there.

Let's look at it this way

You will be send packing if you talk loud during a movie in a movie theatre.

Would you have expected the same result if you are in a international forum and facing nations leaders?

Problem is not that whether its ok or not to disrespect someone, but rather should you display that disrespect in public.

Same deal as in I can accept you pick your nose at home, but definitely not in the street, especially when you are standing next to me...

I am a Hong Konger by the way....

It is just like the conflict between China and Japan to me.
China always lose their sympathy points from their bad attitude, even though it was Japan who was massing around the world.
Both sides are to be blame. HK, like their Western influence counterpart, are very aggressive in their media. It was part of why celebrities hate them due to aggressive harassing, paparazzi-style stalking. Though, the Philippine is known to be an uncivilized, unprofessional society. Just look at their policeman in that Bus Hostel incident and you can see how unprofessional they were. Adding to this fact is an uncivilized behavior of their government officials who dodge blame for their criminal navy personnel when they shot a Taiwanese boat captain dead in an overlapping water and claimed it was Taiwan fault. It turned out it was untrue and they later apologized ONLY after Taiwan stepped up their navy to the area. It is also funny they dare shooting at Taiwanese fisherman but not dare shooting at Chinese fisherman. Are we forgetting the Philippine is known to be a pirate country that kidnap tourists and foreigners?
The world "may" sentence is not necessary to put in.
The HK government have been asking the PH government for several times to seek for a talk for this issue but the PH gov has done nothing but ignore the demand asked kindly.
I'm not supporting those HK journalists, but people also have to know how bad the attitude the government have been acting since the "accident" happened. The HK Ph consulate even failed to keep an appointment to receive the petition from the victims, which is irreverence and has no integrity.

You are well aware that HongKong's foreign affair (except in economic and custom related) are managed by China's foreign ministry. HongKong government's insistence of talk with Philippines will not be entertained, it is the duty of China's foreign ministry to hold talks with the philippines government regarding the issue.

Furthermore, the HongKong's government has itself said that they could not intervene as it is a civil case.
The world "may" sentence is not necessary to put in.
The HK government have been asking the PH government for several times to seek for a talk for this issue but the PH gov has done nothing but ignore the demand asked kindly.
I'm not supporting those HK journalists, but people also have to know how bad the attitude the government have been acting since the "accident" happened. The HK Ph consulate even failed to keep an appointment to receive the petition from the victims, which is irreverence and has no integrity.
Also what happened in Tienanmen is a intern issue of China, or is there some of you people was killed there.
The incident you are referring to was not totally the fault of the Gov't. Yes, HK Chinese died in the incident. But, other nationals also die in Hong Kong. Many are killed, murdered, abused. Did the HK government even apologize? Well Indonesia did a good job. We praise their security personnel. Those journalists really deserved to be kicked out, their behavior is not acceptable from the summit conference and the President has always the right not to answer the questions.
Both sides are to be blame. HK, like their Western influence counterpart, are very aggressive in their media. It was part of why celebrities hate them due to aggressive harassing, paparazzi-style stalking. Though, the Philippine is known to be an uncivilized, unprofessional society. Just look at their policeman in that Bus Hostel incident and you can see how unprofessional they were. Adding to this fact is an uncivilized behavior of their government officials who dodge blame for their criminal navy personnel when they shot a Taiwanese boat captain dead in an overlapping water and claimed it was Taiwan fault. It turned out it was untrue and they later apologized ONLY after Taiwan stepped up their navy to the area. It is also funny they dare shooting at Taiwanese fisherman but not dare shooting at Chinese fisherman. Are we forgetting the Philippine is known to be a pirate country that kidnap tourists and foreigners?
and your country is known for making and sending fake, bogus, counterfeit items around the world aside from illegal drugs. Even making fake historical accounts, these are just some how best to describe China.
and your country is known for making and sending fake, bogus, counterfeit items around the world aside from illegal drugs. Even making fake historical accounts, these are just some how best to describe China.
Idiot, there is no comparison between economic trading with low quality than kidnapping for ransom. Which one is more dangerous to economy? I let your countrymen decide.
This is TW freedom of speeches?
The rest of the world even USA are far behind TW as freedom of speeches they also come with freedom to punch their opponent.
Taiwanese politicians exchange punches over nuclear bill | World news | theguardian.com

Link to video: Taiwanese MPs fight in parliament
Taiwanese politicians exchanged punches and threw water at each other ahead of an expected vote that would authorise a referendum on whether to finish a fourth nuclear power plant on the densely populated island of 23 million people.

