Several times. I've known him since I was 16. I've been to his house as well.
Going back till 2002. I was in the Muslim Canadian congress. But I didn't really do anything. I was just a teen.
He's been nice to me for the most part. I lent him a CD I copied from a school mate about some supposed real-life prank calls. Really hilarious.
He's borrowed it since 2005. Am I ever going to get it back now?
He's right on many points, but I found the problem with him he's a bit absolutist in his thinking.
Even his white neighbors who's daughter married my third cousin found him a bit unpleasant/absolutist to talk to.
People who knew my mother all found him unpleasant and very absolutist. My mother's Indian friend of Muslim background told my mother after meeting him that she disliked him.
My mother's Syrian-Brazilian colleague from Abu Dhabi could not stand him after a few interactions. Although he himself is a very judgemental on a personal level.
I cannot blame Pakistanis for hating him, but at the same time in my interactions with him, he criticizes Indians and Arabs and just about everyone else.
But again, I find his views absolutist and over the past decade, another of your Muhajir neo-liberal types.