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History Made - Russian Spymaster visits Pakistan, gets access to Gwadar Port.

Wondering how this plays out, given terrorist state of India is supporting terrorists to sabotage CPEC and Russia actually wants to make use of CPEC. You basically will have two traditional allies at odds with each other.
Well Indian attitude is non realistic towards the global politics, they some how are suffering from superiority complex a bit boom in their economy have led them to believe that ,all in a sudden the whole world is gone poor and India by means of its money will dictate the world,they also believe that their false propaganda against Pakistan Will blind the world and they start believing what India says,things are not as every one sees Long term preservation of its interests, and in a long term scenario Pakistan is better located on the map of earth,
Oh no, I have been exposed !
Why did u feel the need to reply to this post, got something to hide or guilty about something

There was a meeting between the boss of the Russian and Pakistani intelligence services. Imagine that :D
Hehe, the kgb chief must be like " the last time we had any kind of contact with the isi, we lost several central asian states, what are we gonna loose now
Yes this could be the start of another union inside south Asia. I mean turkey is also planning to join China and Russia. Imagine some giant tycoons like Russia and China form a south asian union ( like european union) and Pakistan, Iran, Turkey joins in. it could be a great step in strategic changes in south Asia.
'If only wishes were fishes'. The prospect of Soviet Russia and Pakistan post 1947 being together is pure fantasy. Yes, if majority of Pakistani's were like me, secular with left leaning tendancies this might have been possible.

Soviet Pak relationship only soured because the commies went crazy and started invading and occupying anyone at will...if they engaged in mutually respected diplomacy no reason for Pakistan to turn their back..every country should understand the etiquette of diplomacy that all countries are sovereign in their policies...Commie soviet union wanted only vassal states as allies and friends..not possible..
Beaches of Baluchistan are very tasty indeed. People living in Pakistan got no clue what they got. People spend fortune to be around the "lake" called Mediterranean. Still waters , no fun. We got 24*7 sun , sandy, flat beaches with proper waves, as far as you can see , and most importantly, warm waters of Arabian sea which wont freeze your balls. Leave Gawadar for trade and economy, there many unexplored beaches in Baluchistan which are truly remarkable.

**** man this can be sold as Gold Coast of Pakistan and tourist will flock like mad in large quantity!
Excellent news, Pakistan needed Russia to strengthen ties & it has finally happened with the help of Gawdar.
with this move an india pak war is getting more and more important for the global powers. they need chaos in pak to check both of their giant enemies i.e. russia and china. so chaos in pak can be created by two ways :
1. by creating civil unrest and terrorism in pak.
2. by launching india on pak
first option was worked upon for the past decade but raheel sharif turned it into a failure. TTP, BLA, MQM are gone. so now they may go for the option 2 as the have the right kind of "idiot" as indian PM who can be made to dance on their tunes. a third option can be used which is to buy pak leaders which is very easy for them. just a few more dollars and batch of F-16s coupled with some threats and pak leaders can do anything for them.

You have caught the gist of future. Anyways PDF is accessible there is no ban @The Eagle

Yeah so why doYou think they would come ? out of love ? LOL

Seeing the sequence of post ... one would get that impression!
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