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Hindutva Is Anti-Hinduism ?

First of all stop this crap of Aryan, what is that?
White wannabes? LOL what an idiotic statement, The color changes on region basis and not religion i can show you dark as hell Muslims too.

You guys have peanut size brain and iq level below 1. dark muslims? Shocking news as if i ever denied that lol

Here we are talking about ancient Aryans who were pure Caucasians unlike today population of South Asia :enjoy:
Nothing fortunately, as i said its pure now. But if i had to chose between Gnaga hindu and Indus valley Rig Vedic then i would always chose later.

In Rig Vedic no racist caste system, everyone is equal and can become anything he like, one can bury the dead instead of burning it and eat cow meat or any meat. Sound like we are following our Rig Vedic ancestors traditions even being muslims.
Not really.Indus valley is certainly not vedic civilization.There are plenty of differences.There is no reminiscent left of an actual RgVedic civilization to prove that they buried the dead.Neither there is any proof that they ate cows.You have to search for something else to find a comprehensive similarity.
The hell :unsure:

I believe in creating self-esteem through your own personal effort, not leech of my ancestors.

That is what people with little to show for their life do. They claim glory vicariously.

Sorry, I would rather feel pride in my personal achievements in life. Much more fulfilling and worthwhile.

oh btw, way to keep it classy by throwing around the word rape quite casually. That's what all civilized people do. Trivialize horrific crimes.

If only other hindutvas though on the similar lines :enjoy: This thread is prime example of hindutva changing history of ancient aryans. At first i also used to think on similar lines, that South Asian themselves were "original aryans". And all other theories were racist to devide us, but then i saw the light.

Indians have recently set record of racism against Africans. While have you ever seen anything like that against Makranis of Pakistan?

And Pakistanis kill each other based on sects. KILL your own Muslims.

Pakistan, along with India is a third world shit hole.

Every way you cut it, both these countries are the World's worst places to live in.

You can sit here and can blame indians all you want, but doesn't change the fact that the World sees you as a place where Bin Laden hid and world's epicenter of terrorism.
If only other hindutvas though on the similar lines :enjoy: This thread is prime example of hindutva changing history of ancient aryans. At first i also used to think on similar lines, that South Asian themselves were "original aryans". And all other theories were racist to devide us, but then i saw the light.

Which means I have nothing to show for my life.

I get drunk, I sleep go to Uni, go to my Girldriend, go to job.

Nothing spectacular ;)

Oops, I did an own goal there :unsure:

@Nuri Natt I never bought the Hindutva theory on it either. I remain sceptical.

But it is pretty ridiculous of me to claim any superirority or inferiority.

I have a life to live. Or waste away.
Not really.Indus valley is certainly not vedic civilization.There are plenty of differences.There is no reminiscent left of an actual RgVedic civilization to prove that they buried the dead.Neither there is any proof that they ate cows.You have to search for something else to find a comprehensive similarity.

Rig Vedic civilization was around Indus Valley. I didn't say IVC was Rig Vedic. There is pretty damning evidence of Rig Vedic eating cow meat and burying their dead. Way better evidence then fake horse seals invented by hindutvas.

Which means I have nothing to show for my life.

I get drunk, I sleep go to Uni, go to my Girldriend, go to job.

Nothing spectacular ;)

Oops, I did an own goal there :unsure:

Your posts on every thread are on similar lines, i wonder why? :lol:
Rig Vedic civilization was around Indus Valley. I didn't say IVC was Rig Vedic. There is pretty damning evidence of Rig Vedic eating cow meat and burying their dead. Way better evidence then fake horse seals invented by hindutvas.

Didn't know it.:unsure:

LOL just reminding you.

Why are you so worried about Aryan and Hinduism?

Now are you gona tell me to not post? This is Pakistani forum if you have not forgotten it already :lol: I mean considering PDF is more popular in India then their own defence forums.
Rig Vedic civilization was around Indus Valley. I didn't say IVC was Rig Vedic. There is pretty damning evidence of Rig Vedic eating cow meat and burying their dead. Way better evidence then fake horse seals invented by hindutvas.

Your posts on every thread are on similar lines, i wonder why? :lol:

Because I am here when it's 2 A.M. in New Zealand or i am drunk.

sometimes both :mad:
And Pakistanis kill each other based on sects. KILL your own Muslims.

Pakistan, along with India is a third world shit hole.

Every way you cut it, both these countries are the World's worst places to live in.

You can sit here and can blame indians all you want, but doesn't change the fact that the World sees you as a place where Bin Laden hid and world's epicenter of terrorism.

Thats why i say expecting glorious aryan race being indigenous to South Asia is biggest lie ever. :pakistan:

Didn't know it.:unsure:


You just called upon biggest hinduvadi with huge identity crisis ever, good luck. :haha:
Didn't know it.:unsure:


@Nuri Natt unintentionally accepted the fact that Indus Valley civilization is related to Vedic culture, a thing Pakistanis also love to deny. :omghaha::omghaha: Nuri Natt told us he is an Iranian, why is he so concerned about history of Indians. :omghaha:

. BTW @scorpionx Rigveda only mentions that ancestors practised both burying and cremations, the Rigvedic Hindus practised only cremation. The cemetery H culture phase of Indus Valley civilization shows the proof of cremation and cemetery H culture(between Indus and Ganges-Yamuna) and Gandhara grave culture led to the origin of Vedic period. Here is the map and don't listen to his jholachaap explanation. Cemetery H is the same Sapta Sindhu of Rigveda.

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@Nuri Natt unintentionally accepted the fact that Indus Valley civilization is related to Vedic culture


You really are retarded, saying Rig Vedic was around Indus valley is like accepting the fact that IVC or Harappa Civilization was Vedic? And then you expect us to take your hinduvadi propaganda seriously? :drag:Cementary H and P and then ad some T to come out with bogus ancient history invented by hinduvadi :pakistan:
Not really.Indus valley is certainly not vedic civilization.There are plenty of differences.There is no reminiscent left of an actual RgVedic civilization to prove that they buried the dead.Neither there is any proof that they ate cows.You have to search for something else to find a comprehensive similarity.

Only in the later phase of Indus valley civilization, it shows huge resemblances with Hinduism with major shift in the cultural practises of the people of Indus valley civilization. When the Great river Ghaggar-Hakra(most probably Saraswati) dried up around 1900BC , Indus valley civilization declined(not ruined) into three localization phase- Cemetery H(in the Sapta Sindhu), Jhukar(In Sindh) and Rangpur(in Gujarat), trade with Mesopotamia declined, slowly lack of water made people from Sapta Sindhu to expand into the Gangetic plains where the land was more fertile making the cultural shift from Sapta Sindhu to Indo-Gangetic tradition and in the second Veda the Ganges river became most important compared to Saraswati in first Veda.

Here is the map of Late Indus Valley civilization with three localization phases, one of which Cemetery H culture lead to origin of Vedic culture.


You really are retarded, saying Rig Vedic was around Indus valley is like accepting the fact that IVC or Harappa Civilization was Vedic? And then you expect us to take your hinduvadi propaganda seriously? :drag:Cementary H and P and then ad some T to come out with bogus ancient history invented by hinduvadi :pakistan:

But you just wrote Vedic culture was the part of IVC, now why denying it. I read that history written by a Pakistan historian working with a western team about IVC. :omghaha::omghaha:
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