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Hindu scripture order prompts row

Its a welcome move but only for those who are interested and should not be made compulsory.

But as usual the English media is blowing this out of proportions as communal and will destroy the secular fabric of the nation.

For god sakes!! Gita is celebrated all over the world as one of the best books ever compiled on human philosophy and innate spiritualism.
moral stories from panchatantra should be taught to kids, its better way to infuse good moral and ethics, the stories are interesting and teach a lot about life the way one should lead.
If at all we could realize that Bhagvad Gita is the only savior of mankind.

However, it cannot be taught to school children, not because of its affiliation with Hinduism, which is not what most people think it is in the naive terms, but because it is essentially too complex for children who have not yet seen life to a certain extent.
India is a secular state but not all states in India are secular.

Such as ? You seem to have fallen for the classic desi-version of secularism.

What's wrong with people in Karnataka? Looks like it is moving backwards from a progressive, liberal state to a right wing, conservative state. Shameful.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, shameful or illiberal in teaching Gita to kids who volunteer for the classes.

If they or their parents don't have a problem, what problem you folks have ?

What is wrong in teaching Kids, interested kids, one of the greatest,most celebrated treatises on human philosophy and spiritualism ?

What is your definition of "liberalism"...going to pubs and hanging out ?
Sick Kongress and their media (NDTV)... I studied Moral studies since class Nursery to 10th, "naitik siksha" "Book of Moral stories" That book use to contain several verse from Hindu/Muslim/Cristian/Sikhs spritual book, No one Objected then.... Our Sanskrit book had several such versus, no one make a news...

Now coz BJP has started teaching Geeta, they are crying???? Its all believed that Geeta is not Koran of Hindus.. Its just a book of knowledge... Ramayan and Mahabharat are like Eliad and oddysy. When ppl can read elliad and oddysy, why not Ramayan??? Geeta is a book which teach us some moral, some practical aspect of life, It doesn't talk to pray a god....

Being Anti Hindu is latest fashion in India... Barkha dutt and company are pioneer of this fashion...


Does this rule also covers Monkey research - if monkeys are being trained for space flight in schools
God every time I see a monkey it amazes me how human like they are but they don't have to go to schools

For me I have an interest , in ancient text but I think kids don't necessarily have a clue what its about

On my side , its interesting to examine the science, some of the technology that was in use , and mind set of men in previous eras long long time ago ... and lost technologies

Other then that I see no purpose for such measures half of politicians are all imoral

I have learned something new Veda and Gita is seperate creature ...

But as stated ancient texts offer a glimpse into past of humanity

> Flying chariots
> Vehicles spewing smoke and thunder
> People hurling weapons which yielded light thousand times brighter then sun
> People covering great distance , transportation/teleportations
> Description of mechanical structures

Some fascinating prospects

> The notion that humanity "resets" itself after it reaches its peak and starts from zero after certain number of

Fascinating ideas imagine if tomorrow there was a meteor strike , 95% of population perishes
the remaining .5 billion people , would write in the books

a> We used to fly in air
b> We used to be able to cure many diseases
c> There were great man that flew to moon
d> We used to have something called paper
e> Computer and TV were like ball of energy and you could see images and trapped souls in them
g> There were nuclear weapons that would shine brighter then sun
h> We used to be able to run chariots with no animals

After 5,000 years , these stories would eventually change

The generation of those times would recall these past people as Great People

After 15,000 years these stories would change to ....Divine People who performed miracles

After 20,000 years these stories would read as Extraordinary legends
It is an unnecessary controversy. The constitution does not permit a religious book to be included in syllabus. This is another gimmick of Sanghis to create polarization in society.

The Gita is the religious book for us as the Koran is for Muslimas and The Bibel for Christian.

And i don't want to teach my children the Gita. I can do that in home or else those who want to be tought they can send their wards to schools designated for the Sanskrit learning.
Religion should be out of education , Education is meant to give knowledge and i think if anyone want to read Gita , koran or anything related to religion should do it on there own . some of Indian people are here telling tht this is not religious book , thn also its not appropriate to teach children . what good it will do ? Nothing , it just politics and nothing else .
Government should concentrate on making education system better ....and if they cant do it , thn at least don't make it worse .
So an education minister from hardline Hindu party is violating education act
Teaching Gita in schools.....BJP up to its shenanigans again

It’s no longer surprising. The BJP simply cannot stay away from its core Hindu agenda. There are reports now that the BJP plans to introduce compulsory education of the Bhagwad Gita in schools in Karanataka. The BJP education minister there apparently stated that “No Indian who has values can oppose the Bhagavad Gita. Only those who love to adopt western culture can oppose the Gita. Such persons may well quit the country". Now there is no denying the merit of the Gita being a prominent Hindu scripture, but this plan casts the BJP in a very orthodox and conservative mould. It shows that the BJP never moved ahead from its two-decade old agenda.

