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Historic Mar 7 speech recognised as one of the 'world’s all-time best'

The Black Coat | Neamat ImamNeamat Imam

The Black Coat
The Black Coat will Reinstate the Missing History of Bangladesh

I started keeping notes for The Black Coat back in 2005, when I was living in London. Although I had already attained the highest academic degree by that time, and my employer in Bangladesh was asking me to return to my post, I decided not to.

I found myself in poor living conditions and poor employment conditions in London. At some point, I had to work in the kitchen of a Bangladeshi restaurant just to keep alive. But I had a dream. I was planning a completely different life for myself.

In 2009, 3 years after moving to Canada, I started giving my notes the shape of a novel. It was the 10th year that I had been passing outside my country. I was living alone and after my day-job, I had a lot of time left for myself. I read Bangladeshi newspapers almost every day, and tried to understand why our society was so different from the democratic societies of Europe and North America. We were failing tremendously in creating a culture based on the value which mattered most: tolerance. When did it all begin? – I asked myself, and, at one point I strongly believed I knew the answer.

It took me over 18 months to produce the first draft, which was a 114,000-word manuscript, and another several months to edit and re-edit it, polish it, rewrite its passages and chapters, destroy chapter after chapter upon the recommendations of various editors and assessors, before creating an 86,000-word final draft.

I started talking about the novel in private conversations with my friends and well-wishers in Bangladesh only after September 2012, when I signed a contract with Penguin.

My friends were students, housewives, university teachers. They were farmers, shopkeepers, bankers, immigrant Bangladeshis. Some of them were policemen, journalists and political activists. A few of them worked for the government and are still doing the same.

I told them that the book had two distinct levels of meaning.

First: It was embedded in a significant political event in Bangladesh: the famine of 1974, which claimed no less than one and a half million lives. By exploring the political environment of the time, and by analysing Sheikh Mujib’s premiership, I thought I would be able to pinpoint the pitfalls of our political culture which had demoralised the whole nation in the last four decades.

Secondly: Sheikh Mujib’s story was also relevant to any society in Asia, Europe, Africa, in the Americas, where people were oppressed by their governments, where leaders, political parties, did not honour their citizens’ rights, where a society stayed undeveloped or under-developed decade after decade because their leaders simply did not have a proper strategic vision to advance it forward, where people’s hearts became hard because the society as a whole was corrupt from top to bottom.

Every institution and organisation in the country that believes in the democratic future of Bangladesh should remove Sheikh Mujib’s picture from display because he simply does not fit the bill of a democratic leader.

Obviously, as a writer I gave more importance to the second level of meaning than the first level. But my friends drew my attention to the first level and to the first level alone. The famine of 1974 is a taboo political event in Bangladesh, they said; talking about it will embarrass a whole lot of people; are you sure you want to publish this book?

A friend, who was my mentor during my student life, and who is also a renowned scholar in Bangladesh in his own right, said I should be worried about my personal safety. He is old now but clearly remembers the atrocities that the Rakkhi Bahini ushered upon opposition leaders and activists during Sheikh Mujib’s time.

Awami League workers today are not as vicious as the members of the Rakkhi Bahini were during Mujib’s rule, he told me, but they are still vicious and won’t tolerate any criticism of Sheikh Mujib’s legacy. They may consider the book a serious threat to the present day popularity of the Awami League and consequently come after me, he warned.

Another friend, a public servant, spoke with obvious disgruntlement. It was not Sheikh Mujib’s fault that there was such a huge flood in the country during his time, he said, which caused the famine in the first place.

I said I agreed; the flood was not Sheikh Mujib’s fault.

Why do you blame Sheikh Mujib for the famine then? What had he to do with it?

I reminded him of the cyclone storm of 1970 off the coastal region of Khulna and Chittagong. That cyclone claimed as many as 300,000 lives. Sheikh Mujib said that the emergency response of the Pakistan government, which was based in West Pakistan, to the sufferings of East Pakistan people, was not adequate. That was why in the election that came only a few weeks after the cyclone, he won so many seats.

If Pakistanis were not considered a good government for Bangladesh for failing to handle the devastation of a natural disaster efficiently and adequately, I argued, why should Sheikh Mujib be considered good when he failed on an even larger scale? The victims of the famine were five times greater in number than the victims of the cyclone!

