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Hinduphobia or battle against bigotry? ‘Dismantling global Hindutva’ seminar sparks controversy


Feb 4, 2014
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United States
Online conference is being organised by a group of academics who wish to stay anonymous. The event will feature Indian academics, journalists and activists.
KRITIKA SHARMA 30 August, 2021 8:51 pm IST

New Delhi: An upcoming global conference aimed at “exploring the consolidation of Hindu supremacist ideology in India and elsewhere”, has come under heavy social media criticism for propagating “Hinduphobia”.

Titled ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’, the online conference is being organised by a group of academics who wished to stay anonymous. The event will feature Indian academics, journalists and activists. It is being supported by a host of North American universities.

“The conference is co-sponsored by nearly 70 academic units from 49 universities. The legwork to get all these cosponsors on board was done by a small volunteer team of professors, students, and activists who would like to stay anonymous due to threats against their safety. They would like to go by the moniker ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva Conference Team’,” said a statement by the organisers to ThePrint.

While the organisers say they are invested in examining the Hindutva ideology “that propagates hate, promotes Islamophobia, and seeks to reduce the myriad practices of Hinduism to a singular notion of a Hindu motherland”, those arguing against the conference say it will lead to “Hinduphobia”.

The organisers have claimed that the speakers scheduled to attend the conference have been threatened with “death and rape”, adding that wild conspiracy theories are being peddled on social media.

Also read: Hindutva founders did little for azadi. Hijacking history in ICHR poster is what BJP can do

What the conference is
The three-day conference is scheduled from 10-12 September.

It will feature many speakers, including Jawaharlal Nehru University professor Ayesha Kidwai, Delhi University professor and sociologist Nandini Sundar, women’s rights activist and Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation leader Kavita Krishnan, independent journalist Neha Dixit, filmmaker Anand Patwardhan, and poet Meena Kandasamy.

The organisers told ThePrint that they have not released the full list of speakers to spare them threats.

The speakers will cover a range of topics including “what is global Hindutva”; “gender and sexual politics of Hindutva”; “caste and Hindutva”; and “white supremacy”, according to the official website.

The conference is being supported by over 40 North American universities, including Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, Princeton and Simon Fraser, according to the organisers.

The organisers have also found support from an advocacy group called Humans for Hindu Rights (HfHR).

In a public letter addressed to all the universities on 23 August, the group wrote: “HfHR advocates for civil and human rights in South Asia and North America, rooted in the values of our faith: shanti (peace), nyaya (justice) and satya (truth). We provide a Hindu voice of resistance to all forms of bigotry and oppression based on one’s faith, color, caste, gender, or sexual orientation.”

It added: “We also staunchly oppose the misappropriation of our Hindu faith by the ideology of Hindutva (also frequently referred to as Hindu supremacy, Hindu nationalism, etc), whose foundational principle is to redefine over 200 million Muslim and Christian citizens of India as the ‘other,’ who do not legitimately belong and must therefore either accept second class citizenship or be displaced from their homeland.”

Also read: Muslim minds, not bodies, are targets of Hindutva vigilantes. Their crimes resemble terrorism

What the critics say
The to-be-held conference has come under heavy criticism in India and the US, with a section of academicians and writers saying “the label of ‘Hindutva’ is being used as a smokescreen for overt Hinduphobia”.

US-based advocacy group Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA) has urged universities named by the organisers to dissociate themselves from the conference and ask the organisers to remove their logo.

“This conference falsely paints Hindus as purveyors of extremism, actively denies the genocide of Hindu people, and most troublingly, labels those who disagree as ‘Hindutva’, which the conference organisers define as Hindu extremism,” the group said in its undated letter to universities.

The conference speakers have “either a history of supporting Naxalite/Maoist violence or of disparaging Hindu deities, festivals and practices”, the letter added.

Last week, former Infosys director T.V. Mohandas Pai shared the CoHNA letter on his Twitter account, tagging others, including academic Makarand Paranjape and Oxford University student Rashmi Sawant.

