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Hindu temples of Pakistan ...

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Rig Vedic

Nov 9, 2010
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Pak's Hindu temples turned into picnic spots, hotels

Hindus in Pakistan are watching helplessly as ancient temples turn into ruins due to the apathy of authorities, reports Tahir Ali from Islamabad.


Despite being the second largest ethnic majority in the country, Hindus in Pakistan have been unable to acquire possession of their religious places, agricultural land and other commercial areas. Due to lack of government action, most sacred sites for Hindus are in a dilapidated condition; the rest have been converted into schools, hotels or business centres.

According to the National Commission for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Ecumenism, Pakistan is home to 3.9 million (39 lakh) Hindus. Most members of the minority community belong to impoverished agricultural families.

A report of the Evacuee Trust Property Board reveals that 135,000 acres of land belonging to Hindu farmers is under the control of ETBP, of which 125,000 acres is fertile and suitable for cultivation.

A number of sacred sites, commercial spaces and other properties are also in the possession of ETBP. Ironically, to control Hindu assets and properties, ETPB employs extensive machinery comprising mostly of Muslim workers. Local Hindus have demanded that the ETPB should give them some jobs, as it is reluctant to hand over the possession of their assets.

"The Hindus are left behind in every walk of life. They don't have possession of their sacred places and other properties. If Hindus were given the possession of their assets, their misery could be alleviated," Haroon Sayab Diyal, chairman of the Pakistan Hindu Rights Movement, told rediff.com.

Haroon Diyal says, "Handing over these properties to the original heirs would also enable the Hindu minority population to stand on its feet. Our youngsters will be able to avail the various educational opportunities. After receiving proper qualifications, they can function as citizens of Pakistan -- no one would then have to rely on special quotas for jobs."

Pakistani Hindus complain that their sacred sites are misused by illegal possessors. In Dera Ismail Khan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, a group has illegally acquired the 700-year-old Kali Bari Mandir and is now using it as a hotel.

According to local Hindus, the occupants of the temple pay only Pakistani Rs 1,600 to the government and earn thousands of rupees per day from the hotel.

Vijay Kumar, a Hindu activist, says, "Due to the hotel's activities, the temple is used in an unholy way. Though a number of sacred idols are missing from the temple, this historically important site could attract Hindu pilgrims from around the globe."

Though the Hindu community has taken up this issue a number of times with the government, no action has been taken so far. "In April 2009, after our request to the then governor of KPK Owais Ghani, an inquiry was ordered in the case of the disputed Kali Bari Mandir, but no action was taken about it," says Diyal.

The issue of Kali Bari is not an isolated example. In Islamabad, Hindus have no access to a temple situated at Saidpur model village.


The Raam Kunday Mandir in Islamabad, once considered a sacred site by Hindus, is being converted into a picnic spot.

"Authorities in the capital should hand this temple over to the Hindus of the country to represent Hinduism in the capital," says Haroon Diyal.

In Abbottabad city of KPK province, a Hindu temple called Araya Mandir is located next to the local Gurdwara. This temple, which is already in a decrepit condition, is being used as a school for children. Hindus have demanded that they should be granted the possession of the temple and the school should be relocated, as it is endangering the existence of the religious structure.


A Jama Masjid is located in the same area and according to Diyal, a renovated temple at the site would present a concrete example of interfaith harmony, with a gurudwara, a mosque and a temple co-existing peacefully.

Members of the Hindu community have also demanded the possession of another temple in Hasan Abdal, but the authorities are yet to pay heed to them.

Eminabad in Gujranwala region has several temples dating back to the 15th century, which are in shambles today. Most of them are being used as stables to provide shelter to donkeys, horses and other animals.


A famous Hanuman temple in Chakwal is being used by the workers of salt mines as their office. In spite of local Hindus demanding the possession of this temple, the authorities are allowing the mine workers to use it.

Another Kali temple in Peshawar has been taken over by some local traders, who are converting the temple into a building. Again, the authorities have been apprised of the situation but are yet to take any steps to prevent the violation of this sacred site.

In Punjab's Bakkar city, Sheeran Wali Mandir has been used by Islamic clerics as a madrasa.

