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Hindu Nationalists in India Plan ‘Religious Cleansing’ in Madhya Pradesh Di


Dec 25, 2011
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Hindu Nationalists in India Plan ‘Religious Cleansing’ in Madhya Pradesh District

Hindu nationalists broke ground for “re-conversion” rally on River Narmada, Madhya Pradesh, last month.
Ground-breaking for ‘reconversion rally’ leads to attack on Christian house church.
NEW DELHI, May 20 (CDN) — Hindu nationalist organizations in Madhya Pradesh state have declared their intentions to rid Mandla district of all Christian influence by starting preparations for a large “reconversion” event next year.

A similar event in Dangs district, Gujarat state in 2006 was filled with Christian hate speech. As a result of anti-Christian sentiment stirred at the April 22 ground-breaking ceremony for the Madhya Pradesh “reconversion” rally to be held next February, Hindu nationalists attacked a house church in the district’s Bamhni Banjar village on May 2, Christian leaders said.

More than 100 Hindu devotees from Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra attended the ground-breaking ceremony in Mandla, reported Patrika newspaper. A source present disclosed that leaders announced a list of objectives to be achieved before the festival, with one prominent agenda item being to drive away Christian pastors, evangelists and foreign aid workers from the district.

The newspaper quoted four Hindu leaders who have spoken out against foreign Christians and renewed their oath to obtain “reconversions” from supposed Hindus who had become Christians. The leaders pledged to “cleanse Mandla of Christians” and cleanse the Narmada River by means of the kumbh.

The Maa Narmada Samajik Kumbh (Mother Narmada Social Kumbh, with kumbh literally meaning, “pot”) is scheduled for Feb. 10-12 on the Narmada, a river that flows through Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.

After anti-Christian speeches at the ground-breaking ceremony, Mandla district reported its first attack against Christians in Bamhni Banjar village on May 2, said Pastor Rakesh Dass.

“This is a repercussion of the inaugural pledges revived by the Hindu community,” Pastor Dass told Compass.

Around 40 Hindu nationalists from the Bajrang Dal surrounded the house of Pastor Bhag Chand Rujhiya, who has led a home fellowship for five years, and accused him of forceful conversion as they shouted anti-Christian slogans. Using abusive language, they pelted his house with stones as about 60 people were attending a worship service, Pastor Dass said.

“The mob was carrying deadly weapons like knives and rods,” he said.

The mob left but soon returned with police, and officers took Pastor Rujhiya and his wife into custody. Their three frightened and crying children followed them to the police vehicle, Pastor Dass said. The couple was detained for around three hours and questioned while the Hindu mob gathered in front of the station and demanded that the pastor be handed over, with some shouting that they wanted to kill him.

The 60 church members also arrived at the police station, protesting the arrest of the pastor without evidence, and the Hindu mob began to try to persuade them to return to Hinduism.

“How much have these Christians paid you?” said some of the Hindu nationalists, according to Pastor Dass, who said they added, “We will pay you double the amount for returning back to Hinduism.”

Police finally dispersed the mob and sent the pastor and his family away after forcing them to sign statements that they would no longer lead Sunday worship or pray with friends or relatives inside their house, and that they would not evangelize again in the area.

As the family returned, motorcyclists harassed them with intent to harm, said Pastor Dass.

Pastor Rujhiya, 36, and his family went into hiding. He returned to Bamhni Banjar on May 7, though he said he was still fearful as threats from Hindu nationalists continued.

“My wife and children say that we are ready to face whatever comes our way,” he said. “We will not renounce our faith.”

Pastor Rujhiya told Compass that local police have refused to provide any kind of security for him and his family. Officers have also refused to file a First Information Report, saying they do not register complaints for such “trivial matters.”

Bamhni Banjar police station constable T.L. Jagela refused to comment to Compass, though he acknowledged that the couple had been forced to sign the pledges to forego evangelism and Christian activities in their home. Asked the reasons for the forced pledges, he said only that his senior officers “would know.”

