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Hindus brutality against a Muslim who sacrificed cow!!

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The Indians comments on the forum are more shameless the guys in the video.
:lol: Did you say shameless ?

First you ask entire world not to have prejudice against you because of actions of few then you generalize Indians over one video.

Make up your mind kiddo. A local news given too much importance by you guys.

Shamelessness is a relative term and I don't want to draw the threshold line here. Move on.
Condemn.... why... I would treat anyone who disposes of dead animals in this manner that pollutes environment like this...be it a Muslim...a Hindu or a Sikh...or for that matter any faith....I have personally slapped many people doing such acts.

you kidding me?? did you see the drain in which that poor Muslim was forced to take bath?? and f!lth around it.. it is also because of Mulsims .. hmm.. shame on you!!!
If it is a law ... then how come i can buy Indian Cow meat here in UAE?? that is justified because then cow mata is giving you business and if some Mulsim is offering a religious ritual then it is allowed that any idiot can make a Muslim take bath in dirty drain and slogan in favour of your gods?? and about slaughtering i have already answered see above posts..

Indian law obviously applies to India duh. Not to UAE. And the beef you eat is not cow, but probably water buffalo or in rare case oxen. Definitely not a cow. lol sorry to break your bubble.

No, you have not answered the question. You just all four legged animals are halal. SSo why not goat, sheep, buffalo, camel or anything except cow which will do just fine. Why insist specifically on cow knowing fully well it will inflame passions ? I just see the intent to inflame passions behind such acts.

Thirdly you have not answered about the social responsibility part. Both Hindus and Muslims have a social responsibility in respecting each other religion. While the Hindus have obliged in not making a fuss over the arbitary bans on YT video or Satanic Verses, why not Muslims reciprocate in kind so that there is peace all around ? See tolerance is a two way street.
First of all i condemn this bully behavior of these Goons on this person they should have simply called Cops and let the police do the rest of job.

Secondly, Let me clear some things about this old Video.

We all can see that the Number Plate on Auto is stating AP i.e "Andhra Pradesh" state of India and "Cow Slaughter" is Banned in Andhra Pradesh.


State / Title of Legislation

Gist of Provisions




· “Cow”- includes heifer, or a calf, whether male or female of a cow.
· “Calf”- age not defined.

Ban on slaughter:

· Slaughter of “Cow” prohibited

· Slaughter of bull, bullock allowed on ‘fit-for-slaughter’ certificate, to be given only if the animal is not economical or is not likely to become economical for the purpose of breeding or draught / agricultural operations.

Penal provisions:

· Imprisonment up to maximum of 6 months or fine of up to Rs. 1,000 or both.

Offences: -

· cognisable


Lmao, the Indians here are shameless.

Where your Indian Muslims members?

Have they all gone and died? :rofl:

Where you at Bhai Zakir?

Originally Posted by Luka
then we don't care about their terrorist religion rituals .

what does cow mean for indians?cows can walk arbitrarily in india.it is hard to imagine in China......

you want examples , we have christen defense minster .

Muslim savage brutally rapes 2-year-old Pakistani Christian girl because her father refused to convert to Islam

The girl was severely traumatized and nearly died. Even after five surgeries, she cannot urinate normally. She will never be able to have children. The family must now live in hiding for fear that they will be killed for reporting the attack.

you kidding me?? did you see the drain in which that poor Muslim was forced to take bath?? and f!lth around it.. it is also because of Mulsims .. hmm.. shame on you!!!

He got a treatment of ***** that he and his likes are spreading.... why should people bear consequences of idiots like him... just because there is ***** you think everyone has right to add to it.... and why did he have to dispose dead animal like this ..because he knew he was breaking a law...but he got caught...if he was right he would have gone to cops...but he would not have done that...because as per law spreading ***** is against law ...and this jerk would have spent night in jail for polluting the environment.
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