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Hindu Temple bars entry of flooded low-caste Hindus


Mar 24, 2010
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250,000 Sindhi Hindus forced to migrate by floods
Modest Janmashtami celebration at camps

Text and photos by Amar Guriro

KARACHI: Standing under the fancy canopy of a makeshift tent near a Gauchar, where sacred cows stand and Hindus feed them as part of religious rituals, 10-year-old Sumela and her cousin Deepa reminiscence about their village, where every year they enjoyed the celebrations of Janmashtami, an important religious festival marking the birth of Lord Krishna.

Fate has forced them to stay silent on such an important Hindu festival, which was celebrated on Wednesday, as it was not possible to celebrate the occasion with the same vigour in a relief camp. Both cousins remember how every year they enjoyed the celebrations with special foods, however, at the relief camp, they were being given boiled rice and gram.

The girls, with their families, shifted to a flood relief camp in Swami Narain Temple in Karachi set up by local Hindus, after floodwaters inundated their town completely. Both girls are close friends and residents of Mirpur Bathoro, a small town in Thatta district, which is located in the Indus delta region and being at the end, it is the worst affected district of Pakistan.

Not only Sumela and Deepa, another 250,000 Hindus of Sindh, who left their native villages and towns and shifted to relief camps after the flood, could not celebrate the religious festival of Janmashtami. The celebrations comprising special foods, prayers, visits to temples, religious rituals, recitation of bhajans and fasting, which are supposed to be an essential part of the festival, are impossible to arrange at the relief camps.

Pakistan Hindu Foundation (PHF), a representative body of Pakistani Hindus, has estimated that floods have severely affected 250,000 Hindus living near the Indus River and forced them to leave their native places.

The last national census stated that with a population of 3 million, Hindus are the biggest religious minority in the country while a majority of them are peasants, living in different districts of the Mirpurkhas division.

“Around 0.6 million Hindus live in the northern districts of Sindh while 250,000 were displaced from Kashmor, Jacobabad and Shikarpur, and have been shifted to camps,” said PHF president DM Maharaj.

Most of them preferred to stay away from relief camps and rushed to temples, but the majority of them were poor and the so-called upper caste Hindus did not allow them to enter the temples.

Jaitan Bai, a Baghari by caste, was sitting outside the Swami Narain Temple but the temple management and Pakistan Hindu Council officials have barred her family from entering the temple. She alleged that she was disallowed because of her caste.
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IF her allegations are true, that temple should be razed to the ground.:angry:

I think you should stick to solving inter-caste problems in India. We don't support razing Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Karachi.
I think you should stick to solving inter-caste problems in India. We don't support razing Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Karachi.

It is no longer a place of worship if it discriminates based on Caste, especially when people need help irrespective of their caste or religion.

BTW, what was your motive behind posting this article? Highlighting the caste barriers amongst Hindus in Pakistan?
There is a significant gap between the well off Hindu's and the poorer peasants found in interior Sindh but this attitude is not common withtin our Hindu community.

I am surprised that such a thing can occur because it is unheard of at least to me.
BTW, what was your motive behind posting this article? Highlighting the caste barriers amongst Hindus in Pakistan?

There were millions of poor Muslim peasants effected when rich Muslim landlords diverted flood water away from their own lands. This is just discrimination against poor people of any faith.
There were millions of poor Muslim peasants effected when rich Muslim landlords diverted flood water away from their own lands. This is just discrimination against poor people of any faith.

I would have to disagree with your interpretation

She alleged that she was disallowed because of her caste.

It seems to me that the article deliberately tried to highlight the caste difference factor (not the rich poor divide as you contend), so did the thread topic.
It seems to me that the article deliberately tried to highlight the caste difference factor (not the rich poor divide as you contend), so did the thread topic.

This article was written by Amar Guriro who is a well known Hindu journalist for 'Daily Times'. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill !
This article was written by Amar Guriro who is a well known Hindu journalist for 'Daily Times'. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill !

I don't care who wrote the article, and do not base my views on that.

I was going only by the information that was presented on this forum by the thread starter :P

PS: I quit smoking more than an year ago...... :yahoo:
Media do try to make a molehill out of nothing, so I will take it with Pinch of salt.
There is a significant gap between the well off Hindu's and the poorer peasants found in interior Sindh but this attitude is not common withtin our Hindu community.

I am surprised that such a thing can occur because it is unheard of at least to me.

No this is not true...

Once i worked for few weeks in a welknown industry in Karachi and my customer representative engineer was Hindu and so was his poor slave like servant!!
I never discussed cast system their but looking at this teaman cum servant cum car cleaner etc. etc. i can tell you, i have never ever came across such a poor creature and treatment by officer towards his serving staff.
Well Cast is supposedly big deal among Hindus.Hopefully they will get some sense.Government should come hard on Hindu Bar Officials who barred these kids from entering Temple just because they belonged a lower cast.Thankfully cast system does not exist in Islam.
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