Following its appeal, CoHNA has also claimed that universities are now disassociating themselves from the conference. In a tweet on 28 August, the group claimed that New Jersey-based Rutgers University has disassociated itself from the event.

Another body called the Hindu American Foundation also wrote a letter to all the universities that were listed as supporting the event.

“While academics at your institution may choose to personally engage in political partisan activism concerning India, we hope you would agree that your institution should not,” said its letter.

A number of opinion pieces have also appeared, opposing the conference.

Author and mathematician Abhishek Banerjee wrote a piece titled, “How the ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ Conference in the US Dehumanises Hindus Everywhere”.

Paranjape also wrote an opinion piece titled “Hatred of Hindutva may lead to Hindumisia”, which argues that this conference will lead to “Hinduphobia across global academia”.

What the organisers say
Reacting to the criticism, organisers say they are being threatened. In a statement Monday, a conference spokesperson said: “If this conference is shut down, it will set a very poor precedent for allowing Hindu supremacist attacks to stifle academic freedom in the US and the world.”

The statement added that the spokesperson wished to remain anonymous for the fear of harm.

The statement said the “conference organisers and prestigious faculty presenters have received hundreds of threatening emails and even threats of rape and death”, adding that “wild conspiracy theories” have been going around on social media about the conference.

It added that the attacks on the event “are full of distortions and lies designed to make a conference critiquing a supremacist ideology into one attacking the Hindu faith”.

“The conference organisers have clearly stated on their website and elsewhere the distinction between the Hindu faith and the alarming rise of incidents of discrimination, persecution, marginalisation, physical attacks on and killing of religious minorities in India and the US in the name of Hindutva,” it said.

(Edited by Amit Upadhyaya)
Hindutva fascists in US and Canada already up in arms against any anti-Hindutva (i.e. anti-fascist narratives that affect their existence). Thanks USA and Canada for letting these H1B bigots in. If you are associated with bigoted fascist organizations, you are automatically disqualified from being a citizen in the US, in fact your citizenship can be taken away if proof is found that you belong to Hindutva orgs like HAF - which are fascist outfits.

That should be the next easy goal, proving that these HAF crackpots are fascists to US Homeland Security. We must devote all energy into dismantling Hindutva in the US and Canada. Let the sane non-fascist Hindus join our fight.
Finally hindu organization have started to challenge the narrative in Western world, started lil late but better than never. As HAF is a tax-exempt organization in US, govt of India should look into providing them financial assistance in condemning hinduphobic events at global stage.
There is still an unseen silent majority of sane Hindus, they still have the guts to stand up against Hindutva fascist bigots. Bravo!!

Hindutva fascists in US and Canada already up in arms against any anti-Hindutva (i.e. anti-fascist narratives that affect their existence). Thanks USA and Canada for letting these H1B bigots in. If you are associated with bigoted fascist organizations, you are automatically disqualified from being a citizen in the US, in fact your citizenship can be taken away if proof is found that you belong to Hindutva orgs like HAF - which are fascist outfits.

That should be the next easy goal, proving that these HAF crackpots are fascists to US Homeland Security. We must devote all energy into dismantling Hindutva in the US and Canada. Let the sane non-fascist Hindus join our fight.

Hindu fascists are just angry that what they learned in WhatsApp University is not being peddled in US universities
Let me see which closet hindutva fascist here will take a stab at this topic first.
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Let me see which closet hondutva fascist here will take a stab at this topic first.
Lynching someone for eating beef [Hindutva terror] is as heinous as ISIS terror. Pakistanis should stop propping them up intellectually as proof of your two nation theory ideology.
Hindu fascists are just angry that what they learned in WhatsApp University is not being peddled in US universities

These H1B idiots are some low class fake resume peddlers and Hindutva fanatics to boot. Not only are they not satisfied getting paid way above what they should be getting paid, now they want to make US and Canada Hindu Rashtra...

Protesting on behalf of HAF when their own visa status as H1B or equivalent is in question and they could be booted out of the country any minute.

