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Hindu Origins of the Two Nation Theory


Sep 7, 2008
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Last December when the Mumbai Militancy had unleashed the Bharti media into a tizzy fit. Even sane journalists were throwing out everything Pakistani, even the kitchen sink. It was then that the Two Nation Theory and the origns of Pakistan was challenged. Rupee News would is reproducing the Hindu Origins of the Two Nation Theory from Pakistan Historian


Contrary to the common belief that Jinnah originated the two-nation theory, actually it was Savarkar who propounded the theory years before the Muslim League embraced the idea. Savarkar had commanded all the Muslims to leave ‘Bharat’ to pave the way for the establishment of Hindu Rashtra. When Jinnah introduced his two-nation theory, Savarkar announced, “I have no quarrel with Mr. Jinnah’s two-nation theory… It is a historical fact that Hindus and Muslims are two nations.”

“His (Savarkar’s) doctrine was Hindutva, the doctrine of Hindu racial supremacy, and his dream was of rebuilding a great Hindu empire from the sources of the Indus to those of the Brahmaputra. He hated Muslims. There was no place for them in the Hindu society he envisioned.” (Freedom at Midnight, by Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins).

So the hate campaign against Muslims was well in place even before the partition of erstwhile British India. This and many other significant factors forced Jinnah to demand a separate nation for Muslims as he believed that Muslims would not be safe in India — a prophetic declaration indeed! There is no denying the fact that Jinnah was secular to the marrow and would never have wished to cut ties with India, but circumstances compelled him to do so. However, he had not harbored grudges against India or its leaders. He had kept his house on Malabar Hill, thinking he could weekend there, while running his country from Karachi on weekdays, but destiny had something else in store for the estranged neighbors of the Asia Partition.

When Nathuram Godse pumped three bullets into Gandhi, a section of the Hindu community compared him with Judas. The writing was on the wall. The divide was evident. In some areas people mourned the death of Gandhi, and in other areas they distributed sweets, held celebrations, and demanded the release of Godse. Gandhi’s crime was that he had demanded security for Muslims.

The seeds of partition were actually sown by the stalwarts of Hindu Mahasabha, primarily the quartet of Savarkar, Gawarikar, Apte, and Nathuram Godse. Independent India’s history is testimony to the fact that in a conflict between the forces of secular nationalism and religious communalism, the latter has always ruled the roost. Secular forces have more often than not ended up playing into the hands of communal forces. Such has been the history of independent India, and it is again on display in Jammu. Syed Alvi Teheran Times
Rupee News has written several articles on the Two Nation Theory, its origins and its development. Dr. Naveed Tajammal reminds us about the RSS.

The prelude is primarily covering the background of the historical records now forgotten by our new generations. It also gives a brief background and a rebuttal to the fake map of a balkanized Pakistan floating on the net for the last over a year or so. The other objective is to revive the memory of the butchered Muslims whom we have forgotten in the present act of appeasement perpetuated to please the Indians and the powers to be.

The Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh,( RSSS ), was the brain child of a Dr. Keshar Rao Bali Ram Hedgewar, a doctor of Nagpur in 1925.

The ideology, was based on a belief that the whole of British Indian sub-continent,was a land of the Hindu’s,who had lived in it for the last thousands of years,and that Muslims where but a recent intruder.

This doctrine was further developed by a Madho Rao Golwalkar, who had been a lecturer of science.and had succeeded the doctor, in the leadership, in 1940.

Golwalkar propagated that it was wrong to state that the Hindu’s had migrated to the Subcontinent only 3000 years back. According to his calculations the Hindu had been here over the last 10,000.years and to substantiate the old theory of a movement from a cold zone he stated that ”The cradle of Hindu civilization, was Bihar and Orissa,and that this was the old Arctic region of the past.or the old north pole ?

Apparently, geography, had never been a subject of this man. Nor had he read anything on the movement of continental Masses.or the plates. Anyway the man was an excellent organizer,as the structure of the organization shows, each unit was composed of 50 men,under a cell leader, a branch leader controlled, a number of cells, varying in each area. a provincial controller over each.

The area of the provincial commander was based on old mythical Hindu administrative, provincial boundaries.

Sikhs too, where allowed in this setup,as they said Sikhism was an offshoot of Hinduism, the supreme commander was no other but, Golwalkar, himself.

In the British Punjab,the organization was under,”Dharam Vir”, the editor, of the newspaper, ”Hindu”.

In all the major Muslim majority, Tehsils,’’stabbing squads” had been made,Lahore alone had a 50 member squad.who had a directive to stab only solitary Muslims.

Outwardly, the RSS, claimed it was a non-violent body,and A R.B.Badri, had also issued a public,disclaimer in the ‘tribune” newspaper on 14 June 1947.the crux being that it was a peace loving set up, with no violent aims or objectives at all.

However, the British c.i.d and special branch reports and the F.I.R’s,the bomb blasts which killed and injured hundreds told a different story,as well the recoveries from the safe house’s, of RSS,which were time bombs,acids,explosives and rifles.

The congress pro government in the frontier too, was a major supplier of the weapons.to the RSS.

The general target area’s, of the RSS, used to be,fruit markets, cinema halls,running omnibuses,and the best, the Muslim congregations in the mosques.

A report of an attempt to bomb the Badshahi, Mosque on a Eid morning by chartering a plane also exists in the files of the C.I.D.naturally by the RSS.

