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Hindu ‘Saffron’ Terror Camps Breeding Terrorists | PKKH.tv

They are by all means any doubt?
Are you one of them innocent one? :D

Reality is almost all pakistani citizens are either terrorists or terrorist sympathizer. (open or closet sympathizer)

I dont think I need to answer your kind, do I ? :disagree:

...I am just happy seeing pakistani citizens devolve into uncivilized barbarians ...:enjoy:
Reality is almost all pakistani citizens are either terrorists or terrorist sympathizer. (open or closet sympathizer)

I dont think I need to answer your kind, do I ? :disagree:

...I am just happy seeing pakistani citizens devolve into uncivilized barbarians ...:enjoy:

You can 1000 things about Pakistan but you are not ready to accept hindu terrorism which is biggest threat to India today as compare to Pakistan and China. :yes4:
You can 1000 things about Pakistan but you are not ready to accept hindu terrorism which is biggest threat to India today as compare to Pakistan and China. :yes4:

why should we accept things which we have never seen or barely seen? Sorry we are not in denial if have more questions then come india and find it ...

World is much more than PDF and pakistani denial.
You can 1000 things about Pakistan but you are not ready to accept hindu terrorism which is biggest threat to India today as compare to Pakistan and China. :yes4:

there is nothing called hindu terrorism but yes there is saffron terror .

hindu maiosts are terrorists but they are not hindu terrorists because they don't kill to support or on the basis of a hinduistic holy teaching .

Same for tamils .

While some other groups do terrorism to spread ideology or their interpretation of some religionxyz teaching so they are called religionxyz terrorists .

KKK cannot be called as christian terrorism or it can be ?:woot:
Isolated case. :lol:

You all taking revenge on term Islamic terrorism. Its just political stunt for election.

We are in denial ? We arrested these suspects and case going on. How many terrorists you guys have freed. Afghan Taliban just released. :rofl:

come on KRAIT not since u became a JTT please do justice to ur quotes.

We have evidence of RSS's involvement in blasts: Union Home Secretary
The Hindu : News / National :

statement on 'Hindu terrorism' based on facts
Shinde's comments based on facts: Khurshid

we are waging a war with Taliban remember?
....and I guess there is a conspiracy to prevent such information from being known to the public? Maybe you are one of those privileged guys who have access to such secret files........ we poor chaps have no such luck....

If you review my previous posts....you'll see 'privileged information' posted. It's all in the news and some on youtube and in some papers. Whichever institution that the Siv Sena - RSS can't spend the money on or scare people to be killed in retaliation......is available online and elsewhere. If you'd like for me to repost that stuff.....let me know. I'll be glad to!
By the way hundreds of Christians, Muslims killed, murders, rapes happen in every country. More Hindus are killed in India. Just in last few days, many gang rapes and murders of Hindu girls have occurred.

You guys are just presenting it with your own agenda. Kindly come with proofs. I can give isolated cases of religion based terrorist attacks by few terrorists against Muslims.

Same is true for any other nation. Deaths happen in the US, the UK, China, Israel and Pakistan too....on daily basis. That's not the point. That's just routine life. Let's not keep changing the focus here. My focus is some of you to agree to the Hindu terrorism problem instead of just ignoring it and turning your head in the other direction. BUT, yet calling Pakistanis, Egyptians, Sri Lankans, etc, etc and everyone else terrorists for whatever activities they've done. There is no such thing as a 'Good Terrorist' or 'Joe my cousin the terrorist' so therefore, I'll turn a blind eye to his activities due to my relationship. A terrorist is a terrorist. No matter what color, race, religion or relationship they may have with anyone. So, please, instead of going in circles, trying your best to show that India is holier than though in every part of life, try to admit a serious issue like terrorism. The RSS, Siv Sena fundamental elements are killing minorities. And whoever from those minorities, across the border, etc kills Hindus...is ALSO a terrorist. So, let's see how many of the India community members here condemn the terrorism that people in RSS , BJP, Shiv Sena have done. I'd like to see somewhat of a same respect and passion in denouncing terrorism done by Hindus compared to what you guys show for terrorists that are non Hindus and from across the border.
Same is true for any other nation. Deaths happen in the US, the UK, China, Israel and Pakistan too....on daily basis. That's not the point. That's just routine life. Let's not keep changing the focus here. My focus is some of you to agree to the Hindu terrorism problem instead of just ignoring it and turning your head in the other direction. BUT, yet calling Pakistanis, Egyptians, Sri Lankans, etc, etc and everyone else terrorists for whatever activities they've done. There is no such thing as a 'Good Terrorist' or 'Joe my cousin the terrorist' so therefore, I'll turn a blind eye to his activities due to my relationship. A terrorist is a terrorist. No matter what color, race, religion or relationship they may have with anyone. So, please, instead of going in circles, trying your best to show that India is holier than though in every part of life, try to admit a serious issue like terrorism. The RSS, Siv Sena fundamental elements are killing minorities. And whoever from those minorities, across the border, etc kills Hindus...is ALSO a terrorist. So, let's see how many of the India community members here condemn the terrorism that people in RSS , BJP, Shiv Sena have done. I'd like to see somewhat of a same respect and passion in denouncing terrorism done by Hindus compared to what you guys show for terrorists that are non Hindus and from across the border.