The subject raises some pertinent questions:

1) Why is the party choosing to muddle in matters of faith when it has the opportunity of a lifetime to grab the corruption issue with both hands? Is it because the party realizes that it is as corrupt as the Congress or any other party? (Refer the Economic Times – Synovate study – published in the paper on April 17th this year – out of the 13 “most corrupt” states, BJP figured in five, Congress in four and the rest were single-state parties. Another way to look at this is that the Congress was named in four out of its 12 ruled states (33%), the BJP in five out of its 7 (71%), and the rest were ruled in the single state that they ruled in (100%)). Is it because it has already lost the anti-corruption plank to the so called apolitical civil society?

2) Since the party continues to deny its “saffronisation of education” charge all the time, why is it that such initiatives take place only in BJP ruled states? Prior to Karnataka, it was in MP that the BJP tried to teach Gita lessons in state schools. It had also tried to make the recital of “Vande Mataram” and performance of the “Surya Namaskar” compulsory....but was held back by the courts. And as we all know, even prior to this, the NDA government at the center – under the overtly saffron leader Murli Manohar Joshi – had tried to make Sanskrit language and the recital of “Sarasvati Vandana” compulsory in schools nationally. Is it mere co-incidence that such initiative originate during BJP rule and in BJP ruled states?

3) Why doesn’t the BJP publicly and unashamedly state that it is a pro-Hindu party? Is it worried that it will never be able to form a government at the center with a strident pro-Hindu attitude? Is it worries of not being able to attract coalition partners that makes it mute its saffron agenda rather than adopt it out with full conviction? Is the party so power-hungry that it is willing to sacrifice it core agenda only so that it can have a good chance of coming to power?

4) Why does the BJP mix politics into every discussion? Why does a discussion on terrorism invariably ending up discounting saffron terrorism as even a possibility? Why is the color of terrorism always green for the BJP if it were not for its politics?

In my mind, not only is the BJP harming the country, it is also harming its own prospects of ruling in the future. The party should have realized by now the limits of exploiting religion. In spite of the crescendo of support around the Ram Janmabhoomi issue, the party failed to scale the majority mark even once on its own. Even in 1999 when it came to power, it had to almost jettison its core issue in the effort to form a coalition. Even today, no political party – except the known saffron ones – want to tie up happily with the BJP. It’s only their anti-Congress stance that makes them do so. Even when they do tie up, almost all parties distance themselves from the BJP’s Hindutva positon. Take Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal (United) in Bihar for example. It doesn’t want to go anywhere near the BJP during election time! Why, it even refused to allow the BJP’s poster boy Narendra Modi into the state during election time.....

My own view is that religion is an extremely private subject. It should be left there. There is nothing wrong in teaching the Gita or any other Hindu scriptures but what is wrong that this be done in schools. I also don’t find merit in the proposal that all religions should be taught in school – I am sorry but in my world view, schools are for learning modern subjects and a new way of life, not religion. That job is entirely of the parents to do. Even society should not dabble in religion. Unfortunately society does – and we see this in the way people like to be seen in religious places for more reasons than just seeking solace or blessings. Unfortunately, our society requires that we be seen prominently at religious places.....isn’t it almost a PR exercise for many our people? Isn’t this why we choose the busiest day of the week to visit religious places? This is true in all religions (Christians during Sunday Mass....Muslims during the Friday Namaaz and Hindus on select dates of the week like Thursday is for Sai Baba and so on).

The real truth is that the BJP is playing with fire by pursuing its religious agenda. It knows that there is a real danger in doing so. It divides the people up rather than uniting them. It makes people doubt each other rather than trust each other. It makes us parochial and takes us back in time. Religion should be kept inside the home.....not brought out in the open. My sincere request to the party is to abandon it. And take up something else that is more relevant to a modern society.....

Teaching Gita in schools.....BJP up to its shenanigans again : Politics : Prashant Panday : TOI Blogs
Teaching Gita in schools.....BJP up to its shenanigans again

It’s no longer surprising. The BJP simply cannot stay away from its core Hindu agenda. There are reports now that the BJP plans to introduce compulsory education of the Bhagwad Gita in schools in Karanataka. The BJP education minister there apparently stated that “No Indian who has values can oppose the Bhagavad Gita. Only those who love to adopt western culture can oppose the Gita. Such persons may well quit the country". Now there is no denying the merit of the Gita being a prominent Hindu scripture, but this plan casts the BJP in a very orthodox and conservative mould. It shows that the BJP never moved ahead from its two-decade old agenda.