The futuristic map of the proposed Pakistan had also been worked out to the limits.

Baluchistan and NWFP, where to be Indian satellites linked with India through the northern areas,with Kashmir.

Pakistan, according to RSS, was to be Hazara division or the CIS-Indus of NWFP,Sind Bahawalpur, and upwards through a narrow belt,Karachi, was, to be, Zahir shah’s,personal fief.

The Rechana Doaba,and the Bari Doaba,was to be excluded from Pakistan,as this was a very fertile canal irrigation area.

The 1941 census was the bench mark on which the demographic working had been done by the RSS.

The districts, of Lahore, Shiekupura, Lyallpur, Montgomery & parts of Multan, had to be engineered to fall in with India,and further more,if the above could be achieved,then the

contiguous area’s,of Gujranwala,Sialkot and part of Jhang are left out.

However not to be out witted from this prize too,it was decided to work out a new strategy so that,because of the contiguous boundaries, and the geographical features,they too could fall if a proper planning was done.

Here came the demographic, placement of a majority of Muslim population.which was a major hurdle in the plan, to circumvent this a new idea was proposed.

Shahdara, Shiekupura,Jaranwala, Lyallpur and Nankana, had a total excess Muslim population of 63,539, that is over 50 %.thus according to the RSS,if this figure could be replaced, by the same of Non-Muslims,the objective could be achieved.

Chunian, Okara, Pakpattan, in the Bari Doaba,had an excess of 148,369 Muslims.

The RSS, worked on the principle of encirclement,as they stated, that these area’s, of the Bari Doaba, adjoined proposed India and the Bikaner state.and so tighten the grip around Lahore, Kasur,Dipalpur,Tehsils,which linked Gujaranwala and Sialkot districts.and had the main canal networks.which was the root of the prosperity of the Doaba.

The third. encirclement was to squeeze out, the excess,Muslims from Narowal, Pasrur and Gujaranwala.who were 106,711. The fourth stage covered Khanewal, Kabirwala and Shorekot Tehsils.which again had a excess, of 168,343.Muslims.

The outflanks of the remaining portion of Rechana Doaba,Sumandari, Toba Tek Singh and Montgomery.drove a wedge in the Multan district.Tehsils.which left out Shujabad,lodhran mailsi,and the multan tehsil itself.

Mailsi,toba tek singh, and sumandari the most productive, and fertile had an excess muslim number of 212,885.

In other words,in the first stage, an excess Muslim number of 318,619 had to be handled.

(63,539+148,369+106,711 ).

in the second ,168,343 +212,885 = 381,228.

in the last , the excess Muslim number in, Lahore, Dipalpur, Kasur, Montgomery and daska,came to,347,681.

The answer, to all this was a massive transportation of muslims from these area’s, and an influx of non-muslim from the east.

It was proposed that;

The post war re settlement of the, to be, demobilised british indian army was to take place, the british punjab alone had provide 800,000. men.for the 2nd world war .here it was proposed that,the muslim soldiers of area’s which where to be part of india to remain in india,while the muslim soldiers of lands between chianab and beas to be settled west of chinab. or in the bahawalpur area.whereas, all non muslim soldiers be settled in the area between chinab and beas.it was, further suggested that, the state had some 150,000 acres of land in betwwen chinab and beas,under the ”baqaya” category,here a new scheme of 5 acre sink well , farm units(30,000) , be established, this way 120,000 non muslims could be adjusted. the colonization of thal and haveli area was on the table.as well establishment of new industerial area’s, to use the local raw materials.

-In the colonization of thal only, the proposed area was 2,053,096 acres.which included.an area of 380,686 acres,which were the crown lands.

however, the canal irrigated came to be only,831.000 acres,the mathematical working of rsss, was that a unit of 8 acre be made,for a family of 4 persons.in this way 415,500 persons could be fixed up. but when the full 1.2 million acres came under the canal irrigation as was expected.in the thal,the extra 369,000 acres could accomodate a further,184,500 more.a total of 600,000.

Hence it was suggested,that in the first three stage area’s, the major landowners where,

non muslims,all muslim tentants be turned out, in lieu of which on each square of land 10 non muslims be allowed to immigrate from east of sutlej regions,the land held by these land lords numbered 31,860 squares, or 796,500 acres. Hence 318,600 non muslims could be adjusted.from the various hindu and sikh states, east punjab or the united provinces. Besides this, a land grant of 78,000 acres only in the haveli project had been ear marked for the returning army men,it was requested by rsss,to the british to allow only hindu’ soldiers this grant.as in the same grant in a different catagory, 51,200 non muslims had just been granted lands in this scheme. It had been also suggested, to the british that,all muslim tentants,in nilli bar,haveli and bari doab canal colonies,be uprooted, and sent packing to,bahawalpur state in the vaccum, 150,000 non muslims could be adjusted.

As the majority of industrialist where non Muslim they too had been requested to immediately, set up colonies of 15,000 labour/workers in the new industerial zones and bring in non muslim labour,it was estimated that 100,000 men could easily come.

This was the solution to over come the one million strong Muslim majority factor in these area’s. It was hoped that only in one year all these changes could be done provided, the state cooperated with the RSSS. The point to note is, even after the ban on RSSS, the members of RSSS thrived in india. Atal Bihari Vajpayee was one of them, as were other statesmen of India, which shows in their policies and the statecraft,as well the forward policy of the indian government since 4th febuary 1948–the date RSSS was officially banned in India.
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