when did shiv sena or rss kill minorities, when were they implicated by the judiciary??
Just look at this and tell me if it comes within ANYONE's definition of a terror outfit. Maybe fashion terrorism...

This is an RSS camp.

when did shiv sena or rss kill minorities, when were they implicated by the judiciary??

Judiciary....yeah. One judge tried to open the case. Bal Thakray told him him and his family will be dead. Plus the judge knew the Pandit and everyone involved in the case was a Brahaman.....so WHAT JUDICIARY man??? Even the journalists don't cover RSS, Shiv Sena or BJP's mad activities. Either because of their religious affiliation or because of the fear of losing their and their family's lives!!! But there is plenty of stuff available on the internet with deadbody pictures, burnt homes, killed people and testimonies if you'd like to search for it. OR if you'd like for me to post it???
It's crazy sad. You guys are acting like this is all NEWS to you and there've never been killings by Hindu terrorists, killing Christians, Muslims and whoever disagrees with them!!!
come on KRAIT not since u became a JTT please do justice to ur quotes.
We have evidence of RSS's involvement in blasts: Union Home Secretary
The Hindu : News / National :statement on 'Hindu terrorism' based on facts
Shinde's comments based on facts: Khurshidwe are waging a war with Taliban remember?
Taliban and RSS comparison ? Dude, as a Jr. TT I can tell you many actual facts.

The evidence is that 10 culprits were found to be connected to RSS at one time or the other. That includes ex RSS members like me. Kindly see the Home Secretary statement released today. Congress is bashed all over India, why Hindu and Saffron being used with terrorism where there is no Hndu ideology associated with these isolated cases.

You just saw two links. Let me tell you real picture.

Congress has been bashed for many years in this term, for Billions of Dollars worth of corruption, Black Money, Rape incidents, LOC incident etc. etc.

The Home Minister made this remark after All India Congress Committee Meeting in Jaipur, my city, as they meeting was just for ELECTION 2014.

Same congress sent Income Tax team to investigate BJP president today with media to tarnish image of BJP. IT raids are secretive, leave media, you are not even allowed to talk to your family members while they check the home.

Entire Media is asking why don't Home Minister present proof or why he never acted against these parties if they have proof.

Foreign Minsiter just said today that Hindu word and Saffron word associated with Terrorism was casual words, he said Terrorism has no religion.

Entire Congress that played this vote bank politics to get minorities vote, is on back foot.

Problem is you guys don't want to think rationally, but somehow happy that Hinduism is connected to terrorism like Islam got connected.

Both are wrong, but people don't get it.

I agree there are extremists in all religions. Christian, Muslims, Jews and Hindus, all have extremist element. But have you ever heard of Hindu terrorism before ? 3 to 4 cases. Not major. Rest cases are riots where both communities got killed. Other are State oppression based extremism like Maoists, most of them are Hindus but they attack because State oppressed them for decades, not because of religion.

See, the reason behind the crime is the issue here. Recently a former Congress Politicians who is a Muslim too, is convicted of 1993 Bomb blasts in Surat.

