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Hindus, Muslims are separate nations: Geelani

I think a joint control of valley can be a solution. with india keeping jamu and ladakh and pakistan keeping GB and AJK.

You have a good insight to the solution here (more in lines of Musharraf's proposal)... but the major issue I see is the lack of trust between the leadership in the two countries. Before a solution is approached there has to be a wide consensus about the solution between the general populace along with the politicians.

The current govt in Pakistan does not seem to have a lot of support from the general public and that is a major hindrance to approach this proposal. Until India sees a strong leadership in Pakistan... and we know that we can trust the govt to be a true representative of the people of Pakistan any positive thinking on these lines cannot be made. There is no guarantee that after having joint control over the Kashmir valley, there would be any peace because that is not the final solution that each country envisaged at the first place. Hence unless the political conditions improve on both sides, it is hard to move forward on this issue.
Well thanks for nice reply. I think every one knows that situation is taking us no where. So what to do now. I think a joint control of valley can be a solution. with india keeping jamu and ladakh and pakistan keeping GB and AJK. few months back i suggested in India Pakistan water dispute thread that both countries can even go for joint power project on rivers. Both will have the control on flow of water and will benefit with power generation as both are facing power shortage.

As I said before,that the political entities governing both the countries as well as the people of both the nation will react extremely violently to any change in the Line of Control as it is now.Pakistani people would not like to see loosing any part of Pak-administered Kashmir.The same goes for Indians as well.As I have mentioned before,that it for the political entity in power,it will be like committing the greatest political suicide of the century if not a literal suicide.

Henceforth,the best,logical solution seems to be to contain the situation as it is now.

The option for Joint control cannot be pursued as well,as there will be numerous issues : economic problems related to currency,trade,economic policies,trade relations etc.
Socio-political problems like governance,judiciary,education,bureaucracy,in short the entire structure of the government and public services.

But i must open heartedly tell you that its gets realy worse when some members have nothing else to do than show hatred towards Pakistan , How one can accept a sound relationship then?

I do understand how you feel.In fact it is our feelings that make us human beings,and to err is just human.
It is natural to feel angry at times looking at some post hell bent on trolling.Sometimes I myself loose my cool.What we need to do is calm down and judge the facts with an open mind.
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