Christian leaders in Mandla submitted a memorandum to Superintendent of Police Kamal K. Sharma requesting his intervention. He promised local Christian leaders that he would look into the matter, but he told Compass, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Sharma denied any knowledge of the attack on Pastor Rujhiya’s home or of the memorandum.

The violence against Christians in Madhya Pradesh state signals a major onslaught in the offing, warned Kurishinkal Joshi, president of the Madhya Pradesh Isai Sangh, an assembly of Christians in the state.

If Christians do not come forward to protest such atrocities, “the next Kandhamal will be in our state,” Joshi told some 1,500 people at the meeting in Indore, the state’s commercial capital, on May 2.

Kumbh Damage
Organizers of the kumbh hope for some 2 million participants, though attendance at such events often falls short of projections.

Originally the kumbh was a gathering of holy men to discuss Hinduism. Since then Hindu nationalists led by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) have steered the traditional definition toward their own ends. RSS leader Mukund Rao said the “social kumbh” began in 2006 with the Shabri Kumbh in Dangs, Gujarat – described as an attempt to counter the influence of foreign Christian workers in the area. It resulted in propaganda against Christians and heightened tensions.

Besides hate speeches before, during and after the event, the kumbh also led to the beating of Christians, with many abandoning the area, and much loss of Christian property, including graveyards. Christian graves were dug up and crosses desecrated.

A Compact Disc produced by the Shabri Kumbh Samaroh Aayojan Samiti (Organizing Committee) entitled “Shri Shabri Kumbh 2006: Spirituality along with the Wave of Patriotism,” was banned by the Supreme Court of India because it incites “Hindus against the Christian community and suggests that Christians be attacked and beheaded.”

The CDs were widely circulated, distributed and openly sold in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra, as well as in northeastern states.

Icewolf, are you that desperate that you are posting propaganda pieces from May 2011...?:what:

Google "I need to have a life" yaar.

you mean jello dragon? Nah- he is just converted to be an avid christian website reader :)
India has been termed the most unsafe nation for Christians...

I am a Christian. Well I was born in a Christian family (Am Atheist now). My father comes from a village that is TOTALLY christian.

Neither I nor anyone else have EVER been in danger in India. So stop being an idiot and generalizing everything. These are isolated incidents.
you mean jello dragon? Nah- he is just converted to be an avid christian website reader :)

Why do you care what source it is?

I am a Christian. Well I was born in a Christian family (Am Atheist now). My father comes from a village that is TOTALLY christian.

Neither I nor anyone else have EVER been in danger in India. So stop being an idiot and generalizing everything. These are isolated incidents.

Step out of Orissa ;)

INDIA: Unrelenting Christian Persecution
October 5, 2012

Persecution of the Church in India is unrelenting, primarily due to the Hindu nationalists’ incitement of racial and religious hatred, the impunity afforded violent persecutors and the authorities’ lack of political will. ‘Religious Freedom’ laws define ‘force’, ‘fraud’ and ‘coercion’ in ways that criminalise virtually all Christian witness. Such laws are a gift to the Hindu nationalists who incite violence, blame the victims and are appeased with impunity and restrictions on egalitarian Christianity that the high-caste Hindus recognise as a threat to their own caste privilege. The government is reluctant and even afraid to tackle Hindu propaganda. Consequently it advances, fuelling religious hostility and creating an incendiary environment. The situation is extremely dangerous. Please pray for the Church in India.

Persecution of the Church in India is unrelenting, primarily due to the Hindu nationalists’ incitement of racial and religious hatred; the impunity afforded to violent persecutors; and the authorities’ lack of political will. The following incidents were recorded by the Evangelical Fellowship of India. They are typical — and the tip of the iceberg.