Our first order of business as Bangladeshis and Pakistanis in the US and Canada should be to,

1. Expose HAF to the media for what it actually is, a fascist hate-spreader organization,
2. Attack its tax-exempt status which it cannot maintain, if it is proven that they are linked to fascist outfits, in North America or Overseas.
3. Report them to the FBI for affiliation and links of funding with RSS, Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena which are communal fascist outfits in India, and last but not least,
4. Expose prominent angel-funding funders of HAF (public shaming) and individual H1B contributors as fascist sympathizers by FBI and kick these MoFos out of the country. Too many Indians in Silicon Valley are suspected funders of HAF.

It is against the law in both US and Canada to be a citizen and support fascist and communal hate organizations. If you have a record like this and the DHS knows, your H1B will be cancelled and you will never get citizenship. If you're a citizen, it will be taken away from you. Good Bye USA/Canada.

2nd order of business is to expose Indian IT Outsourcing companies,

a) Explore how they are linked to HAF and other Hindutva orgs financially and how they are fostering this Hindutva agenda for Modi Govt.,
b) Ask major US companies to reduce dependence on one country (such as India) for IT labor outsourcing and,
c) Ask major IT-client US companies to enforce US equal employment laws and quotas like EEOC (make it a requirement for any contracts) for these Indian IT outsourcers (https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/discrimination) - these idiots hardly ever hire any Muslims or Christians. They have gone long enough without any scrutiny in the US/Canada. It is clear enough that they cannot self-police their own ranks - almost all Indian IT outfits including Infosys is full of fascist Hindutva sympathizers. Enough is enough. There should be a US Federal Govt. Inquiry into the EEOC practices of these companies.

If you do business in the US and Canada, you have to play by our EEOC equal employment rules.

We Bangladeshis and Pakistanis in the US and Canada are lazy and do not know how to make our demands visible and do not know how to organize, first of all. These Hindutva bigots are getting too big for their britches.

@F-6 enthusiast your thoughts please.
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The organisers have claimed that the speakers scheduled to attend the conference have been threatened with “death and rape”, adding that wild conspiracy theories are being peddled on social media.

Today, the 5th of September, is the death anniversary of the progressive Indian journalist Gauri Lankesh who was assassinated in 2017 by Hindutvadis. She was a Hindu and three other progressive Hindus were also assassinated this way ( shot ) a few years before her ( Narendra Dabholkar, Govind Pansare and MM Kalburgi ). There has been no government remembrance for her though it is heartening that a few progressives have arranged events in her name.

The death and rape threats that this conference organizers have received have to be taken seriously. We are dealing with outright criminals / terrorists here.

Hindutva fascists in US and Canada already up in arms against any anti-Hindutva (i.e. anti-fascist narratives that affect their existence). Thanks USA and Canada for letting these H1B bigots in.

USA and Canada should without reservation deport any Upper Caste fascist Hindutvadi computer engineers. The slightest suspicion should entail this action.

These Upper Caste Hindutvadis people go there carrying their 3000-year-old Caste system and discriminate against Lower Caste ( Shudra and Dalit ) fellow Hindu colleagues. And they legitimize the regressives, fascists / terrorists in India through monetary support and political support.

If you are associated with bigoted fascist organizations, you are automatically disqualified from being a citizen in the US, in fact your citizenship can be taken away if proof is found that you belong to Hindutva orgs like HAF - which are fascist outfits.

That should be the next easy goal, proving that these HAF crackpots are fascists to US Homeland Security. We must devote all energy into dismantling Hindutva in the US and Canada. Let the sane non-fascist Hindus join our fight.


1. Though the source - DNA India - as appears from the vid's voice-over speaking about "Hinduphobia" is Hindutva-sympathizer media, it does give a starting point to progressive Hindus in Canada and progressive people there generally to list down these demonstrators.

2. The voice-over adoringly lists the "educational" qualifications of those Hindutva fascist idiots demonstrating, but are they really educated in the real sense ?