The subject raises some pertinent questions:

1) Why is the party choosing to muddle in matters of faith when it has the opportunity of a lifetime to grab the corruption issue with both hands? Is it because the party realizes that it is as corrupt as the Congress or any other party? (Refer the Economic Times – Synovate study – published in the paper on April 17th this year – out of the 13 “most corrupt” states, BJP figured in five, Congress in four and the rest were single-state parties. Another way to look at this is that the Congress was named in four out of its 12 ruled states (33%), the BJP in five out of its 7 (71%), and the rest were ruled in the single state that they ruled in (100%)). Is it because it has already lost the anti-corruption plank to the so called apolitical civil society?

2) Since the party continues to deny its “saffronisation of education” charge all the time, why is it that such initiatives take place only in BJP ruled states? Prior to Karnataka, it was in MP that the BJP tried to teach Gita lessons in state schools. It had also tried to make the recital of “Vande Mataram” and performance of the “Surya Namaskar” compulsory....but was held back by the courts. And as we all know, even prior to this, the NDA government at the center – under the overtly saffron leader Murli Manohar Joshi – had tried to make Sanskrit language and the recital of “Sarasvati Vandana” compulsory in schools nationally. Is it mere co-incidence that such initiative originate during BJP rule and in BJP ruled states?

3) Why doesn’t the BJP publicly and unashamedly state that it is a pro-Hindu party? Is it worried that it will never be able to form a government at the center with a strident pro-Hindu attitude? Is it worries of not being able to attract coalition partners that makes it mute its saffron agenda rather than adopt it out with full conviction? Is the party so power-hungry that it is willing to sacrifice it core agenda only so that it can have a good chance of coming to power?

4) Why does the BJP mix politics into every discussion? Why does a discussion on terrorism invariably ending up discounting saffron terrorism as even a possibility? Why is the color of terrorism always green for the BJP if it were not for its politics?

In my mind, not only is the BJP harming the country, it is also harming its own prospects of ruling in the future. The party should have realized by now the limits of exploiting religion. In spite of the crescendo of support around the Ram Janmabhoomi issue, the party failed to scale the majority mark even once on its own. Even in 1999 when it came to power, it had to almost jettison its core issue in the effort to form a coalition. Even today, no political party – except the known saffron ones – want to tie up happily with the BJP. It’s only their anti-Congress stance that makes them do so. Even when they do tie up, almost all parties distance themselves from the BJP’s Hindutva positon. Take Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal (United) in Bihar for example. It doesn’t want to go anywhere near the BJP during election time! Why, it even refused to allow the BJP’s poster boy Narendra Modi into the state during election time.....

My own view is that religion is an extremely private subject. It should be left there. There is nothing wrong in teaching the Gita or any other Hindu scriptures but what is wrong that this be done in schools. I also don’t find merit in the proposal that all religions should be taught in school – I am sorry but in my world view, schools are for learning modern subjects and a new way of life, not religion. That job is entirely of the parents to do. Even society should not dabble in religion. Unfortunately society does – and we see this in the way people like to be seen in religious places for more reasons than just seeking solace or blessings. Unfortunately, our society requires that we be seen prominently at religious places.....isn’t it almost a PR exercise for many our people? Isn’t this why we choose the busiest day of the week to visit religious places? This is true in all religions (Christians during Sunday Mass....Muslims during the Friday Namaaz and Hindus on select dates of the week like Thursday is for Sai Baba and so on).

The real truth is that the BJP is playing with fire by pursuing its religious agenda. It knows that there is a real danger in doing so. It divides the people up rather than uniting them. It makes people doubt each other rather than trust each other. It makes us parochial and takes us back in time. Religion should be kept inside the home.....not brought out in the open. My sincere request to the party is to abandon it. And take up something else that is more relevant to a modern society.....

Teaching Gita in schools.....BJP up to its shenanigans again : Politics : Prashant Panday : TOI Blogs

Some of the Pakistani folks yesterday on another thread on SECULARISM AND LAW ON BLASHMY said that this is our issue and you need not lecture us, this goes vise versa too. but we accept cirtisism, the minister was a little enthusiastic to his ideology that it. so now this is a matter with the court and any thing in court can not be commented on as its contempt of court.
So lets not play the dirty politics that some in both the country play and lets concentrate on how to co-exist
Arey yar education minster of Kranatka has given some fuel to Congress to put some fire. We need a inclusive approach which can create better understanding among all the religion... Y people always highlight that there is only one or two minority communities muslim or christian what about sikh, jain, buddhist etc...... All gov. should make the religious study as optional one... n What to say abt Congress. they will not spare a single shiiiiiiiittttttt to polarize the society by highlighting muslim minority for their vote bank.......
It is an unnecessary controversy. The constitution does not permit a religious book to be included in syllabus. This is another gimmick of Sanghis to create polarization in society.

The Gita is the religious book for us as the Koran is for Muslimas and The Bibel for Christian.

And i don't want to teach my children the Gita. I can do that in home or else those who want to be tought they can send their wards to schools designated for the Sanskrit learning.

Every evil in India comes to the doorstep of the "Sanghis"...doesn't it ?

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