Kindly read it without bias. I accept there are too many bad people in India but the situation is not that worse in name of Religion based terrorism. Not that much even in Muslims too.
Judiciary....yeah. One judge tried to open the case. Bal Thakray told him him and his family will be dead. Plus the judge knew the Pandit and everyone involved in the case was a Brahaman.....so WHAT JUDICIARY man??? Even the journalists don't cover RSS, Shiv Sena or BJP's mad activities. Either because of their religious affiliation or because of the fear of losing their and their family's lives!!! But there is plenty of stuff available on the internet with deadbody pictures, burnt homes, killed people and testimonies if you'd like to search for it. OR if you'd like for me to post it???
It's crazy sad. You guys are acting like this is all NEWS to you and there've never been killings by Hindu terrorists, killing Christians, Muslims and whoever disagrees with them!!!

Ahmedabad: Ten years after a mob killed 95 people in Naroda Patiya, on the outskirts of Ahmedabad during the 2002 riots, a special court today convicted 32 people, including former BJP minister Mayaben Kodnani and Bajrang Dal leader Babu Bajrangi, for the carnage. The special court in Ahmedabad also acquitted 29 people. The quantum of sentence will be announced on Friday.

Ms Kodnani and Mr Bajrangi have been held guilty of murder under Section 302, and of criminal conspiracy under Section 120B of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The maximum sentence under these sections is the death penalty. This is the first time that a former minister has been convicted in a Gujarat riots case.

"It's a great verdict, we would have liked many more convicted but let's hope that truth and justice will finally prevail," said one of the victims.

The bravehearts of Naroda Patiya
Public prosecutor Akhil Desai said the charge of criminal conspiracy has been proved and no leniency should be shown to the guilty. Mr Desai told reporters that the guilty were charged for rioting, murder, arson and attack on a religious structure, adding that he would argue for "imprisonment for life" for the guilty.

Welcoming the verdict, Law Minister Salman Khurshid today said the judgement enhances faith of the people in the legal system. "Every time this kind of inhuman act is made accountable, people who are responsible should feel a sense of reprimand. Those who wait for justice want to hear that the scales of justice have finally shown that rule of law prevails in the country," Mr Khurshid told reporters in New Delhi.

"It has been proved now that BJP's minister and officials were involved in the Gujarat riots. Everything that happened was at the behest of Narendra Modi," said Congress leader Digvijaya Singh.

The conviction of Ms Kodnani, believed to be close to Chief Minister Narendra Modi, has left the state's BJP government on the defensive, just months ahead of assembly elections. "An MLA is not a state government functionary as you are trying to say. Maya was not a minister when this incident took place. We don't have the judgement before us, so won't be able to say anything. She is a party functionary. The moment she was summoned for interrogations, she ceased to be a minister. And at the time it took place, she was not a minister," said Gujarat Health Minister Jaynarayan Vyas.

A practising doctor, Ms Kodnani was the Minister for Women and Child Development in the Narendra Modi-government between 2007 and 2009 when she was arrested by the Supreme Court appointed Special Investigation Team (SIT).

On February 28, 2002, a day after the Godhra train burning incident, a rioting mob had attacked Naroda Patiya with guns, bombs and machettes, killing 95 Muslims. The incident took place during a bandh call given by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).

The case was first investigated by the Gujarat Police, but in 2009, the Supreme Court appointed a SIT to probe ten cases, including the Naroda Patiya incident. The SIT registered cases against many of the accused, including the then Minister of Women and Child Development Mayaben Kodnani. Witnesses in Naroda Patiya have made statements alleging that Ms Kodnani had incited mobs. Babu Bajrangi, the Bajrang Dal leader, was accused of leading the mob that attacked the Naroda Patiya victims.

As many as 327 witnesses were examined by the court. Of the 64 people accused in the case, three died during trial. The remaining 61 accused were tried for murder, arson and rioting. Most of them were out on bail.

Naroda Patiya riots case: Former BJP minister Maya Kodnani among 32 convicted | NDTV.com

When was the last time a minority killed in Pakistan got sentenced to death ?
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