According to Diyal, Hindus have no objection to the teaching of Islamic education, but the building is on the verge of collapse as no repair work has been undertaken there.

Similarly, Jogi Tala Jhelum, a sacred site for Hindus as well as Sikhs, is also in a pitiable condition. Hindus have also demanded the possession of Laho Maharaj Mandir, located in Badshahi Masjid, which is currently under the control of ETPB.

Nearly 360 sacred Hindu sites are located in Pakistan, including Hanglaj Maata Mandir in Balochistan, Sadho Beela Mandir in Sindh, Hanuman Mandir in Kotri, Kali Ma and Shiva Mandir in Punjab's Imanabad, Ganga Khogi in Saidan Shah Punjab, Kali Bari Mandir and Kala Sathi Kewal Raam in Dera Ismail Khan, Raam Takht in Swat and a Shiva Mandir in Mansehra.

But neither is the government ready to ensure the upkeep of these sites, nor is it willing to hand them back to the Hindu community.


Pak's Hindu temples turned into picnic spots, hotels - Rediff.com News
Rather unfortunate.

Isnt there a body ( ministry) perhaps the looks into affairs of minorities ?
These temples belong not only to the Hindus of Pakistan - IMHO, they belong to all Pakistanis who respect the culture of their ancestors.

Let us hope that some day the Takshashila University, named after Takhsha, the son of Bharat, brother of Ram, will be restored to its ancient glory - like Nalanda is being restored now.
A creditable effort to reconnect with the ancient local cultures - it is interesting that the name Swat comes from the Sanskrit Suvastu.

International Mother Tongue Day: ‘Teach children in their mother tongues’
By Fazal Khaliq
Published: February 23, 2011

Call for preservation and promotion of endangered languages.

SWAT: Linguists and scholars have stressed the need for preservation of endangered languages and suggested steps for their promotions, including teaching at primary level in mother tongue.

“No language can be developed and nurtured until its structure is worked out and mass literature is produced in it,” said Muhammad Pervez Shaheen, a language researcher and noted writer of Swat Valley.

He was speaking at a seminar on the occasion of International Mother Tongue Day that was observed in Swat to highlight the importance of languages. The event was organised by Svastu Art and Culture Association, in collaboration with Suchha Likwal Swat and Bacha Khan Trust Foundation.

“Today, dozens of languages spoken in this area are rapidly becoming extinct because the people connected with them are not serious about their revival. They have to structure their languages, develop literature and curriculum books to help save them from extinction,” Shaheen said, who has conducted research on 52 local languages spoken in northern Pakistan.

Assailing the successive governments policies towards this issue, he said: “It is a great tragedy that whenever we spoke in favour of mother tongues, we have been called anti-Pakistan.”

He further said that the Hindu Kush is like a mine of languages and it is unfortunate that the region’s heritage is likely to die out. “No one will come and learn our languages until we ourselves feel pride in speaking them and make efforts for their promotion and making them the language of science and technology like other developed nations,” the linguist exhorted. “Only those languages that are advanced in science and technology can survive.”

He also noted that conferences are not the solution for the development of a language; rather it will take proper research and hard work to keep them alive. “History, culture and civilization, everything declines when a language dies,” he added.

Abdul Aziz Gujjar, upholder of the Gojri language, said “Gujjar is a great nation”, which according to him produced great personalities like Choudhry Rahmat Ali, who coined the name Pakistan; but it is very sad that his grave is in London. “Major Tufail Shaheed also belonged to our nation. We are the real inhabitants of this area,” he claimed. He asked the government to help save Gojri language and culture from decline by starting programmes on TV and radio and including it in the educational syllabus.

Explaining the importance of the mother tongue, Prof Ahmad Fawad said, “The sweetest word of every language is one that means mother. The first word that anyone learns is mother, the first voice that opens the doors of one’s ears and breathes life into his heart and soul is that of a mother. Perhaps, that is the reason that has brought all of the world’s great psychologists, educators and linguists to conclude that the only method of teaching that truly bears fruit is to teach the child in his own language.”

