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North Korea says 800,000 youth join military to ‘wipe out’ the US and ROK

You can say all the bias you want but Japan is not one of the most pro US countries in the world today for nothing. .

Seriously, what kind of alien logic you use ?
Actually Japanese public are against presence of US troops on their Islands. That’s why US move many out to Guam Island.
Mike isn't wrong on Norko and supporting nations in the past and present failing to create a better system and standard of living. China reformed itself when Deng decided that "socialism is not poverty and to be wealthy is glorious". North Korea just never took a step in the right direction. Neither its leaders or supporters managed to make North Korea a better place to be. Politics or ideology aside, it is a gigantic failure.

South Korea made use of open markets and trade to get to where it is. China did similar but has not helped North Korea overcome the crazy parts of the revolution and old communism.

In order to prosper and begin developing, a nation needs to start integrating itself to the global trade to maximize its comparative advantages and leverage all that for many decades ( in the best case examples such as South Korea, Singapore, China). Isolation means slower economic and industrial development.
North Korea is under heavy sanctions regime that is in part supported by mainland China itself so any Chinese should reflect on their own governments actions for making life of North Korean people worse just because they don't allow themselves to be pushed around by the Americans that your country effectively aligned with for several decades by being confrontational with Soviet Union by resorting to irredentism.

NK doesnt totally trust China either, they kicked Chinese troops there since 1958. They dont want to follow Chinese model of opening up development since they are totally in fear of US army going to topple their state. There isnt much China can do if they dont want to develop their country as a priority, Chinese aids can only help somewhat and China do provide them with some foods and energy. Some sanctions sponsored by the UN, China also signed up to becos of their development of nukes that is also at odds with China and Russia too. NK used to receive lots aids from Soviet Union and China in 50, 60 and 70s last century, and thats why they were better off than South Koreans at that time.
China is part of the problem as long they maintain any sort of sanctions against North Korea since they are one of pillars of UNSC mandated sactions.

I don’t care who said what, but NK developed an ICBM while heavily sanctioned meanwhile Pakistan can’t get Approval for helicopter engines while sucking on Uncle SAMs dry nips.
NK actively invested in development of ballistic missiles and their reforms under Kim Jong Un increased pace of research and development.
At some point when NK is satisfied with development of ICBMs by developing of solid fuel type then they will probably develop something else.
So maybe in 10 years time we see NK fighter jet designs if sanctions are maintained thus more economical and viable to develop on their own.
You can say all the bias you want but south Korea is not one of the most pro US countries in the world today for nothing. They know they owe their current country and prosperity to the US. Else they have to just look over at the border to see what their plight will be today if the Kim dynastic familly had succeeded in invading and ruling over them. Lol If you were south Korean you will think the same. Just looking at the state of North Koreans today will only make you thank your lucky stars you dont live there. 🤣

Have a good look at your own country after Brexit. Today people in Britain have to visit food bank to survive.

You can say all the bias you want but south Korea is not one of the most pro US countries in the world today for nothing. They know they owe their current country and prosperity to the US. Else they have to just look over at the border to see what their plight will be today if the Kim dynastic familly had succeeded in invading and ruling over them. Lol If you were south Korean you will think the same. Just looking at the state of North Koreans today will only make you thank your lucky stars you dont live there. 🤣
It's like elections between Trump and Hillary. Each side can get away with doing heinous shit and still get fanatical followers because the other side is soooo bad

What I'm trying to say is that N. Korea being a hellhole today doesn't justify the actions of other actors
I have always been so-so on S. Korea, now I'm close to anti because their party denies massacres in Vietnam.

Impossible. According to PDF the only people fighting were the Americans.

I’m not pro anything. I’m telling you that if free and fair elections were held in let’s say 1945 to 1953, the Nork Communist party would’ve won.
That’s how much the people in the south hated the American backed regime, puccee!

There was nothing stopping them from running across the border to North Korea and living in a utopia.
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They know they owe their current country and prosperity to the US. Else they have to just look over at the border to see what their plight will be today if the Kim dynastic familly had succeeded in invading and ruling over them. Lol If you were south Korean you will think the same. Just looking at the state of North Koreans today will only make you thank your lucky stars you dont live there. 🤣

That's for sure. You don't see a flood of South Koreans jumping the fence to get into the North.
Dude, if the US leaves, there will be peace on the Korean peninsula but your daddy US does not want that.