Nuclear power has become an even more contentious issue in Taiwan since the Fukushima disaster in Japan in 2011. While many Taiwanese consider nuclear power generation an unacceptable safety risk for the earthquake-prone island, economic analyses suggest disruptive power shortages are inevitable if the fourth plant is not completed.

Friday's fracas pitted the pro-referendum forces of President Ma Ying-jeou's ruling Nationalist party against strongly anti-nuclear forces affiliated with the main opposition Democratic Progressive party. DPP members of the legislature occupied the podium late on Thursday night amid vows to disrupt the vote. It had not taken place by midday local time on Friday, but with a large Nationalist majority in the 113-seat legislature, the referendum bill is expected to pass easily.

Construction of Taiwan's fourth nuclear power plant began in 1997 but was halted while the DPP was in power between 2000 and 2008. If the referendum is passed the plant could become operational by 2016.

Physical confrontations broke out early in Friday's session. Associated Press television footage shows eight people pushing and shoving in one scrum. Two people scuffled on the floor, while others tried to separate them. More than a dozen activists in bright yellow shirts chanted and waved signs on a nearby balcony, and several of them splashed water on to the MPs below. A few water bottles were thrown into the fray.

Some DPP members of the legislature object to the idea of any nuclear referendum at all, while others say that the language in the bill needs to be changed because it is prejudicial. According to the bill under discussion, referendum voters would be asked to vote on whether they agree with the proposition that "the construction of the fourth nuclear power plant should be halted and that it not become operational".
It is just like the conflict between China and Japan to me.
China always lose their sympathy points from their bad attitude, even though it was Japan who was massing around the world.

As i said, i don't really mind people disrespect other in their own time, but then there is another thing trying to show that disrespect in public. There are better things to do than to yell at the president in public, we are better than this.
You are well aware that HongKong's foreign affair (except in economic and custom related) are managed by China's foreign ministry. HongKong government's insistence of talk with Philippines will not be entertained, it is the duty of China's foreign ministry to hold talks with the philippines government regarding the issue.

Furthermore, the HongKong's government has itself said that they could not intervene as it is a civil case.

The Chinese government has the right to decide who is authorized to such issue, especially when it is in an emergency which doesn't even need an authorization.

Did they?
The incident you are referring to was not totally the fault of the Gov't. Yes, HK Chinese died in the incident. But, other nationals also die in Hong Kong. Many are killed, murdered, abused. Did the HK government even apologize? Well Indonesia did a good job. We praise their security personnel. Those journalists really deserved to be kicked out, their behavior is not acceptable from the summit conference and the President has always the right not to answer the questions.

There is no comparison here, has there similar cases happened in Hong Kong as what happened in the Ph? Besides as you have mentioned it was an incident, not an accident which are happening in every minutes in everywhere.
Protection of life and property safety of foreigners is a country's basic international legal obligations, fail to follow this obligations will have to bear international responsibility. As people has seen that there were many faults from the Ph gov's rescue operations. Such as:
Improperly handle the murder and his request;
Gone for meal during the most important hour which left no one to take charge;
inefficient, unorganized rescue operations;
Unbelievably missed the golden opportunity to negotiate;
Medical arrangements was in Confusion etc.
Those victims deserve apology.
As i said, i don't really mind people disrespect other in their own time, but then there is another thing trying to show that disrespect in public. There are better things to do than to yell at the president in public, we are better than this.

Who is this "we" here, Hong Kong people or human beings?
There is no comparison here, has there similar cases happened in Hong Kong as what happened in the Ph? Besides as you have mentioned it was an incident, not an accident which are happening in every minutes in everywhere.
Protection of life and property safety of foreigners is a country's basic international legal obligations, fail to follow this obligations will have to bear international responsibility. As people has seen that there were many faults from the Ph gov's rescue operations. Such as:
Improperly handle the murder and his request;
Gone for meal during the most important hour which left no one to take charge;
inefficient, unorganized rescue operations;
Unbelievably missed the golden opportunity to negotiate;
Medical arrangements was in Confusion etc.
Those victims deserve apology.
The hostage crisis in Manila that led to the death of 8 HK hostages is beyond control of the Ph President as it is an instantaneous crime incident. The case is already within the jurisdiction of the Ph court and what we can do is to wait for the verdict. As I said other nationals also die in Hong Kong either being killed, murdered or abused. Did we hear HK apologize to them? Anyway whether HK accept that incident or not, it’s beyond control of the Philippines. They should move on and these stupid HK reporters should have been more concerned at China's free trade zone as a threat to HK's economy and its slowly diminishing political freedom. But no, they are more obsessed with petty shouting at Aquino.

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