Now we know that there was no scarcity of food in the market at that time, but people couldn’t afford to buy the food. People couldn’t afford it because Sheikh Mujib’s administration did not intervene in the market effectively enough to stop a price hike. Renowned experts had predicted that a severe famine was coming months before it finally came. But Sheikh Mujib’s government did not accelerate the food distribution process efficiently; most of the aid stuff was either passed to the black-market or stolen by selfish and corrupt administrators and distributors.

A friend, who is a retired banker now, but who was a mid-level student leader of the Chhatra League, student wing of the Awami League, during his graduate years, made his questions straightforward. Can Sheikh Mujib be called an autocrat? he asked. Should the man who inspired an oppressed nation to gain independence in a bloody war be accountable to anyone for his actions, whatever they were?

Sheikh Mujib freed our country but also strangled it, I replied. Whether he would lead our nation to independence was entirely up to him. But whether he would rule the nation with might was not at all up to him, it was entirely up to the people of the nation.

Sheikh Mujib should be accountable for his actions, I said.

My friend was not happy with my answer. So I explained the matter in this way:

He ran a corrupt administration from the beginning, which became more corrupt with time, and when he became terribly unpopular because of the incredibly high toll of the famine, he introduced emergency.

Within two years of his ascension to power, Sheikh Mujib truly became a villain. He kept a 200,000-men strong private militia who could beat or hit or kill anyone that they did not like. They were like Hitler’s SS and were loyal only to Sheikh Mujib. He banned all opposition newspapers and opposition political parties, kidnapped, tortured and killed opposition party leaders and workers, and ordered all civil servants to join his party. He suspended the constitution of the country, ditched the parliamentary system of government to embrace presidential system to consolidate his power. He ran a corrupt administration from the beginning, which became more corrupt with time, and when he became terribly unpopular because of the incredibly high toll of the famine, he introduced emergency.

All this matches only the actions of a deadly dictator, I said, and we should remove Sheikh Mujib’s pictures from all schools and public places, so that we can protect our children from mastering wrong values and from making a wrong meaning of politics. Every institution and organisation in the country that believes in the democratic future of Bangladesh should remove Sheikh Mujib’s picture from display because he simply does not fit the bill of a democratic leader.

My banker friend did not consider me a friend any longer.

Another friend, who does not understand the complexity of our politics, but who understands that Sheikh Mujib is loved by a huge number of people across the country, told me there was a chance that I would be hated by Bengali people for the rest of my life for writing this book.

There is no society that entertains questions about its ways, and there is no society whose ways cannot be questioned and challenged.

People are emotionally involved with Sheikh Mujib’s achievement and history, he said. Anyone or anything that tries to undermine him as a person or as a ruler will be considered a threat to Bangladesh’s independence. He hoped that I understood what I was doing.

I told him that I did not mind being hated by people when I was right and they were wrong. I told him my concern was not how many people would hate me and my book, it was rather that one or two people might like the book and then their lives would change forever. They would begin to look at our history with reason, with a sense of emotional detachment from Sheikh Mujib, and would make it his or her life’s goal to democratise the country in the real meaning of the word. But they would suffer a lot because Sheikh Mujib had taught us not to tolerate any political opposition, not to allow disloyalty, not to permit our newspapers to carry critical views of citizens against oppressive rulers. But I believed, as Nur Hussain believes inThe Black Coat, that one or two people would be enough to change the lot of a nation and the lot of the Bangladeshi nation too would change one day. The people of Bangladesh would understand that a simple territorial independence from Pakistan was not enough to create a truly independent society; it needed rather a holistic approach to our politics and values.

The Black Coat is out in the market now. If you think your government is cheating you, wherever you are, this is the book you want to read. If you think your government has a role to play in your life but it is not playing that role adequately, adequately seriously, or it has forgotten you, abandoned you, marginalised you, or punished you for your voice, disloyalty and insight, this is the book you want to have in your hand. Remember, there is no society that entertains questions about its ways, and there is no society whose ways cannot be questioned and challenged, and also no question that cannot not be asked in any society.

