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Hints on Zhongguo's strategy with regards to N Korea.


Oct 19, 2010
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When Zhongguo (and Russia) rolls into the Korean Penisular, they are not going to be coordinating with the North. It is for redefining where the border will be.


Frequent large scale joint exercises between the US and ROK militaries, under US command, which have been a feature of the peninsula for decades, stretch back in various forms to the late 1940s. The ROK military also has its own exercises, with little ostensible US involvement. Though since it is dependent on the US for high-tech intelligence – surveillance from aircraft and satellites, and signals interception – the Americans are never far away. In addition, the ROK military is under the wartime operational control (OPCON) of the US. Former President Roh Moo-hyun had negotiated for the US to relinquish operational control in 2012 but under Lee this has been pushed back to 2015.19 Control of Joint military exercises was also scheduled to be transferred to the ROK, but this has also been rescinded.20

The DPRK has its own exercises, but not with China or anyone else.
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