3. One of the demonstrators speaks of "our tax money being used illegally to fund this conference" and how "it can be legally challenged". That's how the Hindutvadis work. If they are unable to lynch a person they will use legal loopholes to harass the person and even jail them various trumped up charges like "sedition", "instigating riot" and "anti-national statement". I mean look who's talking. :lol: That "our tax payers money" thing was used to build up an atmosphere in India where in 2016 these criminal religio-nationalists demanded that the JNU university in Delhi had apparently become "a den of anti-national Communists" so it be shutdown because the oh so precious tax payers money of "patriotic" Indians was being wasted on this university. The below thread of mine from a few days ago is another example of these criminals using the legal route to harass dissenters or even simple questioners :

Let me see which closet hindutva fascist here will take a stab at this topic first.

@INS_Vikramaditya has already done that in post# 3. :D

Lynching someone for eating beef [Hindutva terror] is as heinous as ISIS terror. Pakistanis should stop propping them up intellectually as proof of your two nation theory ideology.

The Two Nation Theory actually began in the minds of the Hindutvadis. Below is what Shashi Tharoor, a leader in the Indian National Congress Party said last year :
Speaking at the session 'Shashi on Shashi' with Micheal Dwyer on Day 2 of the Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF), Mr Tharoor claimed that the Hindutva movement started by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar categorically rejected the Constitution.

He said that for Savarkar, a Hindu was one for whom India was his fatherland and holy land. Muslims and Christians were not considered in this.

"Savarkar, Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar and Deen Dyal Upadhay rejected the constitution and in fact agreed with the Muslims that religion should determine nationhood. In the historical sense, the first advocate of the two-nation theory was actually Savarkar, who as the head of the Hindu Mahasabha called upon India to recognise Hindus and Muslims as part of two separate nations three years before the Pakistan Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution in Lahore in 1940," he said.

Mr Tharoor further said that according to them, the Constitution was full of imported ideas written in the wrong language - English.

"Another flaw they pointed out was that it assumes that the nation of India is a territory and it's (constitution) written for all the people on the territory. Nation is not a territory but its people and the people of India are only Hindus," he said.
So yes, I agree partly with you that some Pakistani members here should stop glorifying the Two Nation Theory.

Stop naturalization of Hindus lol... Let's start with Pryamvada Gopal

What has she done ?

Bet it's a cowardly bunch of commies and muzzers.

What's your objection to commies and muzzers ?

Modi/BJP/Hindutva is here to stay, UCC and a national population control law is next. :bunny:

1. As I have told you before the UCC ( Uniform Civil Code ) is seen by Hindutvadis as a sixer shot to score over Indian Muslims without realizing that in any real UCC the Hindu belief system would have to dismantle a lot of its 3000-year-old elements and have a renaissance. For example, the Hindutvadis should consult this thread of mine from 2015 and see that even such a simple thing as seeing a marriage as contractual engagement instead of something ordained for permanence by the gods, and so allowing the woman's right to divorce, came into Hindu family law as recent as 1955 and was borrowed from European law which in turn borrowed it from Islamic marriage law that is as old as 1400 years from now. BTW my thread's OP is an article written by an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law because that better secured her socio-economic future in case of divorce. Side effects of traditional Hinduism not having divorce system, and no remarriage, include one of the main reasons for indebtedness among farmers leads them to commit suicide and suicide in Hindu-dominated culture is allowed to happen and forgotten. Read this post of mine quoting the misogynist and suffocating views on women of arch Hindutvadi Yogi Adityanath currently CM of Uttar Pradesh. He will have to radically change his views if he voices support for UCC.

2. About population control in India, what is the population of Hindus and what of Muslims ? And there was even a BJP politician who had seven children but gave out a statement complaining about Muslim population growth.
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That's why isi needs to see south, those Kashmiris will never be of any benefit, not for others and not for their own selves.

Alot has to be done on the academic sphere, we have the Indus history on our side, let's use it.
What has she done ?
Nothing apart from being an outright nutjob and sounding like a Nazi. Why is anyone targeting H1Bs is beyond me, they hardly ever engage in politics, they work their arse off for low wages, and they rarely get green card, eventually they return or get PR in Canada. The ones who really engage with the Hindu politics are Americans of Indian origin and majority of them are second or third generation Hindus who are mostly affluent.

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