‘দি ব্ল্যাক কোট’ বাংলাদেশী লেখক নেয়ামত ইমামের প্রথম উপন্যাস। শেখ মুজিবের শাসনকাল নিয়ে ইংরেজি ভাষায় লেখা এই উপন্যাসটির কলেবর ২৪০ পৃষ্ঠা। এটির প্রকাশক পেঙ্গুইন গ্রুপ এবং প্রথম দক্ষিণ এশীয় রাইট ক্রয় করে পেঙ্গুইন বুকস ইন্ডিয়া।

ভারতীয় সংবাদ সংস্থা ‘পিটিআই’ জানুয়ারি ১৭ তারিখে প্রকাশিত এক ফিচারে বইটিকে ২০১৩ সালে ভারতে প্রকাশিতব্য ‘অবশ্যপাঠ্য’ বইগুলোর অন্যতম বিবেচনা করেছে।এছাড়া উপন্যাসটির এককালীন সম্পাদক টরন্টো-ভিত্তিক আলিথিয়া স্পিরিডন এটিকে মিলান কুন্ডেরার কথাসাহিত্যের সাথে তুলনা করেন। লন্ডনস্থ ‘লিটারেরি কন্সাল্টেন্সী’র রিডার ও ‘ঠু এশিয়ান, নট এশিয়ান এনাফ’ গল্পগ্রন্থের সম্পাদক ম্যানচেস্টার-ভিত্তিক ইংরেজি ভাষাভাষী ভারতীয় লেখক কবিতা ভানট উপন্যাসটির ভূয়সী প্রশংসা করেন এবং নেয়ামত ইমামের সাহিত্যকর্মের প্রতিনিধিত্ব করার জন্য বইটি ডেভিড গডউইন বরাবরে পাঠিয়ে দেন।

‘নেয়ামত ইমামের উপন্যাসটি পড়ে আমি যার পর নাই আনন্দিত,’ কবিতা লিখেন, ‘আমি মনে করি এটি একটি সময়োপযোগী ও শক্তিশালী উপন্যাস। আমি এমন খুব বেশি উপন্যাসের নাম করতে পারি না যেগুলো এতটা উচ্চাকাঙ্খী পরিসর নিয়ে লেখা, এবং যেগুলো রাজনীতি ও সমাজ বিষয়ে কঠিন মন্তব্য করলেও পাঠকের হৃদয় ছুঁয়ে যায় কারণ এগুলোর সাথে ওতপ্রোতভাবে জড়িত রয়েছে তাদের লেখকদের সহানুভূতি, অভিজ্ঞতা, জ্ঞান ও মনস্তাত্ত্বিক গভীরতা।’

‘দি ব্ল্যাক কোট’ উপন্যাসটির প্রেক্ষিত স্বাধীনতাযুদ্ধের পরের কয়েকটি বছর। আরো সূক্ষ্মভাবে বললে, শেখ মুজিবের শাসনকালের শেষাংশ, যখন বাংলাদেশ একটি ভীষণ রাজনৈতিক ও সামাজিক সঙ্কটের মধ্য দিয়ে এগিয়ে যায়। এই সঙ্কট প্রকৃতই এত গভীর ও বিস্তৃত ছিল যে একথা নির্দ্বিধায় বলা চলে বাংলাদেশের বর্তমান রাজনৈতিক অস্থিরতা, গণতন্ত্রের সমস্যা ও দুই দশক আগের দেড় দশকের সামরিক শাসন এগুলো মুলতঃ এরই সৃষ্টি।

শাসক হিসেবে বাংলাদেশের প্রতি শেখ মুজিবের কোন মমত্ব ছিল না। তার ব্যক্তিগত বিশাল রক্ষী বাহিনীকে হিটলারের নাৎসী বাহিনীর সাথে তুলনা করা হয়। কিন্তু আজকের আওয়ামী লীগ বাংলাদেশের নতুন প্রজন্মের কাছ থেকে তার সব দুষ্কর্মের ইতিহাস কৌশলে গোপন করে রেখেছে এবং তাদের ওপর চাপিয়ে দিয়েছে এক ভিন্ন শেখ মুজিব।

‘দি ব্ল্যাক কোট’ বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাসের জোর করে হারিয়ে দেয়া অংশটি এর জাতীয় ইতিহাসের সাথে সংযোজন করবে। বাঙালি জাতীয়তাবাদের প্রচারকারীরা তথ্য গোপন করে বাংলাদেশের জনসাধারণকে আর বিপথগামী করতে পারবে না – এই প্রত্যাশা থেকে উপন্যাসটি লেখা।

