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Hindus in Chhattisgarh take oath to boycott Muslim businesses, refuse Muslim tenants, and profile all Muslims

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Happy to see there are Muslims who understand the meanings of Bulleh Shah's words --- I was getting depressed and thought we've lost our way.
The problem here is that a lot of Pakistanis have begun to associate the idea of adopting Saudi culture and practice as synonymous with being better Muslims i.e the more Saudi you are, the more Muslim you are. This is preventing them from seeing Islam through their own cultural and linguistic lens of Urdu, Punjabi, Saraiki, Sindhi and other cultural and linguistic traditions that have refined and adapted Islam to our own culture and temperament. Sufism is what converted us from Hindu/Sikh to Muslim, it gave us our way of life and our mentality through the personal life examples, literature and poetry of Sufis such as Bulleh Shah and, of course, his predecessors. This is the Islam that has made us into the people and nation we are.
The fact that an alien and literalist version of Islam has been introduced and promoted within Pakistan on the strength of Saudi funding is a huge reason for the religious confusion and extremism we see in Pakistan today.
Pakistan needs to look to it's roots and rediscover and embrace it's own cultural heritage and religious tradition and stop trying to embed a pseudo-Saudi culture in Pakistan which even the Saudis are beginning to abandon.
Your views are your views,
Agreed and let's leave it at that. I've mentioned this earlier and will say it again that I can't openly speak freely on religion because people over here simply can't handle it.
Anyway, whatever you've written is full of contradictions and I can't say more than that.
The problem here is that a lot of Pakistanis have begun to associate the idea of adopting Saudi culture and practice as synonymous with being better Muslims i.e the more Saudi you are, the more Muslim you are. This is preventing them from seeing Islam through their own cultural and linguistic lens of Urdu, Punjabi, Saraiki, Sindhi and other cultural and linguistic traditions that have refined and adapted Islam to our own culture and temperament. Sufism is what converted us from Hindu/Sikh to Muslim, it gave us our way of life and our mentality through the personal life examples, literature and poetry of Sufis such as Bulleh Shah and, of course, his predecessors. This is the Islam that has made us into the people and nation we are.
The fact that an alien and literalist version of Islam has been introduced and promoted within Pakistan on the strength of Saudi funding is a huge reason for the religious confusion and extremism we see in Pakistan today.
Pakistan needs to look to it's roots and rediscover and embrace it's own cultural heritage and religious tradition and stop trying to embed a pseudo-Saudi culture in Pakistan which even the Saudis are beginning to abandon.

The faster our population wakes up to the fraud Wahabism is the better. It's a slow poison that kills an individual morally, spiritually and physically and by the time you find out it's too late. My great uncle was a Wahabist spent his whole life putting up an image that he himself couldn't hold in the end. There should be an absolute ban on any GCC funding (and/or western NGOs altogether).

Wahabism should be outlawed just as Qadiani sect is.
The Sufis are the true Muslims. They cut through the dogma and rhetoric of the Mullah classes and reveal and preach the true essence of Islam.
More's the pity that people nowadays prefer the hateful and insular rhetoric of the Mullahs to the gentle and inclusive message of the Sufis.
Sufism is the antithesis of Islam...

Notions of one-sided/unconditional love and being cut off from society, spending your whole existence in dhikr/meditation, furthermore unwillingness to resist aggression/oppression and lastly tempering with Tawhid renders sufis and sufism something that's more inline with eastern/polytheistic philosophies.
If Bullel Shah didn't believe in any religion, how can you say that the conversion happened due to him?

Also, it's good to hear that Bullel Shah was against Aurangzeb and stood for the Sikhs.

His views are quite similar to the philosophy given in the Upanishads btw. You guys should keep him in the highest regard as I'm sure you are doing.
Million dollar question...minds of sufi on PDF blown...
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