On 24 September, 12 Hindu extremists disrupted a prayer meeting in Kandhamal, Orissa, verbally abusing the believers and chasing them out into the forest. When junior pastor Mantu Nayak tripped and fell, the Hindus beat him mercilessly, leaving him with head injuries and fractures in both arms. On 11 September police in Kashganj, Uttar Pradesh, accused Christians of ‘forcible conversions’. The next day, a mob of armed Hindus arrived and threatened the believers, demanding they ‘return’ to Hinduism. Reacting against news of an impending Christian inter-caste marriage, the Hindus drove the bride-to-be and her family out of the area. On 7 September Pastor John Pargy was distributing gospel tracts quietly when he was accused of insulting Hinduism. He was then assaulted and arrested. On 4 September Pastor Anand Nirala was arrested in Jangir Champa, Chhattisgarh, after Hindus accused him of ‘forced’ conversions, insulting Hindu deities and disturbing social harmony. On 1 September Hindu extremists in Balod, Chhattisgarh, stoned a church and beat the pastor and believers. The next day, a 600-strong mob returned and terrorised the believers, eventually driving them from their homes. On 26 August a large mob of Hindu extremists burst into a prayer meeting in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, and violently attacked the believers, leaving two Christians seriously injured. Accusing the believers of ‘forced conversions’, the Hindus rampaged through the village. One local Christian, Edwin Raj, was beaten to death.

On 29 August the Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) had a minor and partial victory when the High Court of Himachal Pradesh struck out one section of the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act (HPFR Act), a law that regulates conversions. The judge struck out section 4, which mandated that anyone intending to change their religion must inform the district administration 30 days before conversion takes place — essentially to obtain permission — or else face a fine. Whilst the judge ruled that section 4 violated a person’s right to privacy, he did not agree with the EFI that the HPFR Act, which criminalises religious ‘force’, ‘fraud’ and ‘inducement’, violated the constitutional right to religious freedom. ['Force', 'fraud' and 'inducement' are defined in a way that effectively criminalises virtually all Christian witness. In India, 'freedom of religion' is essentially understood as freedom from religious 'interference'.]

According to the High Court, freedom of religion must be subject to the interests of public law and order. As such, though Christians are said to have full rights, in practice conversions and Christian witness must be restricted if they lead to Hindu rioting. This is exactly the same backward thinking involved in Islamic blasphemy legislation. Confident they will be appeased, religious dictators incite violence, blame the victim and extract concessions. Though governments might find appeasement expedient in the short term, in the long term it is disastrous as it legitimises intolerance, justifies violence and fuels persecution.


- for God to grace India with awakening, so that Indians will see they are being fed lies and deprived of religious freedom by religious dictators out to perpetuate their own caste privilege. ‘. . . let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.’ (Amos 5:24 ESV)

- for God to grace the Indian government with discernment, conviction and courage to deal with Hindu nationalist propaganda before it devours the nation.

- that the Church will continue to grow in spite of repression and violent persecution, as God adds to her number daily those who are being saved.
- that the LORD of hosts will be a protective shield and strong, safe fortress to every Indian believer, particularly those pastors and evangelists who risk life and liberty to share the Gospel and serve the people in the name of Jesus.

Step out of Orissa

I AM out of Orissa.

That article is wrong. These Christian missionaries should stop trying to convert people. And bribing them. What an abominable practice, trying to use people's poverty in order to get them to convert to religion by giving them a meal. These motherfuckers are not entirely good. And this is a Christian website and all of these evangelical morons will always have this "We are innocent and being persecuted" narrative. That is the narrative in the Bible (Jesus's death) and that is the narrative they have had for the last 2000 years trying to "spread the word"

Its not like Hindu nationalists run wild killing everybody, this never happens. It happens sometimes, but People in general, HATE IT, when people are being converted by force. I would say India throw out any missionary group that attempts to convert but being tolerant, we let them do whatever it is that they do.

On 29 August the Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) had a minor and partial victory when the High Court of Himachal Pradesh struck out one section of the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act (HPFR Act), a law that regulates conversions.

That is the exact reason why there is violence. Why do they call it victory? Because they can now go on and spew BS and convert people by force.

How would you like it if Christian missionaries came to Pakistan and started converting everyone to Christianity?
some moron want to convert and some idiots want to re convert. Basically idiot vs moron. Tell me op what kind of death would be given to pastors in case of attempt to convert some1.
Jellodragon seems to be missionary on a converting spree ! Run for your life my fellow Pakistanis !
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