নেয়ামত ইমামের সাহিত্যকর্মের এজেন্ট হচ্ছেন বুকার প্রাইজ খ্যাত লেখক অরুন্ধতী রায় ও অরবিন্দ আদিগার এজেন্ট ডেভিড গডউইন। লন্ডনে বসবাসরত এই বৃটিশ এজেন্টই ‘দি ব্ল্যাক কোট’ উপন্যাসটি পেঙ্গুইন প্রকাশনীর কাছে পেশ করেন। ডেভিডের স্ত্রী হেদার গডউইন, ‍যিনি একজন খ্যাতনামা বই-সম্পাদক, ‘দি ব্ল্যাক কোট’ উপন্যাসটির প্রাথমিক সম্পাদক হিসেবে কাজ করেন।

‘দি ব্ল্যাক কোট’ বাজারে আসে ২০১৩ সালের মে মাসে।
Salute to him. He is the great man. It was a better option for him to be the prime minister of Pakistan. But Pakistan would never accept a PM from East. He never declared independence. Because he knew unity is the strength but its the superior race Pakistanis make this happen to annex east. It was clever move by him to prepare Bengal, if they are under attack they should go for war. More of that if he ever declared independence first; Pakistani Generals would get a cause to attack Dhaka and other city with mass murder.
is it necessarily West Pakistan wouldn't accept a PM from East? they accepted so many PMs and Presidents from East before.

the truth is you wouldn't accept a West Pakistani as your countryman and your brethren, but you would accept an Indian as your master. now you say what level your 'race' is
is it necessarily West Pakistan wouldn't accept a PM from East? they accepted so many PMs and Presidents from East before.

the truth is you wouldn't accept a West Pakistani as your countryman and your brethren, but you would accept an Indian as your master. now you say what level your 'race' is

We are a separate nation. Just choose if you are a pakistani or Bangladeshi. If you choose to be a pakistani just talk about your country. We dont care you any more. Dont insult our country. If you choose to be a Bangladehi just talk which favours our country. Dont act shameful. It was a mistake to join pakistan at some mad man's wish. Bangladesh should have created at first time alongside India and Pakistan, preserving our thousand years old history. If not then Bangladesh, Pakistan and India should have created as a same country.
We are a separate nation. Just choose if you are a pakistani or Bangladeshi. If you choose to be a pakistani just talk about your country. We dont care you any more. Dont insult our country. If you choose to be a Bangladehi just talk which favours our country. Dont act shameful. It was a mistake to join pakistan at some mad man's wish. Bangladesh should have created at first time alongside India and Pakistan, preserving our thousand years old history. If not then Bangladesh, Pakistan and India should have created as a same country.
East Pakistan was created by Bangladeshis. Bangladesh was created by India. get that through

the interests of the Muslim polity of the Bangladesh landmass has not changed. Transgression or invasion by India, as the secular and Hindu entity, is against those interests at any point. you are clueless about your own history and making false statements right on the face. by your blind hatred against the very foundation of BD and against the people in the NW of the subcontinent, for whom the BD map exists, you are only insulting yourself
@asad71 Should Bangladesh request Pakistan for a reunification, nake khot diye? :)
We are a separate nation. Just choose if you are a pakistani or Bangladeshi. If you choose to be a pakistani just talk about your country. We dont care you any more. Dont insult our country. If you choose to be a Bangladehi just talk which favours our country. Dont act shameful. It was a mistake to join pakistan at some mad man's wish. Bangladesh should have created at first time alongside India and Pakistan, preserving our thousand years old history. If not then Bangladesh, Pakistan and India should have created as a same country.

What many people dont realise is that , if Pak and BD regions have remained with India, the Muslim population of combined India would be nearly 35%, and it doesnt really allow the majority to dictate things. Peace and co-ordination would have been the cornerstone of such a country.
But still past is past, and we are happy with what we have.
. . .
@asad71 Should Bangladesh request Pakistan for a reunification, nake khot diye? :)
Formal reunification is unnecessary. We are automatically tied being Muslims. Both fought for establishing The Two Nation Theory which becomes stronger everyday because of Hindoo India's attitude and activities.
  • 02_We+shall+fight+on+the+beaches_180814_0004.jpg
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Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s historic Mar 7, 1971 speech that effectively declared Bangladesh’s independence has been selected as one of the most rousing and inspirational wartime speeches in the last 2,500 years.