Our world’s rich tapestry of cultural diversity is fading fast as some of our languages are dying, the expressions which were unique and related to this land are diminishing.

The observance of the day highlighted a clear message to all that we have to save our fading languages because they are the only tools by which we preserve and develop our tangible and intangible heritage.

Link: International Mother Tongue Day
This is a very big problem which my country faces and I acknowledge that. The inept government is only interested in corruption and for any fault in itself would be pointing their finger towards Afghanistan or India.

Pakistan as dreamed by our Jinnah doesn't exist anymore. Its now a country for extremist refugees who do not follow any religion, not even Islam.

As a suggestion, our government can ask their Indian counterparts to send experts who can help in restoration of our ancient culture.
If Hindus want this temple to be restored they should fund for it. Like Christians do to keep our churches looking clean and beautiful.
But yeah its sad to see ancient temples going to waste, the government is pathetic when it comes to this.
The Hindus are left behind in every walk of life. They don't have possession of their sacred places and other properties. If Hindus were given the possession of their assets, their misery could be alleviated," Haroon Sayab Diyal, chairman of the Pakistan Hindu Rights Movement, told rediff.com.

This is trajic hindus dont even own their own religious sites
If hindus want their temples then they should come forward and protest for it. They should give funds for protection. Like Christian who are very vibrant when it comes to securing their religious monuments and structures. One major reason that Churches in Pakistan are in much better position than Temples. Sitting idle and expecting govt to do all this work is useless. Govt is corrupt and inept, so hindus shouldn't expect any good from them. Even the Sikh gurdwaras are in much better condition than Hindu temples, even though they are very less in number as compared to Hindus who have a very good presence in two provinces. Their are several Hindu MNA and MPA's who should come forward and put the matter in front of National and Provincial assemblies. If you want to protect your temples, then come forward and do something practical.
If Hindus want this temple to be restored they should fund for it. Like Christians do to keep our churches looking clean and beautiful.
But yeah its sad to see ancient temples going to waste, the government is pathetic when it comes to this.

What happen to ancient Pakistan chest thumping style?

Before few days there was thread on porus to have statue. Guys were jumping up and down to prove him as Pakistani and as ancestor.

Same Porus, your ancestor and his ancestor followed protocols of dharma and created temples.

Now you don’t want to take care of heritage of your ancestor but really interested in glorifying what they did.
What happen to ancient Pakistan chest thumping style?

Before few days there was thread on porus to have statue. Guys were jumping up and down to prove him as Pakistani and as ancestor.

Same Porus, your ancestor and his ancestor followed protocols of dharma and created temples.

Now you don’t want to take care of heritage of your ancestor but really interested in glorifying what they did.

Wtf are you talking about? When am I saying I don't want to take care of my heritage? I love the temples here in Pakistan especially the tall ones, if Hindus want to preserve these temples then they should do something about it.
If Hindus want this temple to be restored they should fund for it. Like Christians do to keep our churches looking clean and beautiful.
But yeah its sad to see ancient temples going to waste, the government is pathetic when it comes to this.

If GOP were to permit there would be no dearth of funds flowing in from India to restore these temples.
If hindus want their temples then they should come forward and protest for it. They should give funds for protection. Like Christian who are very vibrant when it comes to securing their religious monuments and structures. One major reason that Churches in Pakistan are in much better position than Temples. Sitting idle and expecting govt to do all this work is useless. Govt is corrupt and inept, so hindus shouldn't expect any good from them. Even the Sikh gurdwaras are in much better condition than Hindu temples, even though they are very less in number as compared to Hindus who have a very good presence in two provinces. Their are several Hindu MNA and MPA's who should come forward and put the matter in front of National and Provincial assemblies. If you want to protect your temples, then come forward and do something practical.

Do hindus really have a voice in Pakistan???
Unless some one decide to pay the price, no one is going to cry loud in extremists and corruption driven country.
Wtf are you talking about? When am I saying I don't want to take care of my heritage? I love the temples here in Pakistan especially the tall ones, if Hindus want to preserve these temples then they should do something about it.

Hummm ….. Now tone is changing.
It’s not tuff job and don’t require that much money to take care of national heritage.
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