That's not the reason. Support for continued US troops levels in South Korea is supported by the majority in every poll.
Mike isn't wrong on Norko and supporting nations in the past and present failing to create a better system and standard of living. China reformed itself when Deng decided that "socialism is not poverty and to be wealthy is glorious". North Korea just never took a step in the right direction. Neither its leaders or supporters managed to make North Korea a better place to be. Politics or ideology aside, it is a gigantic failure.
Ageee, but even so. CHINA was indeed very very lucky to have Deng Xiaoping be reinstated by the leader of the Party at the time Hua Goefeng after Maos death and the falling of the hardcore Maoist gang of four, especially after Deng and his allies were all purged by Mao(they could have died, but luckily for China they didnt) for being too close to capitaltists policies and Mao feared that the reformist economic policies of Deng and Liu could lead to the restoration of capitalism and end the Chinese Revolution. For this and other reasons, Mao launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966 to purge the party of his enemies/rivals, during which Deng fell out of favor and was forced to retire from all his positions. Luckily he came back after Maos death. Imagine Deng had died before Mao. Lol China would have been in big trouble..since there is a high chance the hard-core maoist elements of the party would have gained power and taken over. Carrying on with Maos disastrous policies and keeping the country locked up under the same failed system. In short China wouldn't be different from North Korea today just a bigger version. REASON I always said Deng was the one who saved the country from impending economic collapse and doom.
Deng actually took a very big risk, by changing the system completely overnight and taking a totally different direction. It was a very very risky gamble, especially politically for him, vast majority of leaders wouldn't have taken such a risk, and would have preferred to remain with the status quo and protect their power. Deng didn't. In fact even with that the sudden opening up of the country and adating of capitalist policies and a completel reversal of maoist ideology still led to the CCP almost being toppled as well which cumulated in the 1990 tianamen square massacre, i think Kim regime is most scared of things like that( reason they wont ever takensuch risks..lol ). So things could have been turned out very differently for China, had events/decisions been slightly different during those tulmutous era. China was indeed lucky to be honest. Deng came and sail the boat at the right time. I fail to see who could have done it better than him, considering his political predegree and rational thinking.
I don’t care who said what, but NK developed an ICBM while heavily sanctioned meanwhile Pakistan can’t get Approval for helicopter engines while sucking on Uncle SAMs dry nips.
Waiting for the day Pakistan finally test fires a ICBM.
If those 800k swarm S Korea and see how they live, they'll march back across the border and hang fat Kim and his whole clique
NK have nukes and America can't touch them anymore

America is more focused on Iran who still doesn't have nukes and Israel is crying about nuclear Iran everyday.

Anglo Americans are born cowards/slavers, they won't fight anyone fairly and are scared of taking damage so they will only attack someone far far weaker. Like mike tyson only choosing to beat up on disabled wheelchair people.
Waiting for the day Pakistan finally test fires a ICBM.
They won’t, permission nhi hy Abu ki.
Of course, why should i help my enemy or someone who wants to destroy me? Lol China and Russia should be the ones helping Kim dynasty North Korea be a developed wealthy country like South Korea . But the opposite has happened. Lol If i was Korean i know which side i will choose. Anybody will make the rational choice here.
Let the Kim dynasty live with its paranoia. Moreover, Fat Kim dynasty doesn't want to open up his country for trade, FDI or travel simply because the regime fears its people will realise how backward their country is compared to its peers/neighbours and how they have been caged and brainwashed for over half a century by the Kim dynasty, hence the danger this might pose to the regime i.e the regime is scared of being toppled. And i understand the regimes fear as well. Better to remain with the status quo of brainwashing the people everyday with the only one state TV/channel they can watch praising the Kim dynasty as a quasi GODLY regime and how they will destroy S.Korea, Japan and America( LMAO) and locking the people up in a giant open prison. That's the best way forthe regime maintaining its legitimacy and hold on power. To be honest, if i was the Kim dynasty i will do the same thing. Why change a winning solution? 😁
do not worry,global south is creating a multipolar world where nk,venezuela,cuba can thrive.
I don’t care who said what, but NK developed an ICBM while heavily sanctioned meanwhile Pakistan can’t get Approval for helicopter engines while sucking on Uncle SAMs dry nips.

North Koreans are willing to enjoy Juche. Are Pakistanis living in Pakistan willing :enjoy: (I know the ones in USA, UK don't care)

do not worry,global south is creating a multipolar world where nk,venezuela,cuba can thrive.
time to ship all of you to those countries
Waiting for the day Pakistan finally test fires a ICBM.
Pakistan doesn't need an ICBM our enemy is in our next door lol

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