The speech delivered at the Race Course Maidan (currently Suhrawardy Udyan) encouraged the Bengalis to start their nine-month long bloody struggle for freedom.

‘Ebarer Sangram Amader Muktir Sangram, Ebarer Sangram Swadhinatar Sangram’ (This time the struggle is for our freedom), is what the architect of the nation’s independence famously pronounced.

The much-talked-about inspirational speech is considered by many to be one of the world’s best.

“It is a matter of great pride,” an elated Bangla Academy Director General Shamsuzzaman Khan told bdnews24.com

“Finally Bangabandhu’s speech has been internationally recognised as one of the best speeches in the world,” he said.

The book, ‘We Shall Fight on the Beaches: The Speeches That Inspired History’ by Jacob F Field, is a collection of “extracts from the most rousing and inspirational wartime speeches of the last 2,500 years—Cicero to Churchill, Lincoln to Mao”, writes amazon.com.

Field is a historian and a contributor to '1001 Battles that Changed the Course of History' and '1001 Historical Sites'. He has published articles in journals including Economic History Review, and Urban History, according to Amazon.

The 224-page paperback, published on Dec 1 last year, takes its title from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s WWII speech. Former US President Ronald Reagan’s ‘tears down wall’ is the last speech in the book.



Bangabandhu’s speech has been placed on page 201 under the title ‘The Struggle This Time Is The Struggle For Independence’.

The Bangla Academy Director General, Khan says there is no doubt that Bangabandhu’s historic speech is one of the best in the world. But it was not included before in any internationally published books on world speeches.

“It is the first time the March 7 speech has been included among the internationally recognised speeches.”

Khan said he would meet Bangabandhu’s daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina with the book soon.

The book came into light on Monday at a memorial service for senior journalist and former parliamentarian AN Mahfuza Khatun Baby Maudud.

“Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Baby Maudud and I always wanted that the speech be included among the best in the world.

“Today, I got a book that includes Bangabandhu’s speech among the great speeches,” he said.

Baby Maudud, who worked on the ‘Unfinished Memoir’ of Bangabandhu, would have been happy, he believed.

Liberation War Museum’s trustee and columnist Mofidul Haq said he collected the paperback during his Canada tour.

He declined to comment further as he did not have the chance to go through the book yet since he came back on Saturday.

“Many books have been written on best speeches,” Haq said. “But I didn’t find any book that lists Bangabandhu’s speech among the world’s best.

source: Historic Mar 7 speech recognised as one of the 'world’s all-time best' -

Hell of speech :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
East Pakistan was created by Bangladeshis. Bangladesh was created by India. get that through

the interests of the Muslim polity of the Bangladesh landmass has not changed. Transgression or invasion by India, as the secular and Hindu entity, is against those interests at any point. you are clueless about your own history and making false statements right on the face. by your blind hatred against the very foundation of BD and against the people in the NW of the subcontinent, for whom the BD map exists, you are only insulting yourself

Introducing with some alien policy you cant conquer a country. BD history doesnt go with Moghuls or Sufis.
It goes with Sankskrit, Vedas and all ancient traditions. Get it through. Im not just talking about present Bengal map but the whole Bengal. Our history doesnt go with Islamabad or Karachi. It goes with Delhi or Pataliputra. Sonargaon. mahastangarh, vitargar, uari bateshwar from present BD. People have spoken and an anonymous man like you means nothing to us. BD is created by the real Bangladeshis. And the alien dreamers with a kick in the ars.
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I though you would say our history goes with Sonargaon, Mahasthangarh ....

Obvously it goes with sonargaon. mahastangarh, vitargar, uari bateshwar from present BD. Also with other parts from present India. But never with pakistan. I was trying to show that man who claims that BD is actually East Pakistan and nothing without that.
That is how Mujib and Awami League deceived people of Bangladesh for last 50 years - Mujub gave fiery speech for gullible class and told Indira Ghandhi and Pakistanis that he does not want independence of east Pakistan. Bongo boltu cult live to do business with deception.

If Mujib has deceived us all, then who is the Father of Nation? Is it Bhutto or Yahya Khan? Please tell us the reality.
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