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History of the Crusaders.


Jun 24, 2018
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United Kingdom
This is a very informative documentary series about the whole Crusaders campaign launched by the west in the 11th Century and if you haven't watched it then you must.

I had watched a recent one made by BBC in which they show themselves as the real heroes, obviously. But this one made by Al-Jazeera puts a much better light on this part of our history.
It also gives you the explanation at the end of the time we are going through today.

Of course. Jihad goes on even when you want to stuff your fat face with a hardee's burger, but decide to give your money to a gang affiliated beggar in Pakistan instead. :lol:

no IBAN or BIC required. how practical
This is a very informative documentary series about the whole Crusaders campaign launched by the west in the 11th Century and if you haven't watched it then you must.

I had watched a recent one made by BBC in which they show themselves as the real heroes, obviously. But this one made by Al-Jazeera puts a much better light on this part of our history.
It also gives you the explanation at the end of the time we are going through today.

where they stopped. rise of ottomans. they are again there after fall of ottomans 1923 .. if turks stand strong arabs will be safe
where they stopped. rise of ottomans. they are again there after fall of ottomans 1923 .. if turks stand strong arabs will be safe
Yes they explain all that in the end as well and how they defeated the Ottomans and what's going on today, in the name of Democracy. Back then it was holy war for them and now they are there to liberate the oppressed people of the Middle East. The outcome of both these situations is the same, loads and loads of dead Muslims.
Yes they explain all that in the end as well and how they defeated the Ottomans and what's going on today, in the name of Democracy. Back then it was holy war for them and now they are there to liberate the oppressed people of the Middle East. The outcome of both these situations is the same, loads and loads of dead Muslims.
turks stopped them for 500 years. thur to america to kill people there. they were there killing red indians 500 years untill they start fight with each other in world war first and second.. they are again going to fight.. first sing is uk coming out of EU and USA withdrawal from nato.. let see how things turn out and how history will turn after 100 years.. it is very clear europeans are falling behind in papulation..
crusaders are satanist disguised as christians who are after jerusalem because who ever controls jerusalem controls the